Cannabis Tolerance Trials and Tribulations Are All Part of Enjoying Marijuana
The name of the game is to get stoned, and stoned to the bone is what we’re aiming for. Cannabis tolerance comes with time and you have to be ready to put in the hours. So what do you do when you’re just not getting as high as you’d like? Tolerance trials and tribulations are all apart of enjoying Cannabis Sativa, and this should shed some light on the subject.
Cannabis Tolerance Comes With Time
In short tolerance is how much your personal body can tolerate. The amount of marijuana intake needed to get you high is your tolerance. So many factors contribute to your tolerance level; how often you smoke, what strain you’re smoking, how long you’ve been medicating, and even your sex. Studies on the subject are still in the grey area but science has shown that males and females process CB1 and THC differently meaning you’ll never fully feel the same high as your significant other.
Of course flower isn’t the only way to get your daily dosages of THC and when you broaden the horizon into products such as edibles, oil, wax, and tinctures you’ll notice changes in your stone meaning the potency and duration of the bliss.

How To Raise Your Cannabis Tolerance
If Mary Jane isn’t hitting the way it used to (in any form) the best thing to do might be taking a break. Unlike lost college relationships this break is honestly temporary. After a week or less blunts will taste sweeter than ever; Mary Jane will have you reminiscing on your first time with your first love. Scientists in lab coats say through PET scans they observed a significant recovery in CB1 receptors In the brain after 2 days. Overall complete recovery can take as little as 2 weeks. So never be discouraged the human body/brain is extremely resilient and weed is only here to help.
Regardless of your Tolerance never tolerate any bullshit and keep the fire blazin!