Stoner Dictionary | Geek Out Geek out: noun 1. an uncontrollable fit of laughter while under the influence of marijuana by inexperienced smokers Example: “We smoked him out for the first time and he geeked out all night.” The uncontrollable fits of laughter experienced by most newbies to the smoking world is known widely as […]
Stoner Dictionary | Grass Grass: noun 1. a 1960s slang term for marijuana Example: “Hey man, this is some far out grass, man.” When a lawn is full of this kind of marijuana, would it get cut much less often than usual? Oh yeah, grass is marijuana and it’s pretty obvious why it’s a popular term for […]
Stoner Dictionary | Dabs Dabs: noun 1. a form of marijuana concentrate commonly in wax or oil form Example: “A dab will do ya good.” The old saying, “a dab will do ya,” has never been more true than in this scenario. The term “dab” is derived from the correct use of the actual noun […]
Stoner Dictionary | FourTwenty FourTwenty: date 1. April 20th, the unofficial marijuana smoker’s holiday primarily observed in the United States Origin: San Rafael, California Example: “Happy FourTwenty!” There is one glorious day out of the year where the whole stoner nation celebrates and honors the glorious plant we call cannabis. This day is April 20th […]
Stoner Dictionary | Fire It Up Fire It Up: verb 1. the act of lighting marijuana and smoking it Example: “I’m gonna fire it up the second I get home from work.” It’s been a long day, you stopped off by your favorite pizza place for a delicious take home dinner. You finally made it […]
Stoner Dictionary | Clone Clone: noun 1. a genetic duplicate of a marijuana plant Example: “I didn’t grow this crop from seed this time, I grew it from clone.” When referring to marijuana it’s exactly what it sounds like, a clone of a marijuana plant. A method used by weed growers to multiply their crop. The […]
Stoner Dictionary | Faded Faded: adjective 1. a term describing the state of being high on marijuana 2. being high on marijuana and drunk on alcohol simultaneously Example: “Amanda got way too faded at the party last night.” This is a favorite term among so many, especially in that of urban hip hop culture. Faded […]
Stoner Dictionary | Couch-Lock Couch-Lock: noun 1. being so high on marijuana that you are in a vegetative state Example: “Hope you have nothing to do today cause this kush will definitely gives you couch-lock.” Now a term that is commonly used in dispensaries to describe the effects of some heavy indicas, couch-lock could be […]
Stoner Dictionary | Darth Maul Darth Maul: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that is lit at both ends and smoked from the middle Example: “That Darth Maul joint got me high as a kite.” Just like the famous double sided light saber used by Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, the DM joint […]
Stoner Dictionary | Diesel Diesel: noun 1. a sativa dominant variety of marijuana strains possessing a pungent gasoline aroma Example: “The smell of that diesel was like a punch in the face.” Bustling city streets, yelling taxi cab drivers, city lights, Time Square, New York. NY is said to be the birthplace of this original […]
Stoner Dictionary | Ganja Ganja: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana Example: “I took a puff of that sweet, sweet ganja and let my mind float to space.” Associated most often with thoughts of Jamaican palm trees and colorful Rasta hats, its another word for good ol’ MaryJane. It is said that ganja is […]
Stoner Dictionary | Chillum Chillum: noun 1. a straight, conical pipe with no carb Origin: India Example: “It’s not a pipe it’s a chillum, smoke it like a joint.” When the thought of inhaling good old Mary Jane comes to mind, we seldom think of a chillum as an awesome means of smoking it. Well ironically, a […]
Stoner Dictionary | Concentrate Concentrate: noun 1. the concentrated form of the active ingredients in cannabis: THC, CBD, CBN, and THCV Example: “I picked up some concentrate from the dispensary, the budtender said it would relieve my insomnia.” Cannabis is a beautiful, magical, and sophisticated plant; it can be manipulated into different forms and be […]
Stoner Dictionary | Doobie Doobie: noun 1. a rolled marijuna cigarette Example: “Dale rolled a doobie for disc golf.” “Black Water,” “China Grove,” “Listen to the Music,” “Takin’ it to the Streets,” any of these songs ring a bell? These are just a few hits from the ever so talented Doobie Brothers, and just by […]
Stoner Dictionary | Fire Fire: adjective 1. a term used to describe high grade or top shelf marijuana Example: “The budtender at the dispensary said this kush was fire.” The term is often used when referring to good quality strong weed. Used somewhat as a stamp of approval by many smokers, thought of as a guaranteed […]
Stoner Dictionary | Elevated Elevated: adjective 1. a slightly psychedelic level of highness on marijuana Example: “Nick was so elevated off that hash last night.” You’ve been high a multitude of times, around many people in many settings. Still there are those specific instances you know you’ll never forget. These are the times you were […]
Stoner Dictionary | Dub-twenty Dub-twenty: noun 1. twenty dollars worth of marijuana 2. two grams of marijuana Example: “Hey Bode, you got a dub I can buy off you?” When considering buying your tree from an individual, at the end of the day a scale will probably need to be your best friend. A dub […]
Stoner Dictionary | Cherried Cherried: noun 1. when the bowl of marijuana is lit and the ember continues to burn through many rounds of smoking without re-lighting. Example: “You don’t need to light it, it’s cherried.” Achieving a cherry during a smoke session is somewhat of an art. Many people wonder if there is a certain […]
Stoner Dictionary | Cocoa Puffs CocoaPuffs: noun 1. marijuana laced with cocaine Example: “Did we just smoke cocoa puffs? That bowl made me so hyper!” Marijuana can often be laced with other drugs. This term was made famous by the Nelly song “Country Grammar” in the lyrics “shimmy, shimmy, cocoa what? Listen to it proud, light it […]
Cinco De Mayo; Stoner Guide The first thing that most people think of when Cinco De Mayo is brought up is drinking… Lots and lots of drinking. Lots of Mexican beers and tequila shots go down on this day but for a lot these people, they really have no idea about what the holiday really […]
Brandy And Tres Johnson | Cannabis & Children Raising a child in the year 2016 is extremely difficult. With many outside factors and so much going on all the time, it can be tough for a mother to keep track of everything. That becomes more difficult when you are Brandy Johnson, a young woman from […]
New Hampshire Opens First MMJ Dispensary | Stoner News The east coast is much further behind on the cannabis legalization front than the west. There are no states on the east coast that have legalized the plant and some are just being plain stubborn. Take for example, New Hampshire. This small north eastern state legalized […]
Stoner Dictionary | Cannabutter Cannabutter: noun 1. cannabis infused butter Example: “I made this special peach cobbler with cannabutter.” Looking to make a tasty treat? Well if you’re like many other cannabis lovers, you’ll probably need cannabutter. With cannabutter, the possibilities are taken to a higher level, if you know what I mean. To make a […]
Stoner Dictionary | Bud Bud: noun 1. the flowers or colas of the cannabis plant containing the highest concentrate of psychoactive compounds tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, and cannabinol 2. the part of the cannabis plant most prevalently smoked Example: “There is a beautiful bud glistening on my God’s Gift in the backyard.” Bud is a colloquial word […]
Baked Minds Think Alike; Stoner Images Yes we do! All stoners are great in my book. We need to stand for what we know is right. So what do you stand for? Wanna show the stoner world your stoner side? Send us your stoner pictures by click on the button above to upload them. We […]
What Is Rosin? If you haven’t heard of rosin yet, you might be living under a rock. This “new” way to make cannabis concentrates is making stoners’ lives easier all over the world. With no solvent and a super easy process, rosin is something that even the most basic stoner can make with zero risk […]
Rosin Chip Canna-Coconut Brownies | Stoner Cookbook What You’ll Need; 10-20 grams of rosin chips (use according to potency preference) 1 1/3 cups coconut oil Coffee grinder Cheesecloth 2 boxes brownie mix (and the ingredients on the box but sub out the oil for coconut oil that you will be making) Start off by grinding up […]
Five Marijuana Myths Everyone these days is familiar with the tactics used by DARE and films like Reefer Madness. This ridiculous propaganda leads many to believe that cannabis is a killer plant, something that will make you stupid and slow. But in reality, that’s not true. So much new information has flooded the media regarding […]
Five Ridiculous Laws Pertaining To Cannabis Some cannabis laws are in place to keep us safe, but these laws seem to come from a long ago forgotten time when you hand cranked up your jalopy and drove to the box social with your sweetie. Thankfully, the laws are beginning to change. With the help of […]
How To Talk To Children About Cannabis Kids these days are the future of our generation, obviously, much like we were fifteen-twenty years ago. Unfortunately for us, the youth is more preoccupied with how many followers they have on Twitter rather than the real issues that are at stake. One of these such issues being […]
Cannabis In The NFL Major league sports aren’t exempt from drug use. But most players involved in heavy contact sports such as football usually aren’t using marijuana. Instead, it is found that a lot of these players have issues with painkillers and prescribed drugs. Since they are always getting hit so hard, players need something […]
Cannabis Vs Epilepsy Drugs As the cannabis plant becomes more researched for its properties relating to epilepsy, more parents of epileptic children are opening their minds to the possibility of what this plant can do for their families. There are hundreds of children that are suffering from epilepsy and the complications that arise from it. […]
Marijuana Butter Recipe Here’s a “fancy” recipe on how to make cannabutter, enjoy. What you will need: 1 bag of shake (roughly 1/2 pound – 1 pound) Large cooking/stock pot (mine is a 4 gallon) 5 pounds butter or margarine cheesecloth for straining thick elastic bands empty plastic containers with lids (ice-cream pails or large Tupperware work […]
Five Reasons Patrick Star Is The Smoking Man’s, Smoking Man.. Cartoons like Spongebob were once pitched to adult TV show networks… And rejected. So when the writers changed the script for the younger minds, they failed to take out a few of the more adult references. Watching Spongebob as an adult will show you how […]
Stoner Cookbook; Mashed Grapefruit Sweet Potatoes Cooking is a huge part of the holidays for most people. The main course is definitely important but what would that be without those delicious added bonus foods? Side dishes are always very important for the holiday meals. Everyone knows that mashed potatoes are probably the best part of […]
Stoner Dictionary | Blazed Blazed: adjective/verb 1. describing a certain level of highness; more than stoned but less than baked 2. past tense of blaze; the act of burning cannabis and smoking its byproduct Example: 1. “Bra, I am so blazed right now.” 2. “After work we blazed in my office.” Fire and wind are a powerful […]
Stoner Dictionary | Blitzed Blitzed: adjective 1. describing a state of being extremely high on marijuana Example: “I don’t know if I can go out tonight, I am blitzed out of my gourd.” You’ve just been bombarded, violated, and attacked by the ever so powerful high monster, and now you’re done. Blitzed is what you become when […]
Stoner Dictionary | Beats Beats: noun 1. Music listened to before, during and/or after a smoke session. Example: “Wait, let me put on some beats before we spark up.” Ever wondered why your favorite song gives you that warm feeling inside? Humans have always had a very strong physiological and cognitive connection with music. With the exception of Beethoven, […]
Fun Facts About Marijuana It was used to defeat the Nazis! Don’t beleive me? They even made a movie about it. Youtube “Hemp For Victory” The earliest recorded uses of marijuana date from the 3rd millennium BC! The True OG’s You would have to smoke over 800 joints to die from an over dose from […]
Stoner Tattoos | StonerDays Stoners around the world love showing there support to the marijuana community with tattoos. A form of expression, individuality and most of all love, goes into every tattoo giving life to the main goal, legalizing marijuana around the world. From all of us here at Stonerdays, we would like to take this […]
Stoner Dictionary | BC Bud BC Bud: noun 1. marijuana that comes from British Columbia, Canada Example: “Man, I just got ahold of this B.C. Bud and it is killer!” A lot of Canadian cannabis finds its way down to the United States since Canada stretches across its Northern region. The bulk of the crops hailing from Canada come from […]
10 Thing’s You Will Never Hear a Stoner Say In the stoner community you will come across some hilarious and entertaining comments. Here are ten comments you will NEVER hear a stoner say, Enjoy! I think we’ve smoked enough bro, it’s 8 o’clock. Let’s call it a night. Dude fuck pizza! Let’s eat rice cakes.. My […]
Stoned Vs. Drunk: Pizza Eating Challenge Well the guys at Buzz Feed are back at it again. This time they are challenging stoners and drunks in an ultimate competition of eating! Spoiler alert! Although team drunk wins they all are definitely enjoying themselves. Let us know what you think in the comments below and you […]
Pink Floyd: The Wall The Wall manages to comprise all the deatils you look for in a trippy mind bending movie and rolled them all into one. Full of music, vivid imagery, and sounds that are completely original, it’s a refreshing film to feast your eyes on. The symbolic scenes depicted get the wheels […]
Stoner Dictionary | Blow One Blow One: verb 1. the act of smoking marijuana Example: 1. “Hey Jill, I was thinking maybe we could get together later and blow one,” the romantic. 2. “Yeah we won the game! The guys and I are going back to my place to blow one,” the jock. 3. “Life is like a falling tree, […]
Stoner Dictionary | Blunt Blunt: noun 1. A cigar leaf (or wrapper) filled with ground marijuana instead of tobacco Origin: a popular cigar brand, Phillies Blunts, gutted of tobacco and filled with cannabis. Example: “Smoke a blunt, nice and slow, hold the smoke then let it go.” – Afroman You may not have read the comic […]
Stoner Dictionary | Bogart Bogart: verb/noun 1. to keep for oneself, to hoard 2. to be a selfish person Origin: Humphrey Bogart was a very popular movie star in the 1950’s rarely seen without a cigarette dangling in his mouth. Example: “Don’t bogart that joint, my friend, pass it over to me.” – Fraternity of Man (1968) If […]
Pot Use and Pregnancy By Paul Armentano [Author’s note: This essay originally appeared in article form in the June 2007 issue of Heads Magazine. It has been updated for publication by NORML.] Few issues concerning cannabis and health evoke more disparate opinions than the question of maternal pot use during pregnancy. It’s easy to see […]
Stoner Dictionary | Bomb Bomb: adjective 1. a term used to describe very potent and pungent marijuana Example: “I got some bomb bud from the clinic today.” Before you brag about having some “bomb” herb in your pocket, be sure you are not standing in a public place. America is a country that promotes the […]
Why Hotels Are Getting Rid Of 420 You check in at the front desk at your hotel and you’re given room 420. To any stoner it feels like you have hit the lottery! You and your friends giggle to each other, knowing it’s going to be one hell of a weekend because the hotel gave you […]
Fox News Releases Poll That Supports Marijuana Legalization Before you call me crazy, yes I am talking about the Fox News that we’re all familiar with. The one that refused to show support for marijuana… Up until now. With the public pressing for more marijuana information, the media giant Fox had no choice but to […]
Cannabis In The NFL Major league sports aren’t exempt from drug use. But most players involved in heavy contact sports such as football usually aren’t using marijuana. Instead, it is found that a lot of these players have issues with painkillers and prescribed drugs. Since they are always getting hit so hard, players need something […]
Sexy Stoner GIFS We love stoners and want to show the world! Submit your stoney photos to our Stoney Submissions page. Sexy Stoner GIFS
Stoner Dictionary | Bong Bong: noun 1. a pipe of various shapes and sizes used to inhale the combustible flowers of cannabis filtering the smoke through water that is stored in its basin Origins: allegedly Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand, Laos, and the Philippines and/or Africa Etymology: a derivation of the Thai word baung translated as a cylindrical tube […]
Stoner Dictionary | Brick Brick: noun 1. a pound or kilo of marijuana pressed into a block or brick Origin: mainstream cannabis distributors, predominantly in Mexico, press the product into bricks for easier transport Example: “The DEA confiscated 20 bricks from the distributor.” Most of the time when we think of bricks we imagine the red kind used to […]
Cannabis Compared To Epilepsy Drugs As the cannabis plant becomes more researched for its properties relating to epilepsy, more parents of epileptic children are opening their minds to the possibility of what this plant can do for their families. There are hundreds of children that are suffering from epilepsy and the complications that arise from […]
BT: noun 1. abbreviation for bong toke 2. often used as “BT level” Example: “It’s time to raise the BT level in this piece.” The stoner vocabulary is constantly evolving, abbreviating and expanding. However, it seems that abbreviation has become more common in stoner slang-ology. BT is also an effective code for getting blitzed as […]
Stoner Dictionary | Brick Weed Brick Weed: noun 1. a pound or kilo of, usually low quality, marijuana pressed into a block or brick Origin: mainstream cannabis distributors, predominantly in Mexico, press the product into bricks for easier transport Example: “This brick weed from my dealer is bunk, I should have gone to the clinic instead.” Cannabis is a unique plant which […]
Stoner Dictionary | Broken Broken: adjective 1. a term used to describe an empty marijuana pipe. Fill it! Example: “Dude why is your pipe broken?” Some might think you are referring too a broken piece of glass. But this term is used to describe an empty pipe that desperately needs to be filled. If you find yourself […]
Five Places To Cure The Munchies In Denver | Stoner Blog If you’re a stoner, you know the munchies. They rear their ugly head whenever you’ve gotten the most comfy on the couch. All of a sudden, you’re craving some insane pizza slices, maybe a heaping burger topped with egg or whatever, or perhaps you […]
Stoner Dictionary | Bubble Hash Bubble Hash: noun 1. a very refined marijuana concentrate made by using ice water, cannabis trimmings or bud material, and a series of screens or bags Origin: Canadian hash connoisseur, “Bubble Man,” is accredited with the creation of the bubble hash making process as well as the term itself. Example: “One rip […]
Stoner Dictionary | Brownies Marijuana Brownies: noun 1. chocolate brownies baked with cannabis infused butter; also known as special or magic brownies Example: “I ate special brownies at the concert and they took me to another planet.” What came first, the stoner or the brownie? The cannabis community has always been innovative, especially when it […]
Stoner Dictionary | Bubonic Chronic Bubonic Chronic: adjective/noun 1. extremely potent and pungent marijuana Example: “This bubonic chronic made my back pain disappear.” In the 14th century, the Bubonic Plague wiped out nearly half of the European population. The so called Black Death was characterized by swelling of the nodes, painful lesions, and seizures. The fear […]
Stoner Dictionary | Buddha Buddha: adjective/noun 1. a term used to describe the soothing and tranquil effects of certain strains of marijuana 2. a 100% sativa strain variety grown predominantly in Thailand Example: 1. “This herb is so Buddha, it will send you straight to nirvana.” 2. “I just picked up a strain from the clinic called Buddha.” Hearing […]
Stoner Dictionary | Budiquette Budiquette: noun 1. a set of standards and codes of polite behavior practiced within the marijuana social community Example: “He has no budiquette, he completely skipped me in the rotation.” So you think you know your stuff? Think you’re ready to finally take your cool bong out of your mom’s basement and fraternize […]
Stoner Dictionary | Buffalo Chokes Buffalo: noun 1. when the excessive inhalation of marijuana smoke causes an intense coughing fit; also called buffalo choke Example: “I got a serious case of the buffalo chokes.” Sometimes a stoner’s eyes may be bigger than their lungs. This will result in someone attempting to inhale a major hit but only ending up […]
Whats Your Smoking Style? Sometimes the mind might wonder, is there really a reason for everything? Every action and reaction? Think about this in terms of your Mary Jane actions. Why do you hit the blunt the way you do, or hold a bong in that certain way you like, or why do you only […]
Stoner Dictionary | Budtender Budtender: noun 1. a person who weighs out portions of medical marijuana and provides information about the suggested use of each product to his or her patient/members 2. a volunteer at a medical marijuana collective Example: “The budtender suggested the perfect strain to help with my sciatica pain.” A highly coveted position in […]
Stoned Moments; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us […]
Stoner Dictionary | Buzz Buzz: noun 1. characterized as a mild high Example: 1. “That sativa we smoked gave me a gnarly head buzz.” Before you become stoned, baked, blitzed, torched, ripped, or even high, the first state of consciousness on your path of marijuana consumption is buzzed. Generally, a buzz is achieved by only taking one […]
Stoner Dictionary | Babysittin Babysittin’: verb 1. when someone holds the bowl or joint without smoking or passing Example: “Bro, pass the bowl! No one’s going to pay you for babysittin’ the damn thing.” There’s a simple rule among smokers: “puff, puff, pass.” It’s an easy rule to follow but every now and again you are forced to deal […]
Stoner Dictionary | Ash-Catcher Ash-Catcher: noun 1. an elongated bowl piece containing water and attached to a water pipe Example: “Check out this trippy ash-catcher I just got for my bong!” One of the many clever stoner inventions, an ash-catcher is more of a luxury item than a necessity. While the water within the bong […]
Stoner Dictionary | Amber Glass Amber Glass: noun 1. an extremely potent type of marijuana concentrate; a butane honey oil (BHO) extract Example: “The amber glass I got at the clinic gave me serious couch-lock.” Amber glass is a form of cannabis concentrate, often found at medical marijuana dispensaries. Because of the knowledge, work and […]
Stoner Dictionary | 420 4/20 (20-Apr): date 1. the best day of the year Origin: San Rafael Example: “High! Happy 4/20!” 420 or April 20th is the biggest day of the year for marijuana consumers. Every year on this cannabis cultural holiday, smokers everywhere unite to celebrate the life of the greenest plant on Earth. 420 Protest, smoke-ins, conferences, […]
Snoop Dogg | Stonerdays Long Beach, California couldn’t have wished for a better marijuana spokesperson than Snoop Dogg. The LBC isn’t the only place Snoop gets lots of love, he’s given the up-most respect everywhere he travels. This is because of his overly addictive, feel good, laid back gangsta jams. The fact that he burns […]
Tokin Tuesday Weed Talk In our society we love to be entertained, we love things to talk about that connects us with others like sports, politics, music, or art. Within all of these categories there is a language that can only be decoded if you are knowledgeable in that subject. Marijuana is exactly the same way, […]
Best Places to Get Stoned So it’s officially 4:20 and you’re ready to burn it down! Everything you could have ever wanted is just a puff away, and the anticipation building up inside of you is thicker than smoke. What scenery shall have the privilege to bask in the presence of you and MJ, such a beautiful couple. […]
Stoner Girls | Stonerdays The beautiful Stoner Girls of this world play a huge role in the evolution of the future, and these Stoner Girls have a brand new outlook for life, a view of the universe that to them can only be seen though the smoke of the ganja. Back in the day there […]
Marijuana Mojito Recipe Water Melon has a tasty treat for you with her Marijuana Mojito Recipe. Great for those summer nights laying poolside smokin’ a fatty. Here are the few ingredients to get your ass drinking. ENJOY!! In a tall glass put 4 mint leaves, 3 lime wedges and 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. Muddle […]
420: time 1. the time to get high (4:20) Origin: the Waldos Example: “It’s 4:19, we can smoke in one minute at 4:20.” There seems to be a lot of debate about the genesis of four twenty. The most accountable story is that it began as a code term for a group of high schoolers looking for […]
Stonerdays Radio For Stoners By Stoners It’s common knowledge that stoners love music more than anyone else. It relaxes, chills, and lightens the mood of any smoking sesh. Unfortunately, most of the stuff on the radio and on MTV is absolute garbage (We’ve all seen Miley’s chicken butt by this point… Ugh!). So if you’re […]
Home Grown, Plant Seeds – Stoner Wear The words “home grown” instantly evoke a warm feeling in the hearts of all stoners. Aside from being defined as marijuana that is grown at home, it also represents nostalgia, the idea that no matter where we end up, we are all home grown. The life of a […]
How To Make Cannabis Popsicles Presented By StonerDays What better stoner treat to make in the summer for when the heat really hits? Popsicles are always a hit, it doesn’t matter what age you and your friends are or what time of year it is for that matter. If you whip these babies out at […]
Stoner Dictionary | CBD CBD: noun 1. cannabidiol, an extremely beneficial but non-psychotropic ingredient in marijuana Example: “I wish more strains had a higher CBD percentage because it helps fight cancer.” The hidden heroes, the underdogs, the cure for cancer, whatever you want to call them, CBDs are a somewhat newly discovered active ingredient in […]
Ten US Politicians That Admit To Toking Politicians, while seemingly against marijuana use for the most part (although more are beginning to realize the benefits of the plant, whether it be for monetary reasons or just plain common sense), were all young once. They didn’t know that they would someday be in a fancy office, […]
How To Detect Spider-mites & Eliminate Them How To Detect Spider-mites & Eliminate Them for good. The spider-mite is a very common garden pest that can cause serious damage to your indoor or outdoor vegetable garden. So if your having problems with spider-mites be sure to check out this video to detect and eliminate them […]
How To – Medicinal Hemp Oil How To – Medicinal Hemp Oil Rick Simpsons shows you how to make your own legit cure for cancer. Hemp oil promotes full body healing and raises levels thousands of times higher than normal. When the pineal gland produces vast amounts of melatonin, it causes no harm to the […]
Cannabis-Infused Espresso Gelato By Elysia McMahan Medical marijuana has been proven to be a very effective medicine used by patients around the world to treat and alleviate symptoms of a variety of serious conditions in which traditional interventions have failed. Cannabis is often used for treating nausea and vomiting in cancer patients who do not respond to standard treatment. There […]
Marijuana Bacon Recipe Marijuana Bacon Recipe brought to you by Watermelon. Watch as she cleverly combines two of your favorite things marijuana & bacon for the perfect treat. The BC bacon is then wrapped around cubes of cantaloupe. This recipe makes a perfect appetizer for any soiree. Enjoy and remember to check out more on […]
Juicing Raw Cannabis Juicing Raw Cannabis Dr. Courtney is a physician and researcher from Mendocino, CA. Who gives medical marijuana approvals to qualified patients in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. Kristen Peskuski is a researcher and patient who put her systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial cystitis and numerous other conditions into remission juicing fresh cannabis. Raw […]
Choosing Your Strain Choosing Your Stain Having a hard time picking what stain of cannabis you would like to grow and why. In this video you learn how to choose the best marijuana strain that is appropriate for your climate. You will learn about the two different types of marijuana strain and their growing requirements. […]
Stoner How To : Marijuana Conversion with Butter Marijuana Conversion with Butter well here’s an easy way to make shake flour which is a key part of cooking and converting Medical Cannabis. Further into the video Watermelon shows us how easy it is to convert the Cannabis for potent delivery when used in cooking, using […]
Stoner Days How To Sex Marijuana Need to know how to tell the difference between a male and female marijuana plant? Its quite easy usually between five days and two weeks into flowering you will begin to see a pair of tubular nodes. Hopefully they will have white hairs protruding from them as this denotes […]
Stoner Days How To Make A Light Bulb Vaporizer How to make a light bulb vaporizer is not as hard as it sounds. Although it will require some time and patience the payoff is a free vaporizer. So let Master Bong show you how to create a stoner’s master piece. Check out How To roll […]
StonerDays How To Make A Weed Grinder How To Make A Weed Grinder OK get ready to get your grind on, an easy way to make a grinder with only a hammer, pen, half inch nails and two caps the same size. So get out your marijuana and get grinding. Be sure to check out […]
How To Grow With Hydroponics Growing hydroponics marijuana takes a seed that has been germinated and spouted a root or a plant cutting is placed in a hydroponic garden and supplied with nutrients and light. After this the plant develops a root system and leaves. Enjoy this video on How To Grow With Hydroponics! Other […]
How To Roll Up A Super Fatty Blunt blunt rolling 101. Rolling blunts. Smoking Blunts, smoking videos, blunt smoking 101, mary jane, smokers unite, swisher sweets, cigarillos. Learn how to roll a fatty blunt.
How to Clone Marijuana Plants Like a Pro Fast! Fom youtube: People always over complicate this “skill”. We keep it simple for you in this video. With what you will learn above you will always win and have amazing clones in 8-10 days at the most. 1. get a pack of 1.5″ grodan cubes $8 […]
Grow Weed Like a Pro – Amazing Tips HIGH TIMES PRESENTS : Nico Escondido’s Grow weed like a pro amazing tips Copyright 2011 HiGH TIMES PRODUCTIONS Approximate Running time : 110 Minutes All production rights goes to High times and none else. This is a copy of the dvd not including any of the […]
Fox News Releases Poll That Supports Cannabis Legalization Before you call me crazy, yes I am talking about the Fox News that we’re all familiar with. The one that refused to show support for marijuana… Up until now. With the public pressing for more marijuana information, the media giant Fox had no choice but to […]