

Stoner Dictionary | Marijuana Marijuana: noun 1. also marihuana or mariguana, Spanish for Mary Jane; a nomenclature of the cannabis plant Example: “Marijuana is the most amazing plant on the planet.” Everyone calls the oh so famous cannabis plant marijuana. It seems to be a household name and a worldwide agreement that spans many languages. […]



Stoner Dictionary | Plumber Pistils: noun 1. the organ containing pollen receptors of the female cannabis plant that stems from the ovary  Example: “My female had long beautiful pistils.” Ah yes, we can’t forget the good ol’ plumber. The plumber is called when something needs fixing right? Well that’s what some people call the dealer […]



Pipe – Stoner Dictionary Pipe: noun 1. a smoking apparatus usually made from wood, glass, metal, stone, or corncob with a fillable chamber and a mouthpiece Example: “I got a free pipe at the dispensary for being a first time patient.” Since the beginning of smoking, there has been one smoking instrument that has stood the tides […]



Stoner Dictionary | Phillie Phillie: noun 1. a type of marijuana cigar Example: “I tried an old school phillie for the first time last night.” A philli is a common type of blunt that originally comes from the Phillies brand of cigars. It’s an American made cigar originally from Philadelphia. The actual brand name of […]



Stoner Dictionary | Percolator Percolator: noun 1. a small chamber attached to the shaft of a water pipe that produces inline smoke and water integration through heat exchange Example: “Joe just bought a bong with two percolators!” Mankind is known to be pretty crafty when coming up with creative smoking devices and the percolator is one […]



Shotgun – Stoner Dictionary Shotgun: verb 1. the act of exhaling marijuana smoke into someone else’s mouth Example: “Let me shotgun the smoke to you so it doesn’t hurt your throat.” The shotgun gives smoking together a whole new meaning. It can be done with romantic or platonic intentions and involves one person taking a […]



Stoner Dictionary | Pistils Pistils: noun 1. the organ containing pollen receptors of the female cannabis plant that stems from the ovary  Example: “My female had long beautiful pistils.” One lovely sign that you’ve got yourself a female plant are its delicate pistils. Female marijuana plants will display a centrally located swollen base which are […]



Stoner Dictionary | Session Session: noun 1. a casual gathering of people smoking marijuana Example: “I’m not going out tonight, we’re just gonna stay in and have a smoke session.” Smokey rooms so thick that it’s hard to make eye contact with the person right next to you. There are empty food wrappers of all sorts […]


Puff the Dragon

Stoner Dictionary | Puff The Dragon Puff the Dragon: verb 1. the act of smoking marijuana Example: “We definitely gotta puff the dragon before the Peter, Paul and Mary show.” One of the more playful and less literal sounding phrases to describe smoking weed is to puff the dragon. There seemed to be a bit […]



Stoner Dictionary | Nuggets Nuggets: noun 1. a slang term for the smokable flowers of the marijuana plant Example: “I just got some tasty nuggets from the Kind For Cures dispensary.” Sometimes while searching for quality bud we come across shiny little green trees some like to call nuggets. How is it shiny? Well the shine comes […]



Stoner Dictionary | Schwag Schwag: noun 1. a slang term for extremely low quality marijuana; also known as “swag,” “dirt weed” or “headache weed” Example: “I never buy schwag, I only smoke top shelf.” The one thing every MJ connoisseur hates to come in contact with is schwag, or swag. This is the lowest, most crap […]


Salad Bowl

Stoner Dictionary | Salad Bowl Salad Bowl: noun 1. a mixture of several different marijuana strains in one bowl or joint Example: “There’s four different strains in this salad bowl.” Being healthy and eating salads certainly had its advantages on your body, similarly smoking a salad bowl has great advantages on your high level. A […]



Stoner Dictionary | Mota Mota: noun 1. a Mexican slang term for marijuana Example: “Hey paisa, you got any mota?” The literal translation meaning “speck, dot or tiny bit,” the mota worthy of our stoner dictionary is a Spanish slang term for marijuana, predominantly used in Mexico and the United States. Though probably used in […]



Stoner Dictionary | Rollin’ Rollin’: verb/adjective 1. being high on marijuana 2. a term used to describe being high on marijuana Example: “Two joints and bowl later, I was rollin balls.” Rollin’ is known to be what you are when you are high on weed. Many people use this term only when referring to purely psychedelic […]

Duke University Twins Study Concludes

Duke University Twins Study Concludes | Stoner News We’ve all heard that stoner stereotype… People who smoke weed are dumber than people that don’t. Chances are if you’ve heard that and you’re reading this article, you know that that’s a myth. Smoking cannabis doesn’t make you stupid. This statement has been used as ammunition in […]

Here Are 7 Of the Dopest Places You Should Smoke

Here Are 7 Of the Dopest Places You Should Smoke | StonerDays We all love to smoke that sweet Mary Jane but location is everything so get together your finest weed and get ready for the smoking adventure of a life time with our StonerDays list of the 7 Dopest Places You Should Smoke. Enjoy! […]

The difference between a Real Smoker and a HALF ASS SMOKER

The difference between a Real Smoker and a HALF ASS SMOKER All stoners are different but there are those smokers that half ass everything so here is a short list of the difference between the two. Enjoy! REAL SMOKER: Will smoke when they wake up and during work and still kick ass for the day! HALF […]


Top 10 Stoner Munchies

Top 10 Stoner Munchies | StonerDays We know you get the muchies so here is a short list of awesome muchies to have around when you are feeling the rumble in the belly.  Munchos These tasty chips deserve the number one spot on the munchies list for the simple fact that they’re absolutely perfect! Munchos […]



Stoner Dictionary | Kush Kush: noun 1. a particular type of cannabis indica plant Origin: The Hindu Kush Mountains, Pakistan/Afghanistan Example: “I can smell that sweet kush from a mile away.” The indica dominant strain we call kush has a big family but finds its origins from landrace plants mostly in Northern Pakistan and Central […]



Stoner Dictionary | Kryptonite Kryptonite: noun 1. a specific strain of marijuana Example: “Superman wishes he could smoke this kryptonite!” A true indica at its best, this strain represents its heritage to the fullest. Often used as a sleep aid, kryptonite is wonderful for reducing physical pain. Its heritage is said to be from pure […]



Stoner Dictionary | Killer Killer: adjective 1. a term describing very potent high grade marijuana Example: “Nick smoked me out with some killer weed.” Depending on where you live the term killer when referring to weed can be a rather touchy subject. Most frequently when the subject of killer weed comes up it just means […]


13 – The Numerical Code For Marijuana

Stoner Dictionary | 13 – The Numerical Code For Marijuana 13: noun 1. The numerical code for marijuana. Origin: The Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang. They broke into Woodstock and were security for the Rolling Stones at Altamont, their infamy is worldwide. The Hell’s Angels have been a part of the counter-culture since it began. A reputation of […]



Stoner Dictionary | Kief Kief: noun 1. an accumulation of the highly concentrated trichomes found on marijuana buds Example: “I sprinkled some kief on top of the bowl.” The best kind of leftovers that you can imagine. The sugary THC crystals that comes off potent weed are called kief. It’s sometimes entangled with little orange […]


Stoner Dictionary Krippy

Stoner Dictionary Krippy Krippy: noun 1. highly potent marijuana Origin: the southern region of the United States Example: “All I wanna do is smoke that krippy all day every day.” Where you live you always try to get your hands on the dank, the fire, some chronic, but your cousins from down south smoke that. […]


How To Roll A Diamond Joint

How To Roll A Diamond Joint | Stonerdays The diamond joint, one of my personal favorites, is one of the simplest, yet most elegant techniques to roll a trick joint. Although it looks like a complicated roll, with ample practice, this joint can easily be mastered. Materials Needed: Rolling Papers Scissors Lighter Sticky strip from […]

Awesome Stoner Adventures

Awesome Stoner Adventures Wake up Stoners, it’s Wake N Bake time! Summer fun is all around, so set out on some awesome stoner adventures this week and don’t forget to bring your bomby kush. Do you wanna show the stoner world your stoner face? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the […]

Stoners Bleed Green

Stoners Bleed Green Happy Wake N Bake everyone! Stoners Bleed Green and show your stoner pride! Stretch those lazy bones and grab the bong to jump start your day. Every morning wake up to StonerDays finest hand picked, fan submitted pics daily. Do you wanna show your stoner face to the stoner world? Send us […]



Homegrown – Stoner Dictionary Homegrown: adjective 1. a term describing marijuana that is grown at home Example: “Have you tried my homegrown batch? It’s pretty dank!” Marijuana should be nurtured, protected, and loved. All of these factors have an effect on the marijuana and are said to produce the best quality, good feeling weed we […]



Stoner Dictionary | Indica Indica: noun 1. a type of marijuana plant that provides a potent body high Example: “I prefer indica strains because they help me sleep.” Characterized as shorter, bushier plants with thick, broad leaves providing a body high that can feel heavy and relaxing. They can be found naturally in the mountains […]



Stoner Dictionary | Hybrid Hybrid: noun 1. a type of marijuana that is a cross between two or more different strains either sativa, indica, or a sativa and an indica Example: “California Orange is my favorite hybrid strain.” When it comes to Mary Jane there are two main types found in the world: there is cannabis sativa, […]


Gravity Bong

Stoner Dictionary | Gravity Bong Gravity Bong: noun 1. a homemade marijuana smoking apparatus traditionally made with a 2 liter plastic bottle, a bucket of water, and aluminum foil Example: “The first time I made a gravity bong was in the 9th grade.” The blueprints of this invention should be ingrained in every stoner’s head. […]


Hash Oil

Stoner Dictionary | Hash Oil Hash Oil: noun 1. a type of marijuana concentrate Example: “I picked up a pre-roll dipped in hash oil at the dispensary today.” Short for hashish, hash oil is a form of concentrate, (concentrated THC) that is extremely potent with the active ingredients found in Mary Jane. Most smokers agree […]


Half Ounce

Stoner Dictionary | Half Ounce Half Ounce: noun 1. 14 grams of marijuana Examples:  “I got a half ounce of herb for the music festival this weekend.” There’s a nasty wicked storm brewing outside and you’ve got food to last you a week and a 1/2 ounce of your favorite bud. You won’t be going […]



Stoner Dictionary | Irie Irie: adjective 1. the state of being or becoming high on marijuana; feeling peaceful, content, and blissful 2. an acronym for “I respect I eternally” Origins: It was originally a word used in the Rastafarian culture for feeling great, being enlightened and in a higher mental state. This then became a […]


Half Pound

Stoner Dictionary | Half Pound Half Pound: noun 1. 8 ounces or 224 grams of marijuana Example: “I sold a half pound of Skywalker OG to the dispensary.” If you’re in a routine where you continuously score half pounds, then you can consider yourself on Cheech and Chong status. A half pound of weed is approximately 224 […]

Why Couples Should Smoke Together

Why Couples Should Smoke Together | Stoner Guide We live in a society that definitely doesn’t hide violence. It’s pretty sad how much you see it on the news. Especially domestic violence, which seems to be more common every day. Couples that have the occasional fight aren’t that bad. In fact, studies have shown that arguing […]


Stoner Dictionary | Giggles Giggles: noun 1. an uncontrollable urge to laugh and smile while under the influence of marijuana Example: “We smoked so much weed on our camping trip that we had the giggles all weekend.” Laughing with your friends is such a great feeling that most people enjoy wholeheartedly. Laughing with your friends […]

Mary Jane Wake N Bake Stoner Pictures

Mary Jane Wake N Bake Stoner Pictures Mary Jane Wake N Bake Stoner Pictures How was the night? Glad to have you back for your morning Wake N Bake daily stoner submissions. Thanks to all of you StonerDays can bring the world of stoners together. Keep up the smoking and creativity with stoners just like […]

Cannabis Talk On Mother’s Day

Cannabis Talk On Mother’s Day? Stoners have a tough time with the parental discussion on marijuana reform. For some, the talk is extremely easy and some parents even raise their kids and actually teach their children about marijuana in the positive, truthful way. Other stoners don’t get so lucky and wind up getting taught the […]


Stoner Dictionary | G-Pen G-Pen: noun 1. a type of personal pocket-sized concentrate vaporizer Origin: created by Grenco Science Example: “I love bringing my G-Pen to music festivals cause no one knows what it is.” Just like the telephone, electronic marijuana devices are getting smaller and fancier as the years go by. First there was […]


Stoner Dictionary | Cottonmouth Cottonmouth: noun 1. extreme dry-mouth caused by smoking marijuana Example: “Can I have a sip of your water? I have the worst cottonmouth.” Cottonmouth is one of the only negative side effects of smoking marijuana among its users. The clinical term is xerostomia and it is nicknamed cottonmouth because of the white, […]


Stoner Dictionary | Cocktail Cocktail: noun 1. a rolled cigarette containing marijuana and hash, a marijuana concentrate Example: “That cocktail got me so blitzed I passed out.” The marijuana cocktail can be a mixture of things. People use this term to describe weed that is laced with hash, tobacco, or sometimes even cocaine. Some prefer […]


Stoner Dictionary | Female  Female: noun 1. the sex of marijuana plant that produces trichome covered buds which have a high tetrahydrocannabinol content  Example: “I grew a plant from seed and thankfully it was female.“ When it comes to marijuana we are all looking for a good female. This is because only these pretty plants produce […]


Stoner Dictionary | Chronic Chronic: adjective 1. a term used to describe high grade, or top shelf, marijuana Example: “You will be given a lifetime supply of chronic marijuana to accompany you on this island.” Imagine that for some strange reason an eccentric psychopath has banished you to a remote island where you will live […]


Stoner Dictionary | Fatty  Fatty: noun 1. an extremely plump marijuana cigarette Example: “Mikey rolled a fatty and all eight of us puffed on it.” The joint is one of the more simple pleasures that stoners enjoy. A fatty is a marijuana cigarette (joint) that is obviously fatter than usual. It’s pretty simple, when you’re […]