Stoner Guide; You Know You’re A Stoner When… We all catch ourselves doing odd little things when we’re high that we can’t seem to remember doing when we’re sober. Not only that but it seems like ALL stoners seem to do these things every once in a while. Let’s face it, being high all the […]
Stoner News; Bad Day For Dabs It has been a controversial subject if dabs are okay to consume or not. While this “new” craze involves inhaling concentrated THC in the form of a waxy substance, it is still being decided if partaking in dabbing is harmful. I can tell you one thing; making it is […]
RollaBoard Shirts; Stoner Reviews Everyone is on the go these days, including stoners. Hey, we have to pay for our weed somehow, right? So when you’re sitting in your car, waiting for your next shift to start and you want to smoke but all you have are papers, what are you supposed to do? Rolling […]
Growers Busted For (Almost) Grow Op in Ireland Growing marijuana is a serious pain and anyone who has grown knows this. There are so many things that can go wrong, it’s amazing that this weed can be called that. Usually weeds grow wherever, whenever, and under ANY conditions. I’ve never grown a plant that was […]
StonerDays Higher State Of Mind The StonerDays shirts are pretty popular among the smokers who are on any kind of social media. I can’t stress to you enough that every piece of StonerDays merch is made with the buyer in mind. We know that without your support, we have nothing so it’s our mission to […]
Why Is The East Coast So Far Behind? Most of you have probably read Battle of the Buds, an article that explains how ridiculous it is that the west coast stoners think that they’re better than the east coast stoners. Truth is, no one is better. Some of us just ended up in the right […]
Pollen Boxes Vs Grinders; Stoner Reviews Every stoner knows what kief is. That golden dust that collects at the bottom of your grinder that you sprinkle on a bowl to get higher than high! Kief is so great that people even coat their dabs in it! The dust comes from the trichomes on the buds. […]
Stoner Guide; Five Things To Do When You’re High Not everyone wants to hang out and watch cartoons when they smoke. Some people get active and want to do things. Even if you don’t normally get out and do stuff when you’re high, it’s good to get out of the house. There’s plenty of fun […]
Lazy Stoners Or Uneducated Name Callers? There’s a strong stereotype surrounding the cannabis community… We are lazy, stupid, and can’t contribute to society at all. Now, that’s pretty harsh. There are all kinds of people that smoke weed. From young teens to senior citizens, almost everyone has smoked cannabis at some point in their life. […]
Stoner Guide; Growing Your Own Vs Buying In a bad economy, most people know that there isn’t a lot of money to go around. It doesn’t help that marijuana is still illegal in most states. This presents an issue for smokers stuck in places where the weed supply is drying up. Not only is the […]
Synthetic Marijuana Still An Issue, Even Where Marijuana Is Legal By this point, most people are familiar with the new synthetic cannabis product that is referred to as “spice”. When the product first came out, consumers were smoking it like marijuana, as it’s said to be a similar compound as THC. The product bears a […]
Ship’s Hashish Cargo Set Ablaze by Crew After Police Tip Off Say that you run a decent sized grow op. You have gorgeous plants on a plot of land that are ready for harvest. What else do you do other than chop them down and turn it in to 30 tons of hash? That’s what […]
Stoners Guide; Respect the Weed Marijuana is an incredible plant and more people acknowledge that fact every day. We need to respect weed because it helps out of every day predicaments and issues from headaches to just relaxing at the end of the day. Of course, newbie stoners don’t know how to respect the weed […]
StonerDays A Lifestyle Fan Submitted Get in your Morning Daze with StonerDays! Pack up that sweet Mary Jane and let’s get the day started. Enjoy each moment, you only live once! Do you have what if takes to be a StonerDays Guy or Girl? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the […]
Stoner Cookbook; A Delicious Dessert Eating your weed is a new trend among stoners. It’s healthier than smoking and you can cancel your munchies WHILE getting high. I’m attempting to collect recipes that stoners will enjoy and I’ve made this one myself. I can honestly say that this is probably the best treat I’ve ever […]
Four Health Issues That Marijuana Helps The most talked about disease that cannabis helps with is definitely cancer. However, the plant treats multiple afflictions that people suffer from. Not only that but cannabis is far healthier for people as compared to the drugs made for treatment. With cannabis being a natural way to benefit […]
How To Make Ice Hash Ice extracts are a much safer way to obtain highly concentrated THC, rather than the “easier” butane method. Ice hash is clean and earthy, definitely something every stoner should try at some point. It’s not as difficult to make as some people think. Here’s a step by step tutorial on […]
Stoners We Are YES WE ARE!! Proud stoners stand tall light up their joint and ask if you want a hit. We are one, we are the enlightened ones, stoners lets show the world how proud we really are. Pick your stoner gear up at our stoner shop by click the button below. Stand out […]
Stoners Smoking Gold Multiple companies are producing rolling papers for all kinds of smokers. There are fruity flavors all the way to just plain rice or hemp papers. Every stoner has a preference on what their favorite is. It’s all about the smoothness and the flavor. The kind of papers you use aren’t usually a […]
Cannabis Coffee Shake There’s so many stoners that love to wake and bake. The only thing that can be added to an awesome morning smoke session to make it better is coffee. Stoners love their coffee. What happens if you’re rushing though and you have to make a choice? Not anymore. Following this short recipe […]
Canna Goo Balls Recipe Snacks are the best thing to make containing cannabis. Not only are you getting high but you’re curing the munchies at the same time. By eating weed, you save time and manage to not eat as much because you’re already full! This recipe for Canna Goo Balls is absolutely amazing. You’re […]
Stoners United The drug war has been going on for years, to obviously no avail. There are still millions of dollars worth of drugs that get trafficked all over the world. Marijuana has suffered the most out of those. To be compared with heroin and cocaine is unfair to say the least. This amazing plant […]
Cannabis Receptors; An Evolutionary Mistake? Smoking marijuana has been an accepted practice by many different cultures for thousands of years. Of course, some people try to keep cannabis from reaching the public. Cannabis is considered an eye opening substance, much like mushrooms. It broadens the acceptance of ideas in a person’s head and allows people […]
Stoner Guide; Passing Your Piss Test Smokers these days are not the typical closet stoner. The stoners of today are proud and have no problem discussing their cannabis use to anyone who will join the conversation. There is still one issue with being obvious. Jobs. Even though more and more people accept cannabis in to […]
Eight Government Lies About Marijuana Legalization The government likes to tell the public how awful marijuana is and how there are so many dangers associated with it. As more people discover the wonders associated with the cannabis plant, the government is slowly loosing control over what the general public believes about marijuana. Unfortunately for the […]
Are Sexy Stoners A Help Or Hinder For Medical Marijuana? Shuffling through the social media webpages associated with marijuana, one will see the incredibly large amount of scantily clad ladies. Sometimes the girls will have some cannabis related accessory in the picture and sometimes, there won’t be. Of course these girls are a beacon of […]
Cars That Stoners Love Stoners love their cars. It’s a simple fact. Most people that smoke weed have some kind of favorite stoner car, whether it’s actually their daily driver or they’ve seen it in movies. There are the stereotypical vehicles and the not so common ones. Either way, whatever you’re driving, it should fit […]
Modestep – Sunlight (Official Video)
Stoner Guide; Are Vaporizers Bad For You? Vaporizing bud is an extremely popular way for stoners to medicate. By using a vaporizer, the smoker is getting a different kind of high and can also reuse the weed that is “vaped”. These little mechanisms are convenient, easy to hide, and heat up quickly but is there […]
Stoner History; A Brief History Of Marijuana In Religion Religion is a sensitive subject for some but not when it comes to cannabis. The plant is brought up over thousands of years and numerous writings, spreading all over the world. It’s used in rituals and as a spirit healing plant. It also stands to be […]
Stoner Cartoons; Part II The last stoner cartoons article was a huge hit… Potheads really love their animation! So we’ve compiled another list of what you guys like to watch when you’re stoned. Of course, there will probably end up being a Part III. Watching these shows is definitely the stoner’s favorite past time. – […]
Stoner Dictionary; Bogart The word “bogart” doesn’t just refer to a weird entity in the Harry Potter series. It’s been a stoner term long before that little kid fought his worst fear in the wardrobe… Although a person who bogarts the bud might be some stoners worst fear. To have someone bogart the weed in […]
Parents and Pot Talking to your parents about pot is a tough thing for most people, especially when the situation involves a parent that is a cop or a military member. Not everyone is open to the idea of legalization and parents especially seem to have a hard time letting their kids make the choice […]
Stoner News; Marijuana Breathalyzers California is next on the list of states to legalize cannabis. This is great news, except for their extreme concern for DWS or “driving while stoned”. Now, testing for alcohol is one thing. Alcohol is an extremely dangerous inhibitor that not only causes people to see multiple objects instead of one […]
Josh Heinrichs Ladies & Gentlemen StonerDays proudly presents to you one of today’s Top Reggae Artist/Writer/Performer and Independent Record Label Owner of GanJah Records, Josh Heinrichs. In listening to the sounds that Josh and his Crew produce, you instantly feel the passion, love & good vibes that flows within his veins. Josh was born and […]
Rollaboard; Stoner Review StonerDays is proud to present Rollaboard as stoners we are always finding new ways to enjoy our smoke. We are no different here our Rollaboard doesn’t go a day without sweet Mary Jane being broken up for a joint or two. Rolla was started like every great product, not with the intention […]
Molly (Explicit)
Stoner Guide; Cannabis And Beauty Makeup and skincare make up a huge part of the female life (possibly for some males as well). Taking care of your skin is just as important as taking care of your insides. Some products on the market today aren’t good for you face at all and can end up […]
Stoner News; Google Earth Gets Grow Op Busted Technology is something that all of us use to our advantage… Right? In most cases. But the idea that we’re being spied on is a constant nagging in the back of our minds. Our phones are equipped with GPS tracking and who knows where our texts go […]
Kendrick Lamar – Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe (Explicit)
Stoner Cookbook; Rainbow Weed Cakes Being creative as a stoner is a very important trait. Colors are cooler, music is better, and there just seems to be an added beauty to the world that isn’t there when you’re not stoned. With that being said, how many of you stoners like to eat food that’s just […]
Stoner Guide; Wine and Weed For those that are older or perhaps want to keep their brain nimble and unobstructed, there is new information regarding the effects of mixing red wine and cannabis in order to prevent toxic buildup in the human brain. Both wine and cannabis have been studied in mice and both of […]
Alaskan Thunderfuck Sativa THC content 15-33% Holy Smokes, Alaskans mean Business! Alaskan thunderfuck, otherwise known as Matanuska tundra or Matanuska thunderfuck is not just known for having an incredibly awesome name, but incredibly awesome effects too. This strain originates from the Matanuska Valley in Alaska hence its other names. This is a very useful bud […]
Stoners Unite Join use stoners from around the world. Lets gather raise our pipe and smoke. We are proud to be stoners and its time to show the world how we do it. Send StonerDays your stoney submissions we are shouting the world out. We are looking for creative thinking any outdoor smoking pics, […]
Stoner Game; Mario Kart High Driving Stoners that have attended college and gone to a bunch of parties might be familiar with the game “Drunk Driving”. This game includes a Mario Kart game and a ton of beer. The point of the game is to obviously cross the finish line but while simultaneously drinking an […]
SPL – Hypnotizing
Uruguay; Where Weed Is (Almost) Legal While many places are caught in an awful hypocritical situation of allowing marijuana while at the same time, denying dispensaries any right to take root within x amount of miles from schools, churches, government buildings, residential areas, etc etc, Uruguay has surpassed everyone in the race for marijuana legalization. […]
A Stoners Best Way To Deal With Cops The constant rivalry between potheads and cops has been around since the government made weed illegal. We’re always hearing about cops treating stoners unfairly and obviously stoners are usually friendly people that have no problem communicating with most people. Cops stereotype people daily and no stoners likes […]
Stoner Way StonerDays Fan Submitted Be sure to check out more of our StonerDays clothing gear on our online StonerDays Clothing Store You no longer have just your low bloodshot eyes and skunky smell to give you away, now you can just wear it on you front and center. Marijuana t-shirt, 420 tees, Weed Shirts, Marijuana […]
Stoner Cookbook; Medicated Lollipops Candy is an excellent way to cure the munchies. Candy that has weed in it is a way to get the munchies… And cure them instantly! Medicated treats like this are easy to transport, smell free, and small enough to fit pretty much anywhere. Plus, no one is going to know […]
Koven – Make it There (Ft. Folly Rae)
Stoners Smoke To Toke Fan Submitted Be sure to check out more of our StonerDays clothing gear on our online StonerDays Clothing Store You no longer have just your low bloodshot eyes and skunky smell to give you away, now you can just wear it on you front and center. Marijuana t-shirt, 420 tees, Weed Shirts, Marijuana Clothing, […]
Stoner Terms; Skunk Weed The term skunk weed is one that may be negative or positive, depending on who it is that you’re talking to. These days, people are more apt to have weed that smells like cheese or with some crazy fruit combination. It’s apparent that we’ve come a long way from smoking on […]
StonerDays Breast Cancer Awareness… Green Is The New Pink October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Almost everyone is familiar with the pink ribbon that so many people sport, especially at this time of year. I’m familiar with breast cancer. Too familiar, if you ask me. My aunt has it. It hits close to home for […]
Toker Poker; Stoners Review The Toker Poker® was created like every great product – as a matter of necessity. Living in the mountains of Colorado we constantly found ourselves in search of a poking device – on the chairlift, in the backcountry, at the frisbee golf course. This became an increasingly annoying situation for us. […]
Stoner Cookbook; Frozen Oreo Heath Snacks Edibles are always a favorite of stoners everywhere Even better when you can make them yourself! Eating your weed is an awesome way to medicate. There’s no gross after taste, no smell, and you can get really high. These Oreo cookie snacks are simple to make and you only […]
Stoner Cookbook; Medicated Goldfish Bits I don’t know about any of you stoners out there but I personally love Goldfish. I really just love snacks. I also love the fact that not only are stoners incredibly brilliant when it come to making snacks, but the recipes always seem to be so simple that everyone can […]
Study Says Stoners Might Be Okay To Drive Driving while under the influence of marijuana has a been a huge issue in the law community since states have begun to legalize. How is it possible to measure how stoned someone is on the side of the road? Not only that but is marijuana really that […]
How To Create The Famous Cross Joint After the release of Pineapple Express, everybody became familiar with the cross joint. But how exactly does one roll this awesome trifecta of smoking enjoyment? The following steps will instruct you on how to build a cross joint for yourself. Learn this and definitely impress your friends next […]
Stoner Cookbook; Bud Burgers Stoners love burgers. What about burgers that have the garnish of fried cannabis leaves on it? Not only that but adding cannabis butter to a burger is a lot easier than most people think. By mixing cannabis butter with ketchup, mayonnaise, or mustard, you can make any beefy (or veggie) […]
Weed Is Legal In My House Stickers Here at Stonerdays we appreciate and smoke pot daily! That’s why weed is legal in my house. Weed Is Legal In My House Sticker Marijuana product testing is becoming a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets. This allows consumers to become better informed about the cannabinoid profile and […]
Lets Blaze Stoners What’s up Stoner Fam! Hope everyones day is going well so far. Pack up those pipes and lets blaze stoners! Keep it up great work on sending in your awesome stoner pics! Upload your new stoner pics daily by simply clicking on the link above or send them to [email protected]. We wanna see […]
A Stoners First Time We were all there at one point… Some of us were in the comfort of our own home with siblings and/or friends while others were sneaking out of homeroom in to the woods in back of their high school with aluminum can piece, smoking sad brown weed. Every stoner in the […]
Stoner Guide On How To Pick Your Glass Let’s face it, not everyone has the same taste when it comes to glass to smoke out of. Some people love chillums, while others prefer bongs. Some people only like to smoke out of their favorite bowl and others love to smoke blunts with glass filters. How […]
Bieber Toking Up Yet Again! We all know who Justin Bieber is… He’s that annoying little twerp that sings annoying pop music that unfortunately plays everywhere. He’s also the one who got pegged in the head with a water bottle while performing onstage at some music event. No one really likes his music except for […]
Kings of Cannabis Full Length Documentary You might not know who Arjan Roskam is, but you’ve probably smoked his weed. Arjan’s been breeding some of the most famous marijuana strains in the world—like White Widow, Super Silver Haze, and many others—for over 20 years. In 1992 he opened his first coffee shop in Amsterdam and […]
Five Stoner Slang Terms Stoners seem to have their own language sometimes and if you’re not familiar with it, we can be a little confusing. I’ve put five of the most common stoner slang terms together, along with their definitions, for your enjoyment. 1. Beat/kicked Everyone knows what a bowl tastes like when there’s no […]
Stoners Set Your Alarm for 420 Fan SubmittedStoners wake up and pack yourself a bowl! Let’s get this show on the road. Oh and another thing Stoners Set Your Alarm for 420, you don’t wanna forget to spark up during stoner time. Wanna show the stoner world your stoned out faces? Send us your stoner pics […]
Ice In The Bong; Yes Or No? Most bongs that are on the market today come equipped with ice catchers. This added tool makes it possible for you to put ice cubes in your bong, which people like because it cools the smoke before you inhale it. However, there are some rumors surrounding ice in […]
Marijuana Claims It’s First Death Ever It is a widely spread fact that marijuana has never been the cause of someone’s death directly. This doesn’t count for the people gunned down in the violence that is so unfortunately associated with marijuana. But no one has ever overdosed on marijuana. It typically doesn’t kill people. Typically. […]
Cannabis and Violence Marijuana is a drug. Whether we like it or not, it is what it is. People still tell others “marijuana brings violence” and “people die because of marijuana”. Oh they do? Marijuana has a very peaceful and serene effect on those that smoke. Occasionally, there is an unfortunate person who is allergic […]
Let the Drummer Kick (Music Video) – Citizen Cope
Sex and Weed This will probably be a pretty personal subject for some people but there’s two very different sides to the topic of pot and sex. There are plenty of people that say that pot makes sex so much better… But science says differently. In my personal experience, the only hindrance of smoking and […]
Stoner Sneak-A-Tokes Stoners everywhere are always looking for a way to discreetly get high in public. Let’s face it, dealing with people is always easier when you’re baked. These days, companies get that not everyone can smoke openly and the paraphernalia for subtle smoking devices has exploded. I’ve found five of the coolest stoner sneak […]
Morning Stoner – Wake N Bake Good Morning Stoners! It’s Wake N Bake time so bust out the bong and follow us along. We wanna thank all you kush heads for submitting your awesome pics. Keep em’ coming, we love stoners! Send us your your favorite smoking pictures, sick stoner events, milking the bong […]
Stoners Don’t Let Kids Traffic Marijuana My stance on child marijuana consumption is that if they need it, give it to them but IF and ONLY IF there have been other attempted cures for the child’s illness. Stoner, Don’t Let Kids Traffic Marijuana And even then, the amount given to children should be minuscule and […]
StonerDays Presents Skater Adrien Martinez StonerDays is proud to present sponsored Skateboarder, Adrien Martinez, to our StonerDays Family. Adrien Martinez is from Southern California and has been skateboarding his entire life. He lives and breathes to skate, a truly remarkable individual who is unique and talented in many ways. His spirit brightens the entire room […]
The Stoner Evolution Smoking pot has been around for thousands of years. It’s many uses make it a very valuable part of life for a lot of cultures. This used to include our own until some people with large pockets decided that the many uses meant that their pockets would shrink drastically. Stoners themselves have […]
No Wakey No Bakey Stoner Submissions No Wakey No Bakey Stoner Submissions Hey no wakey no bakey get up with us every morning and light a bowl of kush. Everyday stoners from around the world are taking pictures of themselves with Mary Jane the one person we can all love. Want to see yourself on […]
Stoner Music | Skrillex – Summit Sonny Moore AKA Skrillex has an effect on so many people that encounter his music. With a talent unlike anything I have encountered, his shows are not only going to enlighten your ears but dazzle your eyes. With a blown mind and every hair on your body standing at […]
Top 10 Stoner Cities In America Which Top 10 Stoner Cities in America have you visited? There are many Countries, States, and Cities for a Stoner to live in. All are unique and special in there own way but how does one decide where to live? Well, no need to worry Stoners! StonerDays has listed the Top 10 […]
Marijuana Use on the Rise While Narcotics Decline It has been six years since cannabis consumption began to drastically rise in the United States. The plant has been gaining support and momentum like wildfire. In the 2012 Nation Survey on Drug Use and Health, it was found out that of people of age twelve and […]
Resin – Have You Smoked It? Everyone who considers themselves a pot head has smoked resin at some point in their smoking career. If you haven’t, you’re either an extremely lucky person and you always have weed or you haven’t been smoking long enough to know the extreme frustration of not having any bud. I […]
East Coast Vs West Coast; Battle of the Buds California is the mecca of all things marijuana in the United States. If you’re any sort of cannabis connoisseur, you’re ultimate goal is to live somewhere near or in Cali. They have dispensaries, relaxed laws, and some of the best grown pot around. But Cali can […]
Stoner Tommy Chong Kicks Cancer’s Ass Unless you’re me, you’ve been a fan of Stoners Cheech and Chong for a long time (I had never seen the films until recently… I’m a little behind the times!). And if you’re an Up In Smoke fan, you know that Tommy Chong had a nasty announcement come out […]
Weed Loves Bongs Stoner Pictures Weed Loves Bongs Stoner Pictures So here you go your 4:20 stoner pictures are in and damn they are dope. Bongs and weed go hand in hand.. well at least until the weed get burned by the bong. Keep up the great work and thanks to all those fans that […]
Stoner Apparel | Save Money With StonerDays Even before I started working for Stonerdays, I absolutely loved the clothing. It’s rare to find a company that manages to walk the line between “too much” and “just enough”. While some companies are releasing shirts and clothes that basically look like sewn together leaves, Stonerdays understands that […]
Grow Opps Stoner Pictures Grow Opps Stoner Pictures These stoner grow opps pics are sick. You’ve spoke and we answered with a big hell ya. Thanks for you submits we love all are fans and want all to be apart of the stoner cause. Join us and let the world know stoners are here not […]
Cedric Gervais – Molly Come on can somebody help her find her molly she really seems to want it. Enjoy your high and stay blazed.
Marijuana Overdose People are always talking about how terrible marijuana is yet alcohol and tobacco are a legal, every day substance for most people. Those two substances alone kill more people a year than imaginable; tobacco at 440,000 and alcohol abuse at 75,000. That’s insane! And you can overdose on both of those substances and […]
Holding In Hits; Good Or Bad Since the day I started smoking pot, I’ve heard this stoner idea that holding in your hits can actually get you higher. At first I thought that it made sense since, if you hold in your hit, the smoke that you exhale is extremely thin and transparent. However, the […]
Missouri Professor Busted For Grow Op After Facebook Threat Professor Matthew Rouch of Nothwest Missouri State University was being investigated for a mass shooting threat when police raided his house in search of weapons. However, after a thorough search, the police yielded nothing… Except the exposure of a massive grow operation in the communications professor’s […]
Marijuana; A Gateway Drug I didn’t personally try marijuana because someone pressured me to… And I never tried another drug because I was stoned. I was never the type of person that would smoke pot and say “Hey cocaine sounds like a good idea”. It was always “Hey Dominos sounds pretty awesome right about now”. […]
Power Plant – Marijuana Strain Review Sativa dominant hybrid THC content 12.6-15.2%, CBD content 0.08-2.15% Power Plant was created in 1997 by Dutch Passion Seed Company in Amsterdam. It comes from a new strain of South African sativa and has been inbred only. With an enormous yield, it is best grown indoor or in a […]
Stoners Guide: Marijuana For PMS PMS is a serious issue for women and men alike! Not only does it suck for females but I can’t see guys enjoying a cranky girlfriend! It’s an unfortunate part of life that girls have to deal with. But since it happens, we should know how to fend off cramps […]
Stoners IG Stoney Submissions […]
Five Pieces You Can Make Yourself Everyone winds up in a pinch sometimes and needs to make a household piece… Or maybe you’re just feeling creative! Either way, I’ve picked five dope ideas on how to get super baked if you ever find yourself stranded without a piece! 1. The Apple Pipe Everyone knows about […]
420 Stoner Ladies Fan Submitted Hey what’s up Stoners! Hope you all are having a beautiful stoner morning. StonerDays would like to thank all of the Sexy 420 Stoner Ladies out there for sending in your stoner pics, you girls are amazing. Keep it up! Upload your new stoner pics daily by simply clicking […]
My First Time Getting Stoned I remember the first time I got blazed like it was last week. I was 14 and it was with a few friends of whom I don’t think I can name for professional purposes. We got a dime from an older stoner friend and we hyped up the experience between […]
Stoners Back That Hump Up What’s up Sexy Stoners! Stoners Back That Hump Up… It’s Hump Day! Stay Blazed with StonerDays as we continue to bring you the best fan submitted stoner pics daily. Do you have what it takes to be a StonerDays Guy or Girl? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on […]