We Are Stoners Be sure to pick up your stoner gear and get out into the world. Take your marijuana to the top of the world and blaze it up. StonerDays love’s our fans and want you to show the world how stoners stay blazed send use all your smoking images by clicking the updated […]
Back To The Stoner Let’s see those stoned faces. Send StonerDays your stoney submissions. We love our fans and want to show the world how we blaze. Gear up with our Stoner clothing line. THE STONERDAYS ARMY WANTS YOU! Join our Stoner Army and help us show the world what stoners are all about. We […]
Families Moving To CO For Epileptic Children CBD has been shown to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy. Unfortunately for parents, the medicine that their children need isn’t always available since cannabis is still illegal in most states. In order to solve this problem, there have been many families that have completely uprooted and moved […]
Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey – Stoner Pics (Yawn) (Yawn) Ok no more Yawning stoners, it’s time to Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Start your day off right with the most important meal of the day Eggs, Bacon, and some Marijuana!! Sounds good right? Do you love taking fun pictures of you smoking it up? Send […]
Cops Befuddled By Stoners Yet Again Vaporizers are a great way to get stoned on the go. The portable ones are small and inconspicuous, the perfect tool for a sneaky stoner. Designs like the Cloud allow us to appear to be smoking just a regular e-cigarette. We’ve gone a bit further in our sneaky ways, […]
Cool Stoner Smoke Tricks There are some circles of friends that love to compete when it comes to smoking bud. From who has the best glass to who makes the best special brownies, smoking isn’t fun without a little competition. Stoners spend a lot of time perfecting their smoke tricks in order to show them […]
ULTRA MIAMI 2014 – Phase One Teaser Get a glimpse into the insane action that took place in Miami for the annual Ultra Music festival. Your eyes and hear will be elevated.
Five More Stoner Smoking Songs We all know that stoners love music and making playlists can be difficult if you don’t know what to look for. Theres quite a lot of music to pick from in the world today so having assistance can sometimes be necessary. If you’re leaving the house and can’t tune in […]
Medicated Hummus; Stoner Cookbook One of my good friends sent me this recipe and it looks really delicious actually. I don’t tend to like hummus but I would definitely recommend trying this recipe out if you’re looking for something new to try. Not only that but hummus has amazing health benefits, including high amounts of […]
Stoners Are Here Daily Pics Of Pot Stoners are here all day everyday. You will find stoners from around the world getting stoned. We want you to get stoned and take a pic. Be as creative as possible and we will do the rest. Take your cameras outdoors and just enjoy life. Send your stoner pics […]
Stoner Time Daily Pictures Fat joints daily. Here for you. Taken by you. Sent by you. Send your killer stoner photos to [email protected] or upload them on our Stoner Submissions page here’s a link. See you at 420 stay blazed stoners, stay blazed. Stoner Time Daily Pictures
Stoner Bucket List There’s a lot of stuff to do on this awesome planet of ours. It’s a big place so staying in one place your whole life just doesn’t seem like that much fun. For stoners especially, adventures can be pretty fun and everything seems to be better when you’re stoned. So what do […]
Cannabis Carrying Cat Gets Busted It’s common knowledge that stoners love pets. Dogs, cats, bunnies, whatever. For some reason, the pets are always a staple in a smokers life. However, it’s quite unusual for the pets to be the dealers, right? Someone decided that their furry feline friend would be the perfect cover to covertly […]
Top Five 90s Movies To Watch Stoned I have a strong belief that childhood is something that should be held on to. In a world that’s so full of sadness and negativity, it’s nice to have memories that are positive and free from the bullshit of adult life. Stoners especially seem to love reminiscing about […]
Stoners Union Daily Submissions Stoners Union Daily Submissions A stoners union is what we need. Stoners joined as one a haven of care free people. Join us and send your creative stoner pictures. Each day your stoner photos are posted hand picked by stoners for stoners. We are looking for creative thinking so get blazed […]
Stoner Guide; Clear Papers There are so many different kinds of rolling paper that stoners can smoke these days. Some, like Shine Rolling Papers, catch the eye of easily amused stoners quite well. Printed with cool designs (or made of 24 karat gold leaf), rolling papers are a staple to any stoner’s smoking collection, even […]
Ten Types Of A Stoner There are so many different kinds of stoners that we just have to keep making lists of all of the different kinds. We’ve covered almost thirty different kinds of stoners so far but we’re still going. So here’s another ten kinds of stoner for your enjoyment. Which one are you? […]
A Stoners Haven A Stoners Haven A place where life seems to slow down, where you can relax and enjoy your surroundings, breath in the air, and smoke your marijuana StonerDays. You the daily stoner make this site what it is today, we want you to get involved take your smoking pics and be creative, […]
Wake N Bake Stoner Submissions Good morning fellow stoners time to get that morning Wake N Bake going with your favorite marijuana site StonerDays. Thanks to all those who support this site made by stoners for stoners. Send us your favorite smoking pictures, outdoor stoner events, fat bong rips, smoke tricks, and anything you consider […]
Stoner News – Parent’s File Lawsuit To Get Extracts For Their Son People from all over the country are moving to places where medical marijuana is available for their children. There are hundreds of kids that suffer from seizure disorders and as more people try, it seems that cannabis is an excellent cure for the […]
Daily Dabbing We got your Daily Dabbing here. These marijuana pictures come from around the world all shattered together in one photo gallery. StonerDays wants your stoner photos, lets see how you smoke your weed. Send your stoner photos to our Stoney Submissions for a chance to be featured on the site. We will […]
Stoner Guide; Five Dank Songs To Smoke With There’s so many different kinds of artists out there that are making music so it’s extremely difficult to make a list because there’s always someone who wants their favorite smoking song included. While I can’t include everyone, I’ve tried to make this short list pretty diverse. As […]
The OmniHV; Stoner Reviews The OmniHV™ is a specialized smoking product, custom machined in Colorado, USA from a high-grade anodized aluminum alloy. OmniHV™ was created with the intention of enhancing your smoking experience, offering a simple and refined method of manipulating your tobacco and herbal products. OmniHV™ comes equipped with several essential smoking utilities, including: […]
Daily Stoner Submits Wake N Bake with us everyday and check out all your amazing pictures. A big thanks to all our StonerDays fans. If you would like to be featured on the site just simple smoke some weed take some pics and send them to your favorite site where stoners around the world come […]
Stoner Guide; Same Strain, Different Colors? Knowing your strains these days is extremely difficult. There are so many different kinds of bud out there, it’s hard to believe that anyone could pinpoint what a bud is just from a photo of it. Even the most experience grower should be weary of viewing different kinds of […]
Stoner Guide; More Types Of Stoners The types of stoners seems to be popular, mostly because people seem to enjoy knowing what kind of stoner category they fall in to. Stonerdays has already gone over twenty different kinds of stoners. But thanks to the help of a stoner friend of mine, we managed to come […]
Wake Up To Bake Up – Stoner Pics Hope everyone had a good wake n bake this morning!! Thanks for your amazing daily submissions. Each day stoners are smoking mary jane and taking the coolest pics. Send us your smoking pics to [email protected] or click here to upload them. Thanks for the support. Wake Up […]
Stoners Embrace the Good Life “Stoners Embrace the Good Life!’ Everyday wake up with a smile and live the life you were meant to live! Pack up a bowl of the sweet marijuana and embrace the high. Do you love taking pics while you’re faded? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on […]
Stoner News; Players Will Smoke The NFL has recently been torn over the good old subject of Mary Jane. Since there are states that now say that the plant is not illegal, people are beginning to speak up against the fact that players can lose their contracts over a little bit of THC. There are […]
Stoner Guide; Painting And Smoking Stoners love to smoke a ton of weed and produce awesome art. Stoners that paint can create amazing images that everyone can enjoy. But why is painting so beneficial? It’s more then just creating pretty photos. Stoners have managed to acquire the master artist stereotype over the years and to […]
Stoners Best Friend Good morning and welcome back to your daily stoner submissions. Where you the daily stoners showing the world how you smoke your weed. Staying blazed can be they most relaxing part of your day and we want to be apart of it. Send us your creative smoking pictures for a chance to […]
Stoner News; UK Cannabis Death Seems Unlikely Cannabis enthusiasts are well aware that in order to overdose on marijuana, one would have to consume about 1500 pounds of the plant in less than fifteen minutes in order to over dose on THC and even then, it’s more likely that one would die from oxygen deprivation. […]
Stonerdays Stoner Clothing Winter is almost over and if you haven’t gotten a Stonerdays hoodie, it’s about time to start thinking about your summer clothes. Fortunately for you, you’ve got a large variety of choices if you’re looking for some sweet new stoner apparel and you happen to be shopping at Stonerdays. From tank tops […]
Stoner Guide; The Hemp Takeover Forgetting the fact that cannabis has the potential to be a cure for cancer and that the plant has bettered the lives of thousands of people, cannabis can also produce hemp. For those of you that aren’t aware of what hemp is, it’s a material that is made from the […]
The Stoners Dance Fan Submitted And we dance, and we sing, and blaze every morning. Wake up and blaze with us everyday. Send in your stoney photos to [email protected] or simple click the Updated Daily button above. We are looking for anything creative and are on the hunt for creative minds. We want YOU!! […]
Action Bronson Lights Up On-Stage Stoners favorite the New York based rapper Action Bronson, who is never ashamed to show off his cannabis habits. But as we all know, not everyone is as accepting as smoking as we would like them to be. Action Bronson learned this the hard way while performing on stage at […]
Stoners Bake To Wake Stoners Bake To Wake. Each day is a new start and a fresh day for you to smoke your weed and take your pics. We know how creative stoners are and we’re on a mission to show the world how we role. Send in your stoney pictures to StonerDays we are […]
Stoner Guide; Two Sides To The Fight Cannabis is an extremely huge issue today in our society. We are at war over a plant, with some people claiming that it kills and that it’s a serious danger while others are studying, researching, and gathering information to prove that cannabis is an asset to the human […]
Happy Hump Day Stoners Happy Hump Day Stoners here are some of our Sexiest girl humps on StonerDays. Each one of these beautiful girl smokes that sweet Mary Jane. Send in your pics by simple click the above button. We always excepting your stoney photos, outdoor smoking adventures, sweet bongs, smoke tricks, sexy stoners, hump […]
Marijuana Vs. Big Pharma It’s no surprise that people get sick or are born with a predisposition to certain mental disorders such as depression, not forgetting those who suffer accidents in life and are left in extreme pain. The treatment of the afflictions the human race deals with can be brutal, such as bouts of […]
Taking Over The Office Space – Red Bull
Top Five Stoner Comedians Laughing and smoking pot are two things that just work well together. So watching stand up while high is not an uncommon thing. There are tons of comedians out there, most of whom are indulging in smoke pre-routine smoke ups themselves. While not only managing to make us laugh, some of […]
Stoner News; Florida To Put Medical Marijuana On November Ballot It looks like the east coast is seriously making moves to catch up with the west. Stoners in Florida have been working incredibly hard in order to gain signatures needed to qualify a medical marijuana measure for the ballot this coming November. The Sunshine State’s […]
I’m Glad Weed Met – Stoney Submissions So glad we meet. Stay blazed with StonerDays everyday and get out take those images and have fun, we are always looking for creative thinking and we know how dope stoners are. Send us your stoney images and we will show the world. Stay blazed my friends. Get […]
Monkey Ballz Cleaner; Stoner Review A stoner knows that keeping their glass clean is extremely important. Not only does clean glass look better but it smokes far better as well. Smoking a piece that doesn’t get cleaned regularly will not only result in a harder pull but also add in a terrible taste. It’s also […]
Faded Dreams – Stoney Submissions Alright stoners lets get blazed you have sent them in and we have put them up. Staying blazed is the stoner way, each day we rise with a fresh start and a freshly packed bowl. Send StonerDays your stoney images we are looking for creative thinking so get outside with […]
Everything Will Be Okay – Stoney Submissions No matter the problems in life we always need to remember to keep our heads with positive thoughts. Our actions speak louder then any words that come out our mouths. Keep up the fight we will show the world how great stoners are, not only with our creative […]
Baked Kale Chips; Stoner Cookbook Let’s face it, stoners are some of the most health conscious people around these days and we do whatever we can to stay and be healthy. It doesn’t stop at just smoking cannabis. The stoner diet is very important. I stumbled upon this amazingly delicious recipe for baked kale chips […]
Stoner Guide; Marijuana Deaths Anti-pot protestors are constantly using “marijuana kills” as a slogan for their out of control (and usually wrong) arguments. But stoners don’t have to worry about getting stoned and dying because they shoot their own heads off with a shotgun or running over a child when leaving the fast food drive […]
Actor Bill Murrays Views On Marijuana Legendary actor Bill Murray recently participated in an ‘Ask Me Anything’ segment on Reddit.Com. It didn’t take long for someone to ask him the following question, “How do you feel about recreational marijuana?”. Bill Murray supplied the following answer: “Well that’s a large question, isn’t it? Because you’re talking […]
Medicated Stir Fry; Stoner Cookbook Healthy eating is important in the life of a stoner! Stir fry has always been a favorite of mine and now you can make it medicated! It’s a far cry from the food we made in Home Ec in middle school but it tastes even better, now that we’re old […]
Strain Review; Berry Kush This strain has two names so please don’t bite my head off if you think one is the correct one. I’ve heard the strain called by both Kush Berry as well as Berry Kush so say it how you will. This strain is highly prized, with huge buds that are dark […]
Stoner News; New Hampshire To Vote Again On Legal Weed As cannabis support spreads like wildfire through the east coast states, New Hampshire has been in the news a lot due to the House of Representatives passing a through a bill that is in support of legalizing cannabis. This is a first for any state […]
Ten More Types Of Stoners Even though we all share the common love of marijuana, stoners tend to be grouped in to smaller cliques. Let’s face it, not all people that smoke weed are the same. While some people like to get high and write music, others like to get high and build cars. Here’s […]
Stoner Guide; Working Out With Cannabis Athletics and marijuana go hand in hand for some people, while others not so much. But for those that like to toke and lift weights or run miles or whatever, there’s a couple of different ways to incorporate their cannabis use in to their workout. Here’s a few of […]
Kiss Me I’m Stoned – Stoner Pictures Who doesn’t want a kiss. All stoners for the most part have great attitude towards life and theirs nothing better then sharing a kush bowl with your stoner mate. We here at StonerDays promote a healthy lifestyle with a smile. Let’s show the world how amazing stoners are […]
Cannabis And Anger Cannabis can be used to treat mental issues, as well as those that are physical. People know that the plant can be used to treat anxiety and depression. It can also take away the extreme anger that some people feel about normal situations. There are people who suffer from extreme bouts of […]
Stoner Fast Food Faves Stoners do try very hard to remain healthy these days. Unfortunately, the allure of the Golden Arches seems to get the best of us sometimes. Fast food is delicious. You really can’t lie about that. Some fast food places are better than others and every stoner has their favorite. While some […]
Cannabis Infused Wine; Stoner Cookbook It should be known that the combination of cannabis and red wine is extremely beneficial for the human brain. A glass of red wine paired with smoking a joint repairs brain connections and protects them from further damage. Some stoners, unfortunately, find that smoking and drinking cause adverse effects that […]
The Stoner Bowl The irony and awesomeness of the 2014 Super Bowl is being celebrated by stoners everywhere after the games on January 19. Surprisingly enough, both teams advancing to the Super Bowl this year just happen to be teams from the two states the legalized marijuana as well. This Super Bowl will consist of […]
Roll It Up, Light It Up, Smoke It Up – Stoner Pictures It’s stoner time. Light one, two or ten up for yourself and enjoy your stoney pictures sent in by “you”. Stoners from around the world gather with StonerDays everyday and enjoy the great smell of sweet Mary Jane. Send StonerDays your stoney images […]
Stoner Super Bowl Guacamole Of course the Super Bowl isn’t as fun without being stoned. The commercials are hilarious when sober so being high and watching them is even better, not to mention Super Bowl food isn’t complete without a little bit of bud! This Super Bowl especially calls for some cannabis infused treats, as […]
Medicated Wake And Bake Muffins; Stoner Cookbook Some stoners are too busy to wake and bake so preparing an edible in advance is a really good idea! What better way to start your day then with a medicated muffin! These are absolutely delicious and you can make them exactly the way you like them, including […]
Stoner Stories; Zonka Bars States that have passed medical laws still aren’t safe from the tyranny of the law. If you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, there’s a strong chance that someone from the law is going to come after you, trying to tear apart families, putting innocent people in jail, and […]
Stoner References In Kids Movies Most of the cartoons that we used to love as children are still watched by us today. After Stonerdays has released two different articles regarding cartoons that get watched by stoners, we figured we should do an article about subliminal stoner messages. Let’s face it, you’ve all been stoned, watching […]
Stoner Guide; Albinism In Cannabis Albinism is a genetic disorder which causes the afflicted to lack pigment in their appearance. So basically, the outer appearance will be washed out, lacking of the normal hair color, eye color, and skin color. Albinism comes with multiple problems for human sufferers, including the loss of eyesight and a […]
Cannabis & Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is the second leading type of cancer in women. It is a slow growing cancer that sometimes doesn’t even show symptoms so it’s onset can be the sufferer’s downfall. With no way to tell that the cancer is there, it can spread and become unstoppable if not caught in […]
Stoner Blog; Marijuana In The NFL Marijuana in sports has been a long time controversy. There are the people who believe that athletes shouldn’t be able to smoke at all, seeing as how marijuana is a dangerous drug and all. And then there are the people who don’t see the harm in letting these hard […]
Stoners Bucket List – 10 Things A Stoner Must Do Before Death Let’s be honest, we are all going to eventually die. At some point or another you will grow old and frail. So that’s why StonerDays is mixing it up and giving you 10 things you must do before you make your bed in […]
Stoner Stories; CPS, Addiction, and Unemployment The stories that are shared on here are meant to spotlight the abuse that cannabis users can sometimes face in a world that’s still very much against the plant. While some are kicking their feet up and rolling a joint, there are always people dealing with the long arm […]
Stoner News; Incredible Cannabis Busts When someone gets busted for a little bit of weed, the cannabis community is outraged. It’s not fair to be busting small timers… But what about the big fish? Hearing about a huge pot bust where the findings were burned is a rough story to handle. Especially when you hear […]
Red Bull; Skateboarding It’s A Gift A Red Bull skateboarding film. Watch the highest caliber skaters on a journey from their hometowns to common ground. Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill, Ryan Decenzo and Zered Bassett.
Marijuana’s Positive Effects on Healthy People Cannabis is used for all kinds of things these days, from cancer to anxiety to sleeping issues to topical ointments for muscle pain. This amazing plant can be used for such a wide range of illnesses that it’s incredible. We can genuinely use this plant medically for almost every […]
Stoner Stories; Action Figures And Buds It can’t be stressed enough that stoners love to get creative when they’re smoking. The rise of social media has made the creative stoner even more motivated, with interesting photographs being the best way to gain a massive following and thousands of likes. While some of the photos are […]
Stoner Guide; Cannabis and Yoga Stoners these days are doing all that they can to stay healthy. A lot are seeking out the enlightenment of yoga. It’s relaxing and extremely good for your body, giving results that are wanted by many. Smoking cannabis and yoga are two things that go together very well, for multiple […]
Cannabis And Social Media; The Connection In recent years, cannabis support has gained an enormous amount of support around the world. There are plenty of speculations as to why this has occurred but I believe that the main reason is the absolute takeover of social media. With a single, simple click, a person can share […]
Talking To Kids About Marijuana Since stoners range in age from young adults to seniors, it’s important to remember that a lot of us are at very different points in our lives. There’s a lot of smokers that have younger children or plan on having kids in the future. With a lot of anti-cannabis propaganda […]
Stoner Guide; Titanium Nail Vs Glass Nail Dabbing requires a lot of different tools, much like smoking flowers, but these tend to get a little more complicated. With something as hot as a blowtorch heating the nail, it’s important that the material that the nail is made of is tough and long lasting. If there […]
Stoner Blog; Marijuana Is Not A Drug Gateway drug, narcotic, schedule 1. All of these terms are used to describe the plant which we love so much, more appropriately known as marijuana. Some people are pretty stuck to the idea that cannabis is a drug but in reality, it’s not. There is no argument. Cannabis […]
Stoner News; January 1st Approaches The new year isn’t going to just change the last few digits on the calendar. January 1st marks the day that Colorado and Washington will allow the sale of legal cannabis within state lines. Anyone over the age of 21 will be able to purchase cannabis in specially licensed stores. […]
Stoner Guide; Top Five Stoner Movies of 2013 The holiday season yields a whole lot of new movies that get pushed in to theaters and of course, everyone wants to see them. Getting stoned and going to the theaters can be really fun. There’s greasy food, candy, and tons of soda. Plus you get to […]
Stoner Stories; The Lady Likes Words She stared at me, like a kid looking at a patient in a mental hospital. Silence dwelled upon us louder and louder, till I could finally make out the sound of a ticking watch somewhere in the room. After a long 6 seconds, which might as well have been […]
Stoner Blog; Dude what are we smoking During my time as a budtender, I got to learn a lot from my patients in regards to their common knowledge, when it came to the different classifications and functions of Cannabis. I realized that too many people were sticking to certain strain types, for all of the […]
Best of 2013 Snowboarding Get your boots it shred:30. Snowboarding is a part of life for us at StonerDays, nothing beats the sound of your board riding the edge. Enjoy
How Drugs Are Sold – Vice A short documentary video on the sales of drugs.
My Cat Ate My Pot Plants People who smoke pot usually have some sort of animal companion, whether it be a cat, dog, or turtle. Animals are just too cool to chill with when you’re stoned, am I right? However chill animals seem to be, they do pose a threat to our beloved Mary Jane. […]
Stoner Guide; How To Know You Shouldn’t Smoke Before you puff up your chest feathers and say “I CAN DO WHAT I WANT”, realize that there are some people who just can’t handle their shit and smoke weed. Whether they use it to escape from their real problems or they just can’t seem to get […]
Stoner News; 2013 In A Nutshell Cannabis had a big year in 2013. There were multiple laws passed, events that happened, and people that emerged on the scene. New strains were bred and joint rollers took their skill to a whole new level. Cannabis infiltrated social media and started to snowball, gaining support from people […]
Super Bowl XL Seattle Seahawks VS Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl XL Seattle Seahawks VS Pittsburgh Steelers
Super Bowl XXXIII Denver Broncos VS Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl XXXIII Denver Broncos VS Atlanta Falcons
Stoner Dictionary; Reggie, Mids, and Beasters Being as creative as we are, stoners have developed special words to describe certain aspects of the smoking world. Not everyone knows the definitions of these terms, as stoners differ depending on geographical location. Since not all stoners are familiar with other terms, the Stonerdays Stoner Dictionary is the […]
Topical Cannabis Salve; Stoner Recipe Accidents happen. Sometimes, they’re more serious than others. With stoners, accidents seem to happen more often than they should. But when you really hurt yourself, can cannabis help you out? Absolutely. Properties in the cannabis plant can help your body to heal so that scars don’t form as badly. Cannabis […]
Stoner Stories; You’re Free To Go… Just Kidding! Dealing with the police can be a stressful thing, especially when the cops seem to be on a power trip. There are some cops out there that do anything but follow procedure when they suspect someone of breaking a law. It’s up to you to know your […]
Stoner News; Two Pot Smugglers In One Day Smuggling drugs in to prison can bring in a huge profit for those willing to take the risk. However, no one at Stonerdays recommends that you try to sneak drugs in to a prison. It’s an especially large risk that one woman attempted to try to sneak […]
My Kasher; Stoner Review Kicked bowls are a pain. If there are bits of crusty burnt up weed stuck to the inside of your bowl, getting them out can get messy. Some people use their fingers, some use a pen, pretty much anything that they can find with a small point that will be able […]
Your Stoney Submissions Thanks for all your emails here are your daily submitted images. Keep them coming stay blazed.
Stoner Blog; Stoner Social Media Most people recognize the social media brings stoners together like nothing else… Except maybe smoking together. As the internet continues to advance, more and more websites are popping up that are directly related to just stoners or just have a large population of stoners using them. Of course, social media […]
Stoner Stories; Cannabis Salve So far, the Stoner Stories series has been full of sad tales about smokers that are forced to deal with the long arm of the law. Thankfully, I’m switching it up to something a little more positive! This story is about the cannabis salve that one of my readers used on […]
Stoner Guide; The Best Rolling Papers For those that don’t love glass, they love papers. There’s something really awesome about rolling a really nice joint but with the hundreds of different papers out there, how do stoners know what to smoke? Thankfully, Stonerdays knows how tough the choice can be while standing in front of […]
Stoner New; Seattle Decides Punishment For Public Cannabis Consumption With cannabis becoming legal in one state after another, the laws are being built as quickly as possible. Some of them don’t make that much sense (the Nasal Ranger has to be the silliest way to catch cannabis users EVER) while others seem to be just […]