Does Cannabis Help You With Flight Anxiety? Flying causes many of us anxiety and stress that we [...]
Cannabis Use and Donating Blood | Stoner Blog Recent tragedies have called for the community [...]
Cannabis and Music | Stoner Blog Stoners will tell you until they’re blue in the [...]
How To Overcome Online Dating Anxiety With Cannabis? Online dating is rapidly becoming a standard [...]
Is Micro-Dosing Cannabis The Future Of Consumption? The future of cannabis is not in inebriation, but in [...]
Five Reasons To Watch The Lego Movie Stoned | Stoner Blog Let’s face it, kids [...]
Five Music Genres Great For Stoners | Stoner Guide Since music and stoners go so well [...]
Medicated Mayo | Stoner Cookbook I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of mayo [...]
Employee Fired Over Medical Cannabis Reinstated | Stoner News Medical and recreational cannabis bring a [...]
Kids & Edibles | Stoner News One of the largest arguments against the well working, [...]
How To Grow Marijuana In a Closet! [...]
M3X2 – Champagne Shower Why did you start making music? When I came to college, [...]
Weed Waffles & Fried Chicken – Mr. Garth-Culti-Vader – Stoner Music Stonerdays recently had the [...]
Microsoft Enters Cannabuisness | Stoner News Since cannabis started becoming medically and recreationally legal, the [...]
Are Dabs Really The “Crack” of Cannabis? | Stoner Blog Some of the old school [...]
Cannabis Breaks In To Bars | Stoner Guide People often compare cannabis and alcohol, putting [...]
Cannabis & Memory | Stoner Blog For years, people have believed that cannabis effects the memory [...]
Stoned Driving | Stoner Guide One of the most heard arguments against legal cannabis is [...]
How To – Make Kief the Cheapest Way This is one of the cheapest way [...]
How Cannabis Effects the Body Hey Stoners ever wonder how cannabis effects the body? Well [...]
How To Dab Ice Wax Sour Diesel Dab with Matt Rize Learn How To Dab [...]
Banana Bud Bread | Stoner Cookbook For the best tasting banana bread, use bananas that [...]
Garlic “Herb” Mashed Potatoes | Stoner Cookbook Here is a great side dish for any [...]
Cannabis Gives Back | Stoner News There are numerous reasons as to why some people [...]
How To Make A Watermelon Bong This is a simple way to make and smoke [...]
How To – Dab I’m sure anyone in the medical cannabis community is seeing the [...]
How To Deal Weed How to deal weed with Gavin Tanner. Ever wondered what it [...]
20 Epic Bongs, Rigs and Pipes Oh My | Stoner Blog These are by far the [...]
Funny Ass Stoner Jokes | Stoner Blog Here is a list of stoner jokes so [...]
Stoner Dictionary Twomp Twomp: noun 1. twenty dollars worth of marijuana Origins: Northern California Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Twisted Twisted: adjective 1. extremely high on marijuana; sometimes referring to someone stoned [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Twist Twist: noun 1. a slang term for a marijuana cigar or [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Tulip Tulip: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that is hand-rolled into the [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Zoned Zoned: adjective 1. to be high on marijuana and focused on [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Zip Zip: noun 1. refers to an ounce, or 28 grams, of [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Yesca Yesca: noun 1. a Mexican slang term for marijuana Origin: immortalized [...]
Stoner Dictionary Weed Weed: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana, chronic, cannabis, pot Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Zonked Zonked: adjective 1. tired or worn out after a long day and/or [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Wrap Wrap: noun 1. cigar paper used to roll up marijuana into [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Volcano Volcano: noun 1. a modern type of electric vaporizer used for consuming [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Vegged Vegged: adjective 1. a term that describes being so high on [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Zig Zag Zig Zag: noun 1. a brand of papers used to [...]
Stoner Dictionary Wasted Wasted: adjective 1. overly intoxicated on a mix of drugs, usually marijuana [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Wacky Weed Wacky Weed: noun 1. frequently refers to wild, low grade [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Vaporizer Vaporizer: noun 1. an electric apparatus that uses a heated glass [...]
Wake And Bake Sandwiches | Stoner Cookbook The wake and bake is the most important part [...]
Stoner Barbies Smoke like Marley Good Afternoon Stoners it’s time to get your smoke [...]
Why Choose a Stoner Chick | Stoner Blog Life is hard enough with the stress [...]
Weed Daily | Stoney Submissions Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great stoned day. [...]
Grilled Peach Cannabis Salad | Stoner Cookbook With summer fast approaching, people are beginning to [...]
Benefits Of Eating Cannabis | Stoner Guide Even though cannabis isn’t federally recognized as a [...]
Flatbread Pot Pizza | Stoner Cookbook While some of us take pizza for granted, there [...]
Stoner Love | Stoney Submissions Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great [...]
Children As Young As 11 Can Receive Oxycontin But Not Cannabis | Stoner News In the [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Rasta Weed Rasta Weed: noun 1. a mixture of herbs containing no [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Quarter Of Weed Quarter: noun 1. a quarter of an ounce, or [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Party Bowl Party Bowl: noun 1. an unusually deep bowl in either [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Smoke Smoke: noun/verb 1. the gaseous carbon byproduct of marijuana combustion 2. [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Top Shelf Top Shelf: adjective 1. a classification of the highest possible [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Trichomes Trichomes: plural noun 1. the THC resin glands found on marijuana [...]
Stoner Dictionary Mother Mother: noun 1. the name growers coined to explain a female marijuana plant [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pound Pound: noun 1. 16 ounces or 450 grams of marijuana Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary Meds Meds: noun 1. a term for medical marijuana Example: “I picked up [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Trees Trees: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana Example: “Christmas came [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Torched Torched: adjective 1. a term used to describe being extremely high on [...]
Stoner Dictionary Toke Up Toke Up: verb 1. the act of smoking marijuana Example: “Hey [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Snapper Snapper: noun 1. an individual bowl of marijuana meant to be [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Mole Bowl Mole Bowl: noun 1. a bowl of marijuana with loose [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Little John Little John: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that uses two [...]
Stoner Dictionary | THC THC: noun 1. tetrahydrocannabinol, the active psychotropic ingredient in marijuana Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Swisher Swisher: noun 1. a nickname for a brand of cigar called [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Male Male: noun 1. the sex of marijuana plant that is not [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pot Head Pot Head: noun 1. a person who habitually consumes marijuana [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Spice Spice: noun 1. a synthetic substitute for marijuana Example: “I’m [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Mary Jane Mary Jane: noun 1. a popular nomenclature for the cannabis [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Resin Bowl Resin Bowl: noun 1. the dark, sticky, THC residue that [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Reefer Reefer: noun 1. a slang term for a joint or marijuana [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Strains Strain: noun 1. a particular type of cannabis that offers different [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Magic Wand Magic Wand: noun 1. an abnormally long marijuana cigarette Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Poor Man Poor Man: noun 1. a homemade marijuana pipe crafted from [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Strikeout Strikeout: noun 1. the act of inhaling a copious hit from a [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Stoner Stoner: noun 1. an individual who regularly consumes marijuana Example: “I [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Mids Mids: noun 1. medium grade marijuana Example: “The dispensary had a [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Stoned Stoned: adjective 1. a term used to describe being very, very, [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Purps Purps: noun 1. a variety of marijuana strains that turn purple [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Spliff Spliff: noun 1. a cigarette containing both marijuana (flower or concentrate) [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Sneak a Toke Sneak-a-Toke: noun 1. an apparatus used for smoking [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Maui Waui Maui Waui: noun 1. a particular sativa strain of marijuana [...]
Stoner Dictionary Regs Regs: noun 1. mediocre grade marijuana Example: “Hey, you should come over [...]
Stoner Dictionary | M.J M.J.: noun 1. an abbreviation for Mary Jane or marijuana Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pinner Pinner: noun 1. an extremely thin marijuana cigarette Example: “I rolled [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Phillie Phillie: noun 1. a type of marijuana cigar Example: “I tried [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Skunk Skunk: noun 1. a slang term for certain types of extremely [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Papers Papers: noun 1. thin papers made from hemp, rice, wood pulp, [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Skin Skin: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana rolling papers Example: [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pack Pack: noun/verb 1. five or more pounds of marijuana 2. one [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Milk It Milk It: verb 1. filling the chamber of a smoking [...]
Shotgun – Stoner Dictionary Shotgun: verb 1. the act of exhaling marijuana smoke into someone [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pistils Pistils: noun 1. the organ containing pollen receptors of the female [...]
Stoner Dictionary | Pot Pot: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana Origin: Mexico Example: [...]