Why You Shouldn’t Mix Booze And Weed

Why You Shouldn’t Mix Booze And Weed

Before you grab booze and a joint, check that you are easy with one of the two can boost the result of the opposite. If you smoke your favorite homegrown cannabis when boozing, alcohol can increase the THC volume in your system. This happens as a result of alcohol exposes blood vessels in your digestive system. Also, it gives extra THC absorption. In other words, alcohol may cause you to feel even higher.


A form of review that studies the chronic use of mixing weed with booze isn’t well developed. Yet, as weed becomes legalized in various states, analysis, and studies viewing the frequency of blending these two substances further. Because of the potential long-run effects of mixing them can evolve. Several important points of view may be created about the mixing weed and booze. This can be on what is accepted on the results of them from some analytic studies.

There Are Several Possible Side Effects When Mixing Booze And Weed

Cannabis has an antiemetic effect, indicating that it causes more hard for you to throw up. As you may have encountered before, too much alcohol has the definite opposite effect, in which case, the mixed impact may limit you from vomiting or force you to drown on any vomit that’s produced. There’s also the chance that combining both will get you super high. 

  • Prone To Excessive Practices

Using alcohol and cannabis, in a combo or blend, is more likely to make you overuse booze and weed. It is common for a person to feel the effects of the weed more when they have before had alcohol in their system. Although “greening out” is not life-threatening, the impact of drinking too much alcohol can harm you. 

Using both substances can cause a person to drink beyond their tolerance and so be more likely to encounter alcohol poisoning. Weed has an antiemetic effect, meaning that it makes it more challenging for the body to vomit. This side effect is non-consequential, and it can also be helpful in cancer patients who practice medical cannabis because they have a problem in keeping meals down. Yet, in the case of alcohol poisoning, vomiting is the body’s means of discharging excess alcohol. If you are unable to fulfill, you are more likely to choke yourself upon vomiting or succumb to the effects of alcohol poisoning.


  • Greening Out

Greening out is a phrase used to represent a situation where you may feel nauseous after smoking cannabis. You may go faint and sweaty, feel dizzy, nauseated, and may still begin vomiting. This is usually followed by the immediate urge to lie down. Greening out is not an expressly common side effect of smoking pot, but it is much more inclined to occur if a person has been drinking alcohol before they start smoking. Yet, when you smoke weed before drinking alcohol, the effect is not the same.

  • Unexplained Results

The separate results of booze and weed mixing on the body are pretty much documented. Not as much understood about the combined effects. These can differ from person to person. Some people can get nauseous and pass out, and others will tell they had the experience of their life and can’t expect to do it over again. When used together, the chance of siring a bad result raise. Mixing booze with weed can strengthen the side effects and may produce negative synergies.

  • Potential Overdosing 

It is a known event that when mixing drugs of any kind with alcohol, there is an expanded potential to overdose on both substances. Overdose on any substance can be hazardous, expressly in younger people. Mixing weed and booze can result in an expanded potential for exhibiting alcohol poisoning or undergoing an overdose of alcohol. 

booze and weed

  • Enhanced Highs 

Alcohol is a depressant and reduces the functions of the central nervous system. Marijuana also relaxes the body down. Consuming them will increase the effects of both, but how is inconstant. Having alcohol in your bloodstream can also cause your body to absorb the THC faster. In a weak body, the blending can create psychotic displays such as anxiety, paranoia or panic. 

Alcohol is recognized to have a very bothersome side effect of making you blackout. When used with weed, it can fog your mind, making you more receptive to critical situations such as being less able to attend after your belongings. 

  • Inherent concerns with rejection

Cannabis is known to be antiemetic, showing that smoking pot makes it more challenging for you to vomit. This is actually a curative effect that can be practiced by people in chemo or HIV treatment. Yet, it could lead to serious effects when mixed with alcohol that could enhance the potential for overdose and poisoning. This is due to a disturbance in a person’s ability to clear excess alcohol from their system through vomiting.

Side Thoughts

You might also need to take it on the blending of edibles and alcohol, given edibles’ further gradual intoxication. Unlike vaping or smoking, it might take hours before you sense a thing. You may be able to feel tempted to grab booze while setting for the high to kick in. Which may turn into an extra drink and then another, and then you notice yourself rolling out on the floor. But, if you want to feel the booze and weed together, try cannabis-infused drinks, it safer and tastes better.

Mikaela Smith is a young Chemical Engineer and an active advocate for medical cannabis raising awareness. A researcher by day and writer at night. After years of collecting information from hundreds of cannabis experts and institution. She wants to inspire others how we could see the world as haven as she found the safest, most effective relief and hope in medical cannabis.