Benefits of Microdosing Cannabis Lady Tokes: My 20 Day Microdose Journey Lady toking is what some would call Microdosing Cannabis. Microdosing is taking small amounts throughout the day. Away to study the human body with little amounts. I just like to call it. Lady tokes. It’s a practice i’ve been working with for the last […]
Bulk buying is cost-effective and pocket-friendly. One can buy food items, or other household products that they know are a must. It is one of those strategies where you stock something up just to receive a good discount on the product, and in this case, Kratom. Kratom is a reasonably expensive herb that is grabbing […]
Top 5 Ways CBD Products Can Benefit My Dog If your dog is sick and showing no signs of recovery, it may be time to consider other treatments. An ill dog at home can put a damper on any mood, and any pet owner would willingly try other medicines if there exists even a […]
Kratom vs. Marijuana: How the Two Popular Plants Compare There is no denying the well-researched benefits of marijuana. From chronic and acute pain relief, to boosting your fitness game and post-workout recovery, all the way to treating glaucoma, cannabis has been shown to benefit the lives of healthy individuals as well as those seeking a […]
CBD and Sex: What you need to know Introduction Marijuana or weed is a derivative of the plant cannabis sativa. It has been found to help many conditions that were previously treated by medicines with side-effects. Doctors are increasingly inclining towards marijuana, given their natural remedial properties. According to the Natural Center for Complementary and […]
The Future of CBD in Food In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in consumer’s desire for cannabidiol (CBD). With many people embracing CBD foods, today, you can find them in supermarkets and other new markets in states where they are legal. This is because people are starting to realize their benefits with […]
Why You Should Eat Marijuana Seeds: 5 Key Health Benefits When we talk about cannabis, the first thing that comes to our mind is smoking pot. And the most commonly consumed part of the plant is the leaves and the buds. But marijuana is a powerhouse in its complete self. From seeds to leaves, every […]
Cannabis and Caffeine: 4 Tips for Enjoying Weed and Coffee You’re already a fan of the relaxing effect that CBD puff has on your mind, and who wouldn’t want their day to start with a cup of fresh java preferably with a different flavor from time to time? The two rituals are mind-bogglingly Zen separately, […]
Reddit: Thoughts for Stoners by Stoners Some of our best ideas come to us when we are stoned!?! Right? Well, none the less our team at StonerDays thought it would be a great idea to share our favorite Hideas. Let the Stoner thoughts begin.. Enjoy! Posted By u/TeslaSupreme – If you traveled back to the […]
Episode 4 of Canna Cribs Season 1 features Los Sueños Farms in Pueblo, Colorado. Currently, the largest outdoor farm in the world, at 36 acres.
Cannabis & The Yoni Women’s Health Part 1 The woman’s most sacred space. A tiny complex center that brings life into the world. Thousands of nerve endings bringing both pain and please. For more than half of us. It Is something unknown. We know it as the women’s birthing center. And for the lucky ones […]
Marijuana edibles are cannabis-infused foods like CBD gummy bears containing activated cannabis. However, you need to be cautious about them because as much as they can be helpful to patients to deal with issues like pain, it might not be a good idea to take them for recreational purposes. Why? Some people experience some side […]
Plastic; The Slippery Slope To Nowhere Part 2 – Hemp Hemp are cannabis strains containing 0.3% THC or less. There are 3 different primary species. Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Ruderalis. Hemp has over 50,000 uses. Textiles, building materials and body care are only a few of its categories. Hemp has what they call a […]
7 Activities That Go Well With Your Weed There might be a chance that you’re here because you’re stoned AF and you forgot what you wanted to do. These 7 weed activities will definitely jog your memory. Perhaps you have a plan to get stoned tonight or this weekend and you’re looking for new and […]
Plastic; The Slippery Slope To Nowhere Part 1 Part 1 – Plastic Plastic. That weird thing that wraps almost all your items. Zip lock bags to milk containers. It’s almost hard to think of an item that is not wrapped up in plastic. This non biodegradable odorless item. What are you!? 1907 – Leo Hendrik […]
How Combining Cannabis with Meditation can Benefit Your Mental Health? Science’s developing help of contemplation as an adapting/recuperating system gives us the inclination that marijuana and meditation may very well be a characteristic mix. Research has indicated long haul meditators display changes in the mind, and constructive outcomes on compassion, meta-psychological abilities, and wellbeing. Exactly […]
Landon Riddle; A Child’s Long Walk To Recovery Recently we have had the pleasure of reconnecting with Landon Riddle. When Landon was only 3 years old he was diagnosed an aggressive form of leukemia. This was devastating and almost took his life. His mother Sierra, turned to medical marijuana after a long heart breaking time […]
Top 10 Stoner Games You’ve Gotta Play Who doesn’t love playing games? Even better question, who doesn’t love playing games while stoned? Well we got together to come up with a list of the Top 10 Stoner Games that are sure to give you a laugh and maybe a little more.. Enjoy! #1 Strip Toker […]
Benefits From Taking A Tolerance Break I need space.. I need a break from life.. I need a vacation.. I need some time away to bring back life into myself. We all say it, we all do it. If it’s turning off your phone and having a relaxing bath. Spending the money jumping on a […]
Dark Side Of The Rainbow Optimized Nothing like the old school. Enjoy this version of The Wizard of Oz optimized with Pink Floyd Dark Side of The Rainbow. Not 100% perfectly paired but what is? Be sure to light up a fat blunt before jumping down this rabbit hole. Be sure to leave comments below. […]
7 Silly Myths About Weed – Presented By StonerDays There is a ton of myths about weed floating around. There have always been debates concerning its associated benefits. A lot of evaluations have been made on marijuana which has brought on board the possible benefits and its life changing effects. Well grounded facts have confirmed […]
Cannabis and The Mind: Part 2 Time: who even created it? Who decided the numbers on the cock indicated what time it was? This is our second study of cannabis and the mind. 60 seconds in a minute. 1440 minutes in 24 hours. And at least 480 of those minutes are spent in a 8 hour work […]
Money Saving Techniques For Cannabis Moms As a single pot smoking mom – I have countless bills a hungry toddler my own health plans and a treat yourself attitude. I have had to create some genius ways to help save money. While making sure i have. Food in the fridge, rent paid, utilities paid, gass […]
Nerd Out Herb Out; Cannabis And the Mind The human brain. Complex organ that carries over 85 million neurons, the control center for every action. Rather unbelievable cannabis and the mind. To think that as i’m writing this right now my brain is coming up with the words and ideas. Telling my fingers to move across my keyboard. […]
Learn How To Make Cannabis Double Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies! Ingredients (Yield 18 cookies) 5 oz Canna Coconut Oil ( Room Temperature ) One Cup Sugar Substitute, ( Splenda ) 1 Egg One tsp. Vanilla Extract 1 cup Flour One Tbsp. Coco powder 1 tsp. Baking soda 1 tsp. Salt 1/4 Cup Shredded Coconut 1 […]
Enhancing Foods With Cannabis Discovering foods while having the munchies is almost the best part of being physically & mentally stoned. There are 4 main taste buds on the tongue, salty, sweet, bitter and sour. The overwhelming taste of biting into a watermelon or destroying your favorite bag of chips, comes from cannabis heightening your […]
4 Ways Marijuana can Help You reach Your Weight Loss Goals Marijuana is quickly becoming the go-to fitness “aid” among professional athletes and their amateur counterparts around the world. Boasting numerous benefits for your overall health and performance. Cannabis should definitely become a part of your daily life, and your fitness lifestyle as a whole. […]
Green Thumb Grow Tips For Stoners No stoner in history has ever expressed the desire to smoke less MJ and growing your own cannabis is a great way to supply your own high indefinitely. Starting your own grow operation can be a bit confusing at first; how do I achieve successful and potent crops? Stonerdays […]
10 Things You Didn’t Know About CBD for Dogs CBD, which stands for Cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis sativa plant. As we all might be familiar with, the cannabis industry has not been able to strive due to the stigma attached to it all over the world. Cannabis tends to be associated […]
A Stoners Guide For First Time Smokers Legal cannabis makes it a bit more tempting to try. In some ironic way the stereotypical soccer mom is now looked at as the hero of all moms. Keeping her sh** together thanks to her legal cannabis and her glass of wine. Leaving the “chronic” smokers shaking their […]
Wholesale Cannabis Clothing To Elevate Your Sales So you’ve been browsing through the eclectic Stonerdays clothing selections for some time now, thoughtfully adding to your cart and now boldly showcasing a Higher State of Mind. You’ve even spread the pot-head love and given lots of these dank designer threads to your friends and family. Then […]
10 Ways to make your Super Bowl Dank Presented By StonerDays Mary Jane is great at making herself the life of the party at every function, and this Super bowl season is no exception! Of course you could have a pretty cool Super bowl turn- up without trees, but why on earth would you? Keep […]
5 Reasons why Cannabis should be a Part of Your Fitness Lifestyle For many, cannabis is a way of life, but rarely. Do people dare to incorporate marijuana and the proverbial high with their fitness regime. Whether that is because they are afraid they might get subpar results, injure themselves, or experience negative side effects. […]
Cannabis Clothing Creative Designs | StonerDays Quality product is what you will find when ordering with StonerDays we provide the largest selection of Cannabis Clothing in the Marijuana community. All of our art work is designed in Upland California by a qualified team with over 15 years in the industry. We use DTG technology to […]
My First Time Getting High with StonerDays I can remember the feeling of wonderment just like it was yesterday. The sweet and pungent smell of Durban Poison was in the air. I was getting “high.” For the first time in my life I knew I was exactly where I wanted to be. This entire encounter […]
Weed and Sex “Lose your mind and find your pleasure” Everything is heightened when high. Sense of smell, touch & eyesight. It could be sunset and you may have smoked enough of the herb that you need your shades on. Colors are amazing and music hits your soul. So right it has you hitting the replay […]
Weed Let’s Get Real Let’s face it. We all get caught up in the hype of calling it some romantic name like cannabis, marijuana ganja. We all get caught up in the cannabis jobs. We end up thinking that what we are doing is so special. That no one has ever done with before. We […]
Wholesale Marijuana Clothing | StonerDays The New Year has come and now is the perfect time to gear up for the coming spring. Whether you are starting your own clothing brand, or promoting sports teams, creating trade show giveaways for a product release or simple stocking those shelves with quality printed t-shirts from StonerDays. Picking which […]
Must Have Toker Toys For Cannabis Enthusiast Season’s Greetings stoners! Cannabis Sativa is the gift that keeps on giving, replenishing the earth with her trippy buds every harvest season without fail. In case you were too high and might have missed it today we’re going to be showcasing a few Must Have Toker Toys around, […]
Marijuana New Year Guide | StonerDays So we near the end of another year and those New Year resolutions are coming in hot and that’s got everyone asking if you’ve made any new year resolutions yet? Well don’t worry if you haven’t because we have put together the perfect New Year resolutions list for you. Let […]
Best Games Fro Ganja Lovers Presented By StonerDays Just as amazing as it sounds there are ways to make getting stoned even more interesting and upbeat. Keep scrolling to unveil some of the coolest Ganja Games perfect for any stoner gathering! Puff Puff Pass Yes, we realize this is the universal stoner code for smoking […]
Stoney Santa’s 2018 Holidaze Gif Guide By StonerDays IT’S TIME TO GET EXCITED! We’ve got totally original, unique gifts ideas that will charm them all. Gift shopping can be tricky for some people, but stoners are some of the easiest people to satisfy. That’s why we make it easy to find your favorite stoner gear […]
Cannabis & The Quality of Self Awareness | Stonerdays Natural healing, home remedies, organic eating and all around health awareness can be found all over Earth. In today’s society tiny homes are the new frenzy, bus living and now hobbit homes! Over the years, people have used cannabis to help themselves reach a state of […]
5 Brilliant Ways to Use CBD Oil Products CBD is a non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid that has reportedly helped a number of people with a variety of symptoms as well as conditions. These range from muscle spasm and chronic pain to intense anxiety and inflammation. Due to the increasing popularity of CBD and CBD oil products, many […]
Top 10 Halloween Munchies Presented By StonerDays StonerDays presents the Top 10 Halloween Munchies. Being a stoner means being accustomed to having the munchies. Munchies, the subtle and sometimes aggressive hunger that hits your entire solar plexus. So naturally us seasoned smokers already have our go-to’s on deck, or ready to soar to the store […]
Cannabis and Skin Care Presented By StonerDays There is no doubt that Cannabis and Skin Care is taking the world by storm. From your classic glass shops to your stay at home mum. Canna business is a booming. We all know of its many any health benefits and its fun nature. More people 25+ age […]
The Many Amazing Benefits of CBD Oil Capsules CBD, the shortened term for Cannabidiol, is used as a popular natural treatment method for many different ailments. The rising trend is microdosing with CBD and this can be done using CBD oil capsules. Almost 50% of people who use cannabis as a treatment for common ailments […]
8 Reasons Why You Should Use CBD Oil Internet websites, social media discussions, scientific studies, and recent news are buzzed with topics related to medical marijuana or CBD oil these days. So you must have already heard and read a lot about CBD oil and its benefits. Multiple cannabis researchers and studies have suggested that […]
5 Tips For Making Weed Wine With Cannabis Legalization in various states has favored weed which is not only among the most desirable substance but has also helped expand the horizon of experimenting with various products with it. The eatables have been around the market for quite a while but there is one product that […]
Cannabis And The Youth When we were young we tried to fit in – It was cool because it was the thing to do or our parents said no. REBELS. Staying up late smoking pot drinking and in parking lots. What a time. Now 25+ we enjoy the medical more than the recreation part. Legal […]
How CBD Hemp Oil Relieves Stress Scientists are discovering new therapeutic uses for CBD Hemp Oil almost daily, with headline news announcing their findings on a regular basis. Research concludes CBD safe to use for a variety of medical conditions, and most especially, for stress relief. Stress is a killer, the underlying cause of most […]
Canada and Cannabis: Freedom or Boundaries? Canada and Cannabis Freedom or boundaries. Oh Canada- we finally did it after decades the government finally lifted its hold and made cannabis legal country wide. The first G7 country. In so many ways this is a time for celebrations, and for others it’s a time to rethink rental/work […]
Cannabis Tolerance Trials and Tribulations Are All Part of Enjoying Marijuana The name of the game is to get stoned, and stoned to the bone is what we’re aiming for. Cannabis tolerance comes with time and you have to be ready to put in the hours. So what do you do when you’re just not […]
Marijuana Blog: Animals and Stoners Go Hand in Hand StonerDays is the best marijuana blog on earth and we love animals worldwide! We know that stoners come in every shape and size from all walks of life and corners of the earth. But, what you may not have known is that we also transcend species. […]
Cannabis Dispensary 101: Presented By StonerDays Six to eight weeks seems like a lifetime to wait when you’re expecting the mailman to drop off your official Medical Marijuana Card. Cruising past a multitude of Mary Jane markets on your drive home just didn’t sit well with you, that paired with a rolledex of physical /mental […]
What Cannabis Has Done For Me Writer: Megan Thiessen I almost feel like i am “just coming out of the closet” just now About this subject. I’ve been smoking cannabis since i was 16 years old. What cannabis has done for me has been great. I still remember the first time getting high. Early teens […]
Canadian Cannabis Laws- The First G7 Country To Legalize BIll C-45 was passed to the house of commons early July- it will be the first of many passes between the two parties as Canada gets ready for the legalization of cannabis. There are many countries that have legalized the use of cannabis, although Canada will be […]
Yoga And Weed Is All We Really Need: Elevated Yoga Classes Burning your meds at 5 am for wake and bake and warrior pose is much more than routine, but ritual. Senses becoming one with the movements of your body, your body in complete sync with cannabis. You’re not the only one to enjoy this luxury by […]
Five Epic Places To Smoke Cannabis Freely You’ve tried every strain your heart desires and rolled blunts until your fingers became stiff with THC…so whats next? A great way to expand your [(higher state of mind) stoned out life] is traveling to these Five Stoned Out Places To Go For Marijuana Lovers ! Alaskan Thunderfuck […]
Boss Woman In The Cannabis Industry There are many woman in the cannabis industry who stand for woman rights, help us reach in, and pull out or inner divas. Beyonce, Pink Cira, Opera, Whoopi, Michelle. Are only a few of the many woman in the spotlight. As we awe and gravel at how amazing they […]
10 Fun Things to do while Feeling Elevated on Cannabis All stoners know that everything and we mean everything is better when you’re elevated on cannabis. Still some activities help you really get into an extremely focused and fun state of mind. Throwing you into a wave you never knew you could ride. Think of […]
Mary Jane’s Deep Roots in Hip Hop It’s no secret that taking hits of Mary Jane can stimulate and enhance your creative juices in a number of ways, one being the ability to spit hot fire. Hip hop and pot go together like hippies and VW wagons. A match made in heaven or a fatal […]
Pot Like a Boss The idea of stoners/potheads is not what it use to be. Times have changed and so have the views, but some views are still the same. Some people still believe “pot-heads” are like that show “The 70’s Show”. Just a bunch of kids hanging out not doing much. And for some, […]
History of Cannabis – April 20 4:20 History of Cannabis 4/20 – 1971 five boys got together to find an abandoned cannabis crop. They called this the “4:20 Louis”. Later “Louis” was dropped and 4:20 was born. After numerous attempts the boys never did find the crop and they eventually gave up. The “time” still […]
Can’t we all just get a bong? James Bong Can’t we all just get a bong? And can’t we all just get along? Well, maybe if we all got a bong, we could all get along. And that is the mission of Bong. James Bong. To make sure that everyone gets a bong. And that […]
Mothers and Weed: Living, Parenting, and Smoking Weed #1 Reason why Moms Smoke: Another One of those Days… (Written by a mom who tokes up) Mothers and weed go together and for a day like this its like PB&J. Punching out at the office just meant clocking into my other job as mom. Another day where […]
Things to do Stoned: Just a bunch of hippy dippy It’s hard to deny that the effects of weed can make you feel great when you have things to do stoned. Food tastes better, music sounds amazing, even the colors seem to jump out at you and more appealing to the eye. Your body tends […]
Stoner Secret Menu Have you ever been so hungry from the munchies you could eat a horse? A hippo? An Elephant? Well Stonerdays does not suggest you eat any of those circus animals but maybe… The Stoner Secret Menu! We set out to find the best secret fast food menu items that money could buy and these […]
Marijuana Comic James Bong Cannabis Crusader Well, it’s been over a year since the passing of the torch from the nation’s favorite cannasseur-in-chief, Budrock Obama, to President Tweet and his ironically named, super anti-cannabis Attorney General Joint, I mean, Jeff Sessions. Everybody at the JOINT Agency, Justice Organization Involving Nugget Technology, misses our Bud very […]
10 Amazing Facts About Hemp Oil You Probably Didn’t Know Hemp oil is obtained from seeds of the Cannabis plant. Extracted solely from the seeds, it is also called hemp seed oil. People often confuse hemp extracts in an oil carrier, as “Hemp Oil”. However, pure hemp oil is a natural botanical concentrate processed only […]
2018 Cannabis in Canada – Over the years, cannabis has been an illegal drug in Canada. Like always, change happens over time, and cannabis in Canada is now in the eye of it. Justin Trudoue, prime minister of Canada has set a date of July 1, 2018: cannabis ruled as a legal substance. Having the […]
How Cannabis Changes Your Sleep Cycle Cannabis can help you fall asleep faster. With sedative effects, it has the ability to relieve stress and help you physically relax, which can make it easier to drift off to sleep and get some rest. Using cannabis can be particularly helpful for people who have conditions that make […]
Marijuana Hemp Cards To Show Your Sweetest Sentiments Marijuana Hemp Cards To Show Your Sweetest Sentiments are the perfect token of love for that special someone? If you are one who loves Mother Earth as much as your dearest, there are plenty of flirty, sexy, and pretty green gift suggestions that represents your love without […]
Stoner Cookbook; Hemp Brownies When people think of brownies, they don’t usually think of them being too healthy. However, that thought is about to change thanks to the addition of hemp seeds in to the traditional brownie recipe. With the recent explosion of hemp knowledge and support, more and more people are beginning to incorporate […]
A Stoners Higher State of Mind What up Stoners! Hope you’re all having wonderful day filled with luscious green nugs and high minded thoughts. We wanna see your stoner faces having fun toking it up in the summer sun! Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or simply click on the button above to upload […]
Ride and Fly; Stoner Submissions Who doesn’t love to get baked on a joy ride! StonerDays has been with you from the beginning and we want you to show the world how dope stoner are! Send use your stoney images we are looking for creative images outdoor smoking, sexy smoking pictures, funny friend smoking or anything […]
Puff Puff Pass; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in […]
Live Life Irie; Stoner Pictures Live Life Irie with Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with […]
Cannabis Comics Stoned Alone James Bong Cannabis Crusader Just like you and me cannabis comics, Bong… James Bong: Cannabis Crusader loves the green and red. Especially when it’s a fluffy green with bushy red hairs. Whether you are celebrating Kushmas, highnakuh, or ramadank, there is one tradition in which we can all partake. After all, […]
How Does Smoking Marijuana Affect Weightlifting? We’re living in times of big changes. How does marijuana affect weightlifting? Well, as technological progress occurs faster, the first AI has been granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. The number of people living in urban areas is increasingly rising. People are turning their focus from fossil fuels to find […]
Medical Marijuana: Do you Qualify for a Legal Card? Smoking medical marijuana is a great way to get some pain relief from certain medical conditions. However, the process of obtaining a legal card for medical marijuana is not as straightforward as you may think. In fact, there are certain conditions you need to fulfill before […]
Cannabis Comics James Bong in Medicine Man! “Sure, you got cannabis comics and stoner comics, but this one is different: This is a cannabis comic, and James Bong is a hero for marijuana consumers everywhere! James Bong has been publishing internationally for 3 years and the creators are excited to include StonerDays weed clothing in […]
Starting Your Edibles Business the Proper Way The marijuana industry has been growing rapidly since the legalization of medical marijuana in states like California and Alaska in the ‘90s. Now, nearly 60 percent of Americans live in a state where marijuana consumption is legal in some form. The edibles market alone is responsible for nearly […]
Cannabis Sleep – 10 Things For Your Herbal Nightcap Before bed, many people choose cannabis sleep. Marijuana is offering new hope for those who suffer with chronic sleep issues. With 88% of Americans approving the medical use of marijuana, according to a 2017 CBS News poll, it may be time to change up your current nightcap […]
Stoner Days Top Ten Celebrities Who Love the Leaf There was a time when being a stoner wasn’t so mainstream, but with changing legislation and the health benefits of CBD and CBD oil, a zest for pot has become more common. According to a survey by Yahoo News and The Marist Poll, “Weed & the […]
Your Favorite Bouquet: Cannabis Flowers With all the hubbub (for good reason) that surrounds hash oil, mega concentrates, and even gourmet quality cannabis cuisine, our old favorite standby, flower, AKA bud, may get lost in the shuffle. Some of the world’s greatest natural beauty exists inside cannabis buds. You don’t want to miss out on […]
What Is a Weed Hangover? How Do You Survive It? Anyone who wakes up feeling extra foggy and out of sorts after a heavy night of smoking may have a cannabis hangover. It is common, and any serious user knows exactly how it feels. Similar to drinking too much alcohol, weed hangovers are a very […]
Beautiful Baked Minds; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! […]
Marijuana Tattoo’s All images are submitted by Stoners from around the world. StonerDays FB Page: StonerDays would like to thank you, for all your support and love. As the stoner community grows so will the voice it carries with it. Let us all keep pushing forward. Enjoy! Please feel free to share with Stonerdays your […]
Wonder Wall; Stoner Pictures How great life is kicking back with your friends smoking a bowl. Absolutely no worries and only good vibes! Wanna show the stoner world your stoner smiles? Send us your epic stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload them. We love to see your baked out […]
Major League Stoner; Stoner Images Are you a Major League Stoner? Well don’t just tell us, show us! Send use your stoney images we are looking for creative images outdoor smoking, sexy smoking pictures, funny friend smoking or anything your creative minds can come up with! We are here to stay so lets show […]
Marijuana Users Are Healthier Than Nonusers A recent study published in the Journal of American Medicine has shows marijuana users are healthier than nonusers. This is exciting results for marijuana advocates. Along with the huge list of marijuana benefits listed below, marijuana actually helps to reduce weight. This might not make much sense at first. […]
10 Best Cannabis Storage Ideas Here are the 10 Best Cannabis Storage Ideas for every stoner. Because marijuana is organic, it will degrade over time, particularly if exposed to the elements. Storing cannabis properly is vital. So, how do you do it? As organic matter, cannabis decomposes. You can prevent this from happening for as […]
The Art Of Rolling; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative […]
My Happy Stoner Place Find your happy stoner place and take a pic. Send it in and we’ll get it up. We want to know what our fans are up too, what are you smoking on, we want it all. Send us your stoney photos we are looking for outdoor smoking adventures, sexy stoners, nug, […]
How To Roll A Cross Joint With Stoner Days Learn how to roll a cross joint with these simple instructions. The graphic below is a step by step guide to roll the perfect hail Mary. How to roll a cross joint instructions: Roll two tight joints, one slightly fatter and longer than the other. Cut a tunnel […]
We Should Smoke; Stoner Photos We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
StonerDays Cookbook Persimmon Bread StonerDays Cookbook Persimmon Bread is not like your Grandma’s . This is a stoners little twist on Grandmother’s Persimmon Bread Recipe. Not only does this bread taste delicious and make you feel good it also calls for fresh persimmons, which are a super sweet fruit full of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. It […]