
Stoner Dictionary Weed

Stoner Dictionary Weed Weed: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana, chronic, cannabis, pot Example: “I smoke every weed yeah, I plant that big ol’ seed man, I smoked every strain there is around.” – Walker Young Wild weed, stinky weed, dirt weed, skank weed, whatever you call it, it still means the same thing: marijuana. […]


Wacky Tobacky

Stoner Dictionary | Wacky Tobacky Wacky Tobacky: noun 1. specifically referring to naturally occurring cannabis sativa Example: “I got some wacky tobacky growin’ out back.” Thomas Jefferson once said, “that as long as America has hemp she will never experience a shortage of cordage.” Well, in 1937 the government completely banned hemp and by 1942, […]


Wake ‘n’ Bake

Stoner Dictionary | Wake ‘n’ Bake   Wake ‘n’ Bake: verb 1. to smoke pot upon awakening Example: “I always start my day with a wake ‘n’ bake.” Nothing cures those sobering slumbers better than giant gobs of green goodies. It’s the best way to “start the day off right man,” exclaims the character “Smokey,” […]



Stoner Dictionary | Vaporizer Vaporizer: noun 1. an electric apparatus that uses a heated glass or metal plate to extract the active ingredients in cannabis, as opposed to a flame, providing a purer inhalant of vapor versus smoke Origin: the Vaporbrothers produced the first vaporizers for cannabis consumers Example: “I love using vaporizers because they […]


Wake And Bake Sandwiches

Wake And Bake Sandwiches | Stoner Cookbook The wake and bake is the most important part of the stoner morning. Without a proper wake and bake, the poor pothead can’t go about their day. So in case you don’t have time to smoke and eat, it’s highly recommended that you eat. But just in case you […]

StonerDays Summer Line 2016

StonerDays Summer Line 2016 | Shop StonerDays Feeling comfortable and still looking good is something that stonerDays takes very seriously. Most smokers these days take pride when putting themselves together in the morning. So how do you keep yourself stoner-ready but still presentable at the same time? StonerDays, offers the comfort of a high quality shirt at […]

Stoner Barbies Smoke like Marley

Stoner Barbies Smoke like Marley    Good Afternoon Stoners it’s time to get your smoke on, it’s 4:20 on the dot! Pack up a bowl and take a look at these sexy Stoner Barbies Smoke Like Marley. Fun stoner fact: Stoner girls are sexy because they look like Barbie but smoke like Bob Marley! Wanna […]

Weed Daily

Weed Daily | Stoney Submissions Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great stoned day. Wanna get super high? Stoners Smoke Till Ya Choke! This always ensures a nice steady lifted kinda feeling. Showing off your stoner smiles 🙂 Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload them. We […]

Grilled Peach Cannabis Salad

Grilled Peach Cannabis Salad | Stoner Cookbook With summer fast approaching, people are beginning to get prepared for backyard barbecues and trying to look killer in a bathing suit. So while we do understand that candies and confections make great edibles, not everyone wants to mow down on brownies right before beach season. But what […]

Benefits Of Eating Cannabis

Benefits Of Eating Cannabis | Stoner Guide Even though cannabis isn’t federally recognized as a medicine, more and more people are beginning to believe in it’s positive effects. But since smoking has such a negative stigma attached to it, there are some people who would rather eat their cannabis as compared to smoking it. Cannabis […]

Flatbread Pot Pizza

Flatbread Pot Pizza | Stoner Cookbook While some of us take pizza for granted, there are some patients that have sensitive stomachs and cannot ingest this delicious meal. Thankfully, there is a gluten free option out there. Seeing as how patients suffering from Celiac disease and cancer shouldn’t ingest gluten or sugar, it is shocking […]

Stoner Love

Stoner Love | Stoney Submissions   Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great stoned day. Wanna get super high? Stoners Smoke Till Ya Choke! This always ensures a nice steady lifted kinda feeling. Showing off your stoner smiles 🙂 Send us your pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload […]

Children As Young As 11 Can Receive Oxycontin But Not Cannabis

Children As Young As 11 Can Receive Oxycontin But Not Cannabis | Stoner News In the last few years, the United State has seen a surge in opiate related deaths. More and more people are dying from this type of overdose than they are of traffic accidents in some areas. The problem with opiate drug addiction […]


Rasta Weed

Stoner Dictionary | Rasta Weed Rasta Weed: noun 1. a mixture of herbs containing no cannabis meant to simulate the effects of marijuana Example: “I can only smoke rasta weed because my work drug tests once a month.” Perhaps one of the most interesting topics to debate among marijuana smokers, rasta weed is a mixture […]



Stoner Dictionary | Smoke Smoke: noun/verb 1. the gaseous carbon byproduct of marijuana combustion 2. the act of consuming marijuana Example: 1. “I milked it until the chamber was white with smoke.” 2. “I can’t wait to smoke a bowl after work.” The magical word given to the mythical gas like structure born from the meeting […]


Stoner Dictionary Mother

Stoner Dictionary Mother Mother: noun 1. the name growers coined to explain a female marijuana plant they can put back into bloom or vegetative state whenever they choose to get one plant to continuously produce buds 2. the female marijuana plant that clones are clipped from Example: “I have a mother plant of my favorite strain […]


Stoner Dictionary Meds

Stoner Dictionary Meds Meds: noun 1. a term for medical marijuana Example: “I picked up some strong meds at the dispensary to help with my migraines.” A well known fact that marijuana has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal and healing properties. Well today it is still acknowledged and there are a handful of […]


Little John

Stoner Dictionary | Little John  Little John: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that uses two rolling papers instead of one Example: “I used my last two Zig Zags to roll this Little John.” Rolling joints is something personal to the smoker and an action that you always want to get correctly for your preferred smoking […]


Mary Jane

Stoner Dictionary | Mary Jane Mary Jane: noun 1. a popular nomenclature for the cannabis plant; English translation of the Mexican-Spanish name Maria Juana or marijuana Example: “I’m in love with Mary Jane, she’s my main thing, she makes me feel alright, she makes my heart sing.” -Rick James What came first, Mary Jane or marijuana? […]



Stoner Dictionary | Reefer Reefer: noun 1. a slang term for a joint or marijuana Example: “I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes… reefer.” – Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) Green buds of wondrous potential and good vibes, or reefer for short. Reefer is another […]



Stoner Dictionary | Strikeout Strikeout: noun 1. the act of inhaling a copious hit from a water pipe, pounding a beer, taking a shot, then exhaling the smoke afterwards Origins: The 2006 Broken Lizard comedy Beerfest  Example: “I tried the strikeout for the first time at my party last night and woke up under the banana tree […]



Stoner Dictionary | Spliff Spliff: noun 1. a cigarette containing both marijuana (flower or concentrate) and tobacco Origin: Europe Example: “All we smoked in Spain were spliffs rolled with tobacco and Moroccan hash.” Rolling a spliff is a little different than your average joint. Spliffs are known to contain tobacco in them as well as Mary Jane and are […]


Maui Waui

Stoner Dictionary | Maui Waui Maui Waui: noun 1. a particular sativa strain of marijuana created in the 1960s; also known as Maui Wowie Origin: Maui, Hawaii Example: “That Maui Waui went straight to my head.” Located in one of the dreamiest vacation getaways lies a cannabis plant unlike any other found anywhere else on the planet. […]



Stoner Dictionary | Marijuana Marijuana: noun 1. also marihuana or mariguana, Spanish for Mary Jane; a nomenclature of the cannabis plant Example: “Marijuana is the most amazing plant on the planet.” Everyone calls the oh so famous cannabis plant marijuana. It seems to be a household name and a worldwide agreement that spans many languages. […]



Stoner Dictionary | Plumber Pistils: noun 1. the organ containing pollen receptors of the female cannabis plant that stems from the ovary  Example: “My female had long beautiful pistils.” Ah yes, we can’t forget the good ol’ plumber. The plumber is called when something needs fixing right? Well that’s what some people call the dealer […]



Pipe – Stoner Dictionary Pipe: noun 1. a smoking apparatus usually made from wood, glass, metal, stone, or corncob with a fillable chamber and a mouthpiece Example: “I got a free pipe at the dispensary for being a first time patient.” Since the beginning of smoking, there has been one smoking instrument that has stood the tides […]



Stoner Dictionary | Phillie Phillie: noun 1. a type of marijuana cigar Example: “I tried an old school phillie for the first time last night.” A philli is a common type of blunt that originally comes from the Phillies brand of cigars. It’s an American made cigar originally from Philadelphia. The actual brand name of […]



Stoner Dictionary | Percolator Percolator: noun 1. a small chamber attached to the shaft of a water pipe that produces inline smoke and water integration through heat exchange Example: “Joe just bought a bong with two percolators!” Mankind is known to be pretty crafty when coming up with creative smoking devices and the percolator is one […]



Shotgun – Stoner Dictionary Shotgun: verb 1. the act of exhaling marijuana smoke into someone else’s mouth Example: “Let me shotgun the smoke to you so it doesn’t hurt your throat.” The shotgun gives smoking together a whole new meaning. It can be done with romantic or platonic intentions and involves one person taking a […]



Stoner Dictionary | Pistils Pistils: noun 1. the organ containing pollen receptors of the female cannabis plant that stems from the ovary  Example: “My female had long beautiful pistils.” One lovely sign that you’ve got yourself a female plant are its delicate pistils. Female marijuana plants will display a centrally located swollen base which are […]



Stoner Dictionary | Session Session: noun 1. a casual gathering of people smoking marijuana Example: “I’m not going out tonight, we’re just gonna stay in and have a smoke session.” Smokey rooms so thick that it’s hard to make eye contact with the person right next to you. There are empty food wrappers of all sorts […]


Puff the Dragon

Stoner Dictionary | Puff The Dragon Puff the Dragon: verb 1. the act of smoking marijuana Example: “We definitely gotta puff the dragon before the Peter, Paul and Mary show.” One of the more playful and less literal sounding phrases to describe smoking weed is to puff the dragon. There seemed to be a bit […]



Stoner Dictionary | Nuggets Nuggets: noun 1. a slang term for the smokable flowers of the marijuana plant Example: “I just got some tasty nuggets from the Kind For Cures dispensary.” Sometimes while searching for quality bud we come across shiny little green trees some like to call nuggets. How is it shiny? Well the shine comes […]



Stoner Dictionary | Schwag Schwag: noun 1. a slang term for extremely low quality marijuana; also known as “swag,” “dirt weed” or “headache weed” Example: “I never buy schwag, I only smoke top shelf.” The one thing every MJ connoisseur hates to come in contact with is schwag, or swag. This is the lowest, most crap […]


Salad Bowl

Stoner Dictionary | Salad Bowl Salad Bowl: noun 1. a mixture of several different marijuana strains in one bowl or joint Example: “There’s four different strains in this salad bowl.” Being healthy and eating salads certainly had its advantages on your body, similarly smoking a salad bowl has great advantages on your high level. A […]



Stoner Dictionary | Mota Mota: noun 1. a Mexican slang term for marijuana Example: “Hey paisa, you got any mota?” The literal translation meaning “speck, dot or tiny bit,” the mota worthy of our stoner dictionary is a Spanish slang term for marijuana, predominantly used in Mexico and the United States. Though probably used in […]



Stoner Dictionary | Rollin’ Rollin’: verb/adjective 1. being high on marijuana 2. a term used to describe being high on marijuana Example: “Two joints and bowl later, I was rollin balls.” Rollin’ is known to be what you are when you are high on weed. Many people use this term only when referring to purely psychedelic […]

Duke University Twins Study Concludes

Duke University Twins Study Concludes | Stoner News We’ve all heard that stoner stereotype… People who smoke weed are dumber than people that don’t. Chances are if you’ve heard that and you’re reading this article, you know that that’s a myth. Smoking cannabis doesn’t make you stupid. This statement has been used as ammunition in […]

Here Are 7 Of the Dopest Places You Should Smoke

Here Are 7 Of the Dopest Places You Should Smoke | StonerDays We all love to smoke that sweet Mary Jane but location is everything so get together your finest weed and get ready for the smoking adventure of a life time with our StonerDays list of the 7 Dopest Places You Should Smoke. Enjoy! […]