Stereotypes Vs Reality; Who Are The Stoners?

Stereotypes Vs Reality; Who Are The Stoners? Throughout the years, stoners have been portrayed in many different forms, from lazy and wistful to dangerous and stupid. Cheech and Chong made us seem pretty unthreatening, managing to show people that the only danger stoners provide is the fact that we sit at green lights a few […]

Stoner News; Jamaica To Decriminalize Weed

Jamaica To Decriminalize Weed; Stoner News When one thinks of the tropical island of Jamaica, one of the top things that people think of is marijuana. The plant is grown widely across the island and is smoked a good amount by the locals. Tourists are also interested in the cannabis culture here, even though the […]

Five Ways You SHOULDN’T Smoke

Five Ways You SHOULDN’T Smoke; Stoner Guide Smoking weed is great. You get stoned, put on music or cartoons, go on an adventure, whatever. Plus the process of getting high is always pretty fun. Grinding, rolling, packing, lighting. It’s a great process. Then you get to smoke your hard work and just straight up relax. […]

Cannabis Cup Santa Rosa 2014

Cannabis Cup Santa Rosa 2014 What an amazing time we had at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Santa Rosa. Setting up the booth was fun. It took time but in the end it was worth every second. Everyone was so excited… We were lucky enough to hang with the legend himself JBD!!! Gold Coast was giving out free dabs […]

StonerDays United

StonerDays United; Stoner Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, outdoor […]


Marijuana Love

Marijuana Love; Stoner Images   StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us your […]

Top 10 ways to smoke weed

Volcano Vaporizer The volacno vaporizer has hit the scene and quickly gained the reputation as a very high end means of getting stoned, the Benz of getting lifted if you will. This vaporizer comes with ballon bags or “volcano bags” that attach to the top of the device and are adjustable so you can take […]

Landon Riddle’s Story

Landon Riddle’s Story Stoners and protesters a like can’t argue that children going through chemotherapy is one of the saddest sights around. It’s children especially that deserve the best cure for their illnesses. Lately, it seems like the best cure around is cannabis. Just ask the Riddle family from Colorado Springs. They, along with many […]

Cannabis Pleasure Lube

Cannabis Pleasure Lube; Stoner Reviews We’ve gone over the subject of cannabis and sex, two things that seem to go very well together. You can’t deny that, am I right? But while sometimes, you just smoke too much bud and pass out or the added annoyance of passing a joint back and forth while you’re […]

Gun Owner Denied License For Legally Using marijuana

Gun Owner Denied License For Legally Using marijuana SEATTLE — With recreational marijuana sales about to begin in Washington State, legal gun owners are facing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” dilemma. The gun owners are grappling with the idea of admitting they use marijuana, which goes up against federal firearm laws. I-502 made possession of […]

Ancient Exercise Encourages Cannabis Use

Ancient Exercise Encourages Cannabis Use; Stoner Blog As more and more states hop aboard the legalization wagon that will inevitably become federal law, marijuana use will manifest in new demographics and cultural groups. Smoking weed will (and has begun to) inevitably transcend many facets of life, from music to sports to food. One these groups […]


Pot Luck

Pot Luck; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us your […]


Cannabis Effective At Fighting Fibromyalgia

Cannabis Effective At Fighting Fibromyalgia Even though there are still people who don’t believe that cannabis can cure anything (ahem, like the government), there are studies being released daily that prove that the plant is indeed an extreme help to the human race. Recently, a study was released that surveyed a group of 1,339 people […]

Marijuana & Alcohol

Marijuana & Alcohol; Stoner Blog In Colorado we are extreme. We have an abundance of craft beer breweries (more than 232!), 14,000 mile high mountains, Olympic runners, an extra need for sun block, and we are the first to have our legal weed. With our new “privilege” of being able to smoke marijuana legally and […]

brain-training stonerdays

Brain Training

Brain Training; Marijuana Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us your […]

stoners love mary jane stonerdays

Stoners Love Mary Jane

Stoners Love Mary Jane; Stoner Pictures   StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued […]

Gourmet Marijuana Infused Food Product

Gourmet Marijuana Infused Food Product; Stoner Blog In a 30,000-square-foot facility in north Denver, the 40 or so employees of Dixie Elixirs and Edibles are busy producing marijuana-infused candies, sodas, eyedroppers of sublingual Dew Drops, vape pens, massage oils, bath salts, and other marijuana goodies. In one of the facility’s several industrial kitchens, a team […]

Marijuana Rules

Marijuana Rules; Stoner Pictures   StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us your […]

The Art Of Flight

The Art Of Flight; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send […]

Cannabis Trail Mix

Cannabis Trail Mix; Stoner Cookbook With summer basically here, people are spending a lot of time outside. Which is definitely a good thing, as most of us have been seriously deprived of Vitamin D for the past few months. So hiking, kayaking, running, or whatever other outdoor activities people enjoy are at the top of […]

High Potency

High Potency; Stoner Pictures   StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us […]

Next Level Stoners

Next Level Stoners; Stoner Pictures 7 StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team. We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send […]

Peace Love StonerDays

Peace Love StonerDays; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with a higher state of mind. Committed to you and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team. We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our valued stoners. Send us […]


Cannabis Crusted Salmon

Cannabis Crusted Salmon; Stoner Cookbook What could be better then enjoying your summer nights with this dish? For those of you who love fish dishes in the summer, this recipe will be for you! This amazing dish is easy to prepare and will give you an amazing medicated salmon that your friends will absolutely adore. […]


Birds Good For Your Marijuana Plants

Birds Good For Your Marijuana Plants Oh, the wonderful majesty of the bird!  They come in all sizes and colors and have the enviable ability to soar high in the sky.  And they just may be high in the sky if they’ve paid your cannabis garden a visit before setting off into flight! Many birds […]

Your Daily Stoner

Your Daily Stoner; Stoner Pictures Get your daily stoner with stonerdays. Wanna show the stoner world your stoner side? Send us your stoner pictures by click on the button above to upload them. We love to see your stoned faces, your fat dab hits, your bong rips, your beautiful nugs, and anything else that’s marijuana […]

How To Roll A Bloint

How To Roll A Bloint; Stoner Guide Big thanks to @clairvoyager Here’s what you’ll need: Scissors Blunt wrap Notorious Big Wraps Razor blade ruler and of course kush To weave a fruit flavored “bloint” (joint/blunt) you’ll need the supplies pictured here. The blunt wrap and flavor of joints are up to you, however I find Notorious […]

Canna Key Lime Ice Cream Stoner Cookbook-1

Cannabis Key Lime Ice Cream

Cannabis Key Lime Ice Cream; Stoner Cookbook Summer calls for awesome snacks! Ice cream especially is something that stoners love to munch on. It cures both the munchies and cotton mouth, placing it at the top of the stoner food pyramid. The following recipe will give you about a quart of delicious (and of course, […]

Cannabis BBQ Sauce

Cannabis BBQ Sauce; Stoner Cookbook Even though Memorial Day has passed in the States, the barbecues aren’t quite over yet! The 4th of July has yet to happen and there are plenty of weekends left with beautiful weather! Looking to spice up your usually normal barbecue with some cannabis fun? This recipe will teach you […]

Zero Citations For Airport Cannabis

Zero Citations For Airport Cannabis; Stoner News When cannabis became legal in the state of Colorado, a lot of people believed that the crime rate would skyrocket… But it turns out that it didn’t. In fact, the crime rates actually decreased. It just shows that there are less problems when cannabis is legalized, including crimes […]

Medicated Ranch Dressing StonerDays

Medicated Ranch Dressing

Medicated Ranch Dressing; Stoner Cookbook Summer is almost upon us. What’s a better snack in the warmer times of the year then fresh vegetables dipped in ranch dressing? Of course, veggies aren’t as awesome as junk food but since most stoners these days are pretty health conscious, I figure that a few of you could definitely […]

Womens Stoner Apparel

Women’s Stoner Apparel StonerDays apparel continues to lead the industry with creative thinking. Our Womens Light Weight French Terry “Dolmans” are 50% Combed Ring-Spun Cotton and 50% Polyester. Fabric Laundered. Extremely soft and comfortable. This fabric is both comfortable and lightweight. Our Spandex Jerseys are 57% Combed Ring-Spun Cotton, 38% Polyester and 5% Spandex for […]

Dahlia; Cannabis & Children

Dahlia; Cannabis & Children Children especially deserve to be able to utilize the healing properties of cannabis when diagnosed with severe illnesses such as cancer. With the dangerous effects of radiation being almost as bad as the effects from the disease itself, cannabis is being continuously proven to be a way to combat cancer, with […]

Mens Stoner Apparel

Men’s Stoner Apparel StonerDays apparel continues to lead the industry with creative thinking. Our mens shirts and tanks are 100% combed ring-spun cotton. This fabric is both comfortable and lightweight. StonerDays is committed to the highest standards in every aspect of our product. With a tag less design built not only for looks but ultimate […]

StonerDays Glass Mats

StonerDays Glass Mats; Stoner Review StonerDays Glass Mats are the dopest smoking accessory when it comes to protecting your glass pieces from become pieces of glass. Every Dab Mat  is created from durable 1/8″ laminated shock absorbent rubber, the best choice for protecting your dab rigs, water pipes and glass bongs from hard surfaces and accidents. Happy dabbing, stay blazed! With […]

StonerDays Posters

StonerDays Posters; Stoner Reviews These huge StonerDays posters are perfect for decorating any stoner pad, garage or anywhere your creative mind takes you! Printed on Full-Bodied 100lb paper and coated with a glossy finish for better reflectivity and durability. You will be satisfied with your product! FREE sticker pack with every order and FREE USPS Priority Shipping […]

Cora; Cannabis & Children

Cora; Cannabis & Children At age six, Cora is a sweet little girl who suffers from Macrocephaly-Capillary Malformation. M-CM is a very rare multiple-malformation syndrome that causes the body and head to overgrow. This causes abnormalities in the skin, vascular system, the brain, and in the limbs. It also causes seizures, of which Cora has […]

Millie; Cannabis & Children

Millie; Cannabis & Children Seeing a 2-year-old child get diagnosed with intractable infantile spasms isn’t something that a parent should have to go through but it’s a reality for the parents of Millie, a young girl with a rare form of early onset epilepsy in which the brain seizes constantly. This rare condition is called […]

Private Jet Joint; Stoner Guide

Private Jet Joint; Stoner Guide To roll a Private Jet Joint, you’ll need the following supplies: Transparent papers regular rice papers scissors ravor and of course herb The first step of construction is to assemble the fuselage or the main part of the plane. This is to be rolled with the transparent papers. A skilled […]

Eyce Water Pipe

Eyce Water Pipe; Stoner Review The Eyce Mold and Accessory Kit is everything you need to freeze your very own water pipes at home. The kit comes with the Silicone Mold, Core Pin, Grommet, Down Stem, Mouth Piece, Stand and User Manual. (Slide not included) These 6 pieces create a revolutionary new kit that is […]

We Don’t Wanna Go

We Don’t Wanna Go; Stoner Pictures Time to fire up that bowl friends and join StonerDays in our quest to change the views of people from around the world! Marijuana can help us all. Send use your stoney images we are looking for creative images outdoor smoking, sexy smoking pictures, funny friend smoking or anything […]

Synthetic Cannabis ER Visits On The Rise

Synthetic Cannabis ER Visits On The Rise; Stoner News Even with the rise of cannabis reform, synthetic cannabis (also called K-2 or spice) is still a rampant problem in the Denver area as well as other parts of the country. In fact, the reports of synthetic cannabis ER visits has increased exponentially. In 2013, between […]

Cannabis May Help Repair Brain Damage From Stroke

Cannabis May Help Repair Brain Damage From Stroke; Stoner News A stroke is when a blood clot blocks an artery, preventing the flow of blood to the brain. Brain cells begin to die and when they do, motor skills associated with that part of the brain shut down and become unusable. Strokes are the fourth […]

Police Brutality

Police Brutality; Stoner Stories There are horror stories of people getting shaken down by the police. It’s a very frightening experience, especially when you’re not doing anything other then trying to comply with their demands. The following story was submitted anonymously by a reader who had a traumatic experience with the police. This situation is […]

Couples That Smoke

Couples That Smoke – Stoney Submissions THE STONERDAYS ARMY WANTS YOU! Join our Stoner Army and help us show the world what stoners are all about. We are always looking for talented and creative higher state of minds. You can join by clicking the StonerDays Army button below. Once you have joined you will get hooked […]

Pure VS Hybrid

Pure VS Hybrid; Stoner Guide More strains of marijuana are introduced to the market every day. Growers are always creating and breeding new strains of cannabis, giving the consumer hundreds of different choices. Cannabis is grouped in to two different catagories; sativa and indica. Mixing these two different types create a hybrid, a plant which […]

Charlotte Figi Epilepsy Struggle

Charlotte Figi Epilepsy Struggle Cannabinoids have been proven to help cure and assist with cancer. Since cancer is one of the most widely known and feared afflictions of today’s day and age, there isn’t a lot of attention spotlighted on other illnesses… Such as epilepsy. For those unfamiliar, epilepsy is a disorder that causes severe […]

L.A. Confidential

L.A. Confidential Indica dominant hybrid (Indica 95% Sativa 5%) THC content 11-17% CBD content 0.16-0.97% L.A. Confidential is a popular California strain. It is a cross between OG Kush and Affie, which is a high yielding and more pungent Afghani strain. Providing a soothing body high, it is best used for nausea, appetite, stress, insomnia […]

Wake Up Sleepy Stoners

Wake Up Sleepy Stoners  Wake Up Sleepy Stoners, it’s Wake N Bake time! Get your day started with a nice rip from the bong. Maybe add some ice for a refreshing hit. Wanna show your stoner face to the stoner world? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to […]

Brave Mykayla’s Leukemia Fight

Brave Mykayla’s Leukemia Fight The photograph of the little girl and her mother outside of a building, where the little girl is holding a sign that reads “cannabis cured my cancer” is famous in the stoner community. This little girl has been a cannabis patient for over a year now, as part of her treatment […]


Rip The Bong Stoners

Rip The Bong Stoners   It’s 4:20 on the clock… Rip The Bong Stoners! Let’s get high off that sweet Mary Jane. Pack those bongs and toke up! Do you love taking pics when you’re totally stoned out of your mind? Send your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload […]


Jacob; Children and Cannabis At age four, Jacob was diagnosed with a very rare form of dystrophy called Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. This disease causes a serious breakdown of the central nervous system, causing seizures and developmental issues. In 2006, the young boy suffered a Grand-Mal seizure that rendered him unresponsive. Reviving methods were taken to bring […]

Stoners Love Big Nugs and Jugs

Stoners Love Big Nugs and Jugs                     Good morning Stoners,  lets get to smokin’! Stoners love big nugs and jugs and that’s a fact. Do you have what it takes to be a Stonerdays guy or gal. Send us your sexy stoner pics to [email protected] or click on […]


Stoners Crave the Green Buds

Stoners Crave the Green Buds Good Morning Stoners. Wake up and pack a bowl full of that sweet marijuana you crave because it’s Wake N Bake time! Each morning and afternoon Stonerdays brings you the best hand picked fan submitted stoner pics. Do you wanna show off your stoner smile to the stoner world. Send […]

Summer Stoner Nights

Summer Stoner Nights Isn’t just amazing to blaze it up on these summer stoner nights! Feel the warm breeze pass over your bare skin as you inhale the green marijuana goodness. Wanna show off your fun stoner days to the stoner world? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above […]


A Stoners Wild Side

A Stoners Wild Side Good Morning Stoners! Take a walk of the wild side of life and explore the unknown. Take a nice hit of that sweet marijuana and venture off into the mountains, desert, beach or wherever your heart desires. It’s always fun take off on an adventure with some good friends and weed. […]


Stoner Pictures Stay Blazed Saturdays

Stoner Pictures Stay Blazed Saturdays Daily Stoner Submissions StonerDays loves how our fans stay blazed and the world wants to see how you smoke your weed. Send your stoner photos to Stoney Submissions for a chance to be featured on the site and win a free sticker pack. Check StonerDays daily for your marijuana pictures […]

Lighter Bro

Lighter Bro; Stoner Reviews  Here are some facts about the LighterBro multi-tool that can help you review: 100% stainless (hardened 420- series stainless imported from Japan) Fits snugly around a standard Bic lighter. Knife:  The shape is unique and resembles a japanese katana blade.  It is double-V ground and is thoroughly heat treated 420 series […]


Stoner Thoughts are Happy Thoughts

Stoner Thoughts are Happy Thoughts It’s that time of day again stoners, Happy 4:20! Did you know that Stoner Thoughts are Happy Thoughts? Well, they are! Stoners tend to be much happier than the average person. Why is this, because we are always laughing and having a good time… even if it’s stupid. Wanna show […]


Stoners Stay High Till They Die

Stoners Stay High Till They Die It’s that time again stoners, 4:20! Let’s roll up a fat blunt and pass it around with the 7 dwarfs or maybe just with some of our stoner friends, either way let’s get stoned out of our minds! Want the stoner world see your stoner ways? Send us your […]

Cannabis Quality Control

Cannabis Quality Control Finding a job in the cannabis industry is tough, especially because it’s so new. Not to mention the plant is still illegal under federal law so finding a job can be incredibly difficult. Growing is extremely tough, getting a spot at a dispensary is somewhat impossible, and any other position is few […]

Sexy Morning Stoners

Sexy Morning Stoners  Good Morning Stoners! It’s time to Wake N Bake and check out our Sexy Morning Stoners. These sexy stoner girls love milking the bong all day long and we love seeing them blow smoke! Ladies you are beautiful, each and every one of you. Wanna chance for the stoner world to see […]


Tips On Finding Local Glass

Tips On Finding Local Glass – Stoner Guide Unfortunately for stoners, not all shops are honest about the glass that they carry. Most potheads really support the local glass scene, not only because it promotes the community but because local, well made glass tends to be far more strong and durable as compared to the […]

Break Into The Cannabis Business

Break Into The Cannabis Business Being involved in the cannabis industry comes easily for some, solely based on geographical location. Stoners that are based in California, Colorado, Washington, and the select few other extremely lax lawed states have a much easier time getting jobs that have to do with cannabis. Obviously, those that are still […]


Rise and Shine Stoners

Rise and Shine Stoners Rise and Shine Stoners, it’s Wake N Bake time! Shine bright with those stoney eyes and that feel great attitude from being high. Be all you can be today, StonerDays believes in you! Do you have some great pictures you wanna show off to the stoner world? Send us your amazing […]


Milk Your Bong Marijuana Pictures

Milk Your Bong Marijuana Pictures Have you milked your bong today? StonerDays brings you and your bong closer with these marijuana pictures. Guys and girls taking fat tokes any way they can get it. We want your photos send use your stoner photos to Stoney Submissions for a chance to see yourself on StonerDays. We […]

Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana Edibles; Stoner News As cannabis becomes legal in certain states, there are bound to be problems that pop up. However, nothing prepared the cannabis community for the headlines that appeared recently about the death of a young Colorado tourist that jumped to his death off of a hotel balcony, reportedly after consuming cannabis edibles. […]


Lets Be Budz Stoner Pictures

Lets Be Budz Stoner Pictures   Lets Be Budz Stoner Pictures Thanks for the fan submissions we love all of you. Your stoner pictures are amazing and everyday at 8am and 4:20pm StonerDays will bring you the finest marijuana pictures around. Want to see your friends or yourself on the site? Send us your stoner […]

Cannabis Refugees Increase

Cannabis Refugees Increase – Stoner Blog For those patients who are suffering from epilepsy that aren’t in legal states, getting their hands on the seizure stopping plant can be extremely difficult, not to mention illegal. Most citizens don’t want to illegally obtain the substance, especially those who are using the CBD to treat epilepsy. This […]


Cannabis Causes Stink In Colorado

Cannabis Causes Stink In Colorado – Stoner Blog Stoners love the smell of their marijuana. Some people love it so much that they have actually created perfumes that resemble the smell of the flowers. However, the perfumes differ from the traditional stink of marijuana, which usually resembles a skunk. This bittersweet aroma is getting people […]

Buy Local Glass

Buy Local Glass; Stoner Guide Supporting local glassblowers in an important aspect in the cannabis community. Not only are there some incredibly talented glass artists out there that have very little recognition, supporting the local community is key for any cause. Of course, there are places that will try to rip you off, claiming that […]


Florida Wants To Implement Cannabis College

Florida Wants To Implement Cannabis College; Stoner News While most people don’t think of Florida as a really big cannabis state, they’re surprisingly changing our idea of the sunshine state. Not only has the state voted to put medical cannabis on the November ballot, there are talks of Florida being a new spot for a […]

Stoned and Beautiful – Stoner Pictures

Stoned and Beautiful – Stoner Pictures We are stoned and beautiful. StonerDays loves our fans and want to show the world how we roll our joints. Send us your stoney images and we will show the world how beautiful stoner really are. Stoned and Beautiful – Stoner Pictures


Trichomes; Stoner Guide The entire point of cannabis is to harvest the trichomes and smoke them, which is what contains the THC that gets you high. Stoners have to come to believe that the more trichomes, the better. Frosty weed is highly sought after and the weed that doesn’t glisten like freshly fallen snow is […]

Together We Stay High – Stoney Submissions

Together We Stay High – Stoney Submissions We stay high together. Join the stoner army together we ride, keep your head up no matter the situation. Show your red eyes and be proud to be a stoner. Send StonerDays your stoney images because together we all win. Stay blazed my friends. Together We Stay High […]

One Love – Stoner Submissions

One Love – Stoner Submissions All stoners know how great sweet Mary Jane really is. No matter what your reason for smoking pot is it’s by choose we are not victims of addiction but instead proud, creative, original and most accepting people on earth. Send StonerDays your creative stoney images and together we can show […]

Stoner News; Legal Weed Is Coming

Stoner News; Legal Weed Is Coming The United States is crawling slowly towards the complete legalization of cannabis, one state at a time. After so many years of prohibition, the activists are finally beginning to see the results of their hard work. Regardless of the people who are still trying to speak out against our […]