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Stoners and Music

Stoners and Music

Everyone knows that stoners love music. It goes hand in hand with smoking. There’s not a whole lot better than sitting around, hanging out with friends, listening to some good music, and smoking some good weed.

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But why do stoners like music so much? Is it just because or is there something else going on? And not all stoners like the same music. While some enjoy the traditional stoner music like Jimi Hendrix and the like, there are metalhead stoners, country lovers, and even top hit enthusiasts. All of whom love to smoke marijuana!

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It seems like the most common explanation of why stoners like music is the fact that smoking weed slows life down. This means that while you listen to the music, you can pick out the different instruments. The music is easier to pick apart and you can appreciate each track as it plays together to form a favorite song. Musicians especially like this because they can hear the individual instruments and it creates a good environment for writing new music and coming up with new ideas.

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Stoners have always been paired with music. It has a calming effect on the listener, even if it’s something loud like metal. There are some smokers the prefer loud obnoxious yelling to calming melodies. Whatever the listener’s preference, music and marijuana make a good team. From writing to hanging out with friends, music can be plugged in to any smoking situation. It lifts moods, just like cannabis, and when put together, they can make people feel much better about a bad day or unfortunate situation.

Stoners and Music