“T.H.C. Truth Hurts Club” I’m getting minorly annoyed at my own level of procrastination lately. Yesterday I would’ve told you all about my favorite dispensary, but I can tell you a story here and pick a new place that hasn’t been shut down by the Phoenix police department. Now that I’ve got your attention, I’d […]
Wake & Obliterate Wednesdays This is probably the most aptly named day of the week for my segment here at Stonerdays. I arise sometime around noon because I have an exceedingly exhausting 13 credit Course load this fall that makes me want to sleep all day on Weds. & Fri. Only having been awake for […]
Stoners Love to Wake and Bake Good Morning Stoners! Start your day off right with a morning Wake and Bake session. Stoners love to wake and bake up each morning with StonerDays daily fan submitted pics, so pour yourself a cup of joe and pack a bowl. We wanna see how you stay blazed during […]
Stoners Stay Blazed on Labor Day Happy Labor Day Stoners! Stoners Stay Blazed on Labor Day all day long. Invite some friends over this Labor Day and have a bbq while you pass the blunt around. Get high and enjoy this holiday! Wanna show the stoner world your baked smiles? Send us your stoner pics to […]
Kings of Cannabis You might not know who Arjan’s Roskam is, but more then likely you have smoked his weed. Arjan’s has been breeding some of the most famous marijuana strains in the world. Strains we have come to love like white widow, super silver haze, and so many more.
Holy Grail of Head Shops As you can probably imagine, being a young adult of the somewhat-privileged white male variety, I’ve checked out so many smoking-related stores that I won’t even consider naming them all. So instead I’ll give you my “top 10” from my city, then you all can leave me feedback, so as […]
Stoner Women Love to Bake Fan Submitted Hello and Good Morning Beautiful Stoners! Stoner Women Love to Bake, bake weed that is. Ladies pack up those bowls and lets get to baking. Wanna show the stoner world your stoner smiles? Send us your stoner pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click on the button above to upload them. […]
Stoners Keep Dabbin’ How’s it going Stoners?! Hope everyone is feelin’ mighty high off those dabs. Stoners Keep Dabbin’ for Days! Join the StonerDays community and be featured on the website. Send us your stoner pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or simply click on the button above to upload them. We love to see your epic dab […]
Modestep – Another Day (Ft. Popeska) (xKore Remix) (Official Video) To all stoners its time to smoke a blunt, bowl, bong how ever you stay blazed and remember tomorrow is another day.
Stoners Smoke Worldwide Good Day Stoners! Hope your day is filled with smokey adventures. Stoners around the world grab your bongs and toke up. There’s nothing better than a big fat rip off the bong. Feel your lungs expand and smoke till ya choke! Wanna show the stoner world your stoner ways? Send us your […]
Butane Hash Oil We know how great dabs can be, inhaling the concentrate and feeling the rush consume your body. But there is a dark side in the making of concentrate, be sure to watch and learn in the making of B.H.O.
Alien OG – Marijuana Strain Review Hybrid (Indica Dominant) THC content 14-28% Take Me to Your Munchies! This outer space Mary Jane is child of the two strains tahoe OG kush and alien kush. This breed is great for severe headaches, body aches, and stress. It’s also been said to provide relief to ADD/ADHD patients […]
Stoners Thirsty Thursday Government Power Play Happy Thursday! Less than 24 hours until T.G.I.F. This lovely day of the week is dedicated to my rants about how our democracy is a lie and the patriotism I once had got sucked out of my soul. There IS a spark of hope for America though; Illinois became […]
Martin Garrix – Animals (Official Video) This is the official video for Martin Garrix’ monster track ‘Animals’!
Kryptonite – Marijuana Strain Review Hybrid (Indica Dominant) THC content 18-28% The Original Green Crippler! This awesome strain is excellent for reducing mundane stresses, pain, and settling your nerves. Its flowering time is 8-10 weeks and comes from sour diesel and OG kush born in the beautiful California. The high THC content makes kryptonite a […]
Stoners Random Topics Tuesday What do we really know about 4:20? How did it become the“stoner code”? To tell you the truth, that article has been written a million times over, and I still don’t recall ever reading one credible fact about how 420 became solidified in our history, much less the most popularized stoner […]
Stoner Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Hey you beautiful sexy stoners! Hope you’re all enjoying this fabulous week day by toking up and staying blazed off that sweet marijuana goodness. Stoner Girls Just Wanna Have Fun… so go out, explore and have fun taking sexy stoner pictures. Send them to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click on the […]
Amazing People We all know people are amazing but watching them in action is just that much more amazing. Kick back light a joint and stay blazed.
Durban Poison – Marijuana Strain Review Sativa THC content 18-22% Durban is the poison to pick. This grass is probably what Bob Marley was smoking. It is a subtropical sativa named after the port city of Durban in South Africa where copious amounts of this strain are distributed all over the world by the thousands […]
Afternoon Delight Happy 420 Its that time again happy 420. StonerDays thanks everyone of our fans for your amazing stoner pictures. We want you, grab your Mary Jane a camera and some nature fun, and go at it. Take creative, exciting, loving, sexy, stoney, and anything your amazing stoned mind can come up with. Send […]
Feeding The Homeless Prank This is great, at first your not sure whats going to happen. Then at the end of the prank you being to understand that this is not a bad prank, but a really heart warming prank. Good job guys, keep up the good work!
Famou$ Fridays with Bone$ One of my heroes of the music industry is Travis Barker. [if you don;t know who this guy is, please read wikipedia or something] He’s an A-List drummer, father of 2, and owns one of my favorite clothing lines, Famous stars and straps. If I were going to get a tattoo […]
Sunday Fun Day Stoner Pictures Sunday funny day stoner pics are in. Thanks for your amazing daily submissions. Each day stoners around the world are smoking weed and taking pics. Send us your smoking pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com. Thanks for the support. Sunday Fun Day Stoner Pictures
I’m Great – Ch@ng3 & Beejan The story of Ch@ng3 & Beejan has a nice stoner twist to it. After getting past some court issues in 2011, Portland, OR videographer/rapper Beejan Iranshad was trolling for music video work on Craigslist, in San Diego, CA. Seeming to be unsuccessful, it wasn’t until SD rapper, Ch@ng3 (pronounced […]
4:20 By Blais (Produced by Flawless) Recording artist Blais (pronounced “Blaze”) is an independent artist out of Los Angeles, California. Writing and composing the majority of his material, Blais is a new face in the emerging Hipster / Alternative R&B genre, mixing sultry melodies with hip-hop overtones. Growing up in the melting pot of Norfolk, […]
A Stoners World These stoners are fucking amazing and StonerDays is proud to represent our fans. All photos are taken by stoners for stoners. Send us your stoner pictures by clicking the button above or by emailing them to us at stoneysubmissions@gmail.com. For a chance to be featured on your stoner site StonerDays. […]
Stoners Sanctuary Pics Of Pot It’s 4:20! Light up your joints, bowls, bongs and everything in between and Enjoy these stoned marijuana pictures brought to you by YOU! Want your stoner pics up too? Just send them in by clicking the button below or send them to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com Thanks for the support. See you in […]
I Love Bongs Stoner Pictures Yes weed do love bongs, fat morning wake n bake or your afternoon brunch toke. Either way you will always find the sickest marijuana pictures at StonerDays. Want to see yourself along with your friends on the site? Send StonerDays your stoner pics for a chance to be featured on […]
Sexy Stoners Marijuana Pictures Stonerdays is proud to present the hottest women around the world smoking weed. Beautiful stoners puffing on sweet Mary Jane outdoors, by the pool, and in their cozy rooms. These girls love to stay blazed and they look sexy doing it. Don’t miss these smoking hot stoner photos. Send StonerDays your […]
Stoners Afternoon Delight Daily Pictures StonerDays has the best stoner pics around. Want to see yourself on the site submit your pics to Stoner Submissions for a chance to be featured on StonerDays. Be as creative as possible we are looking for funny stoner pictures, marijuana pictures, dabbing pictures, smoke tricks, girls smoking weed, guys […]
Stoners Stay Blazed Always Fan Submitted Hello to all our wonderful Stoners reppin’ their StonerDays gear! I Hope your day is filled with smokey clouds and beautiful sparks of fire. These stoners know how to Stay Blazed keeping their bowls packed and always inhaling the marijuana goodness. Wanna show the world how you Stay […]
California Grapefruit – Marijuana Strain Review Indica THC content 12-15% One Hit Goes a Long Way California grapefruit is a unique blend of many of the famous indica strains such as skunk #1, northern lights, and Afghani. This has quickly become a favorite amongst growers for its auto flowering trait and relatively short growing time, […]
Wake N Bake Marijuana Pictures Good morning stoners. Are you ready for your daily pics cuz StonerDays has your Wake N Bake Marijuana Pictures here. Get your smoke on with us every morning, with stoners around the world smoking kush daily. We love stoners send us your smoking pictures to Stoney Submissions for a chance […]
Cat Eats Marijuana Stoners watch this adorable little kitty cat eat her marijuana leaf. Haha, how cute! I know how much every stoner girl loves her kitty cat so I thought you ladies would love this funny stoner video. And don’t worry Girls no cats were harmed in the making of the film. Grab your […]
Wake N Bake Daily Marijuana Pics Wake N Bake with StonerDays. We bring you the sickest marijuana pictures from around the world. See yourself along with your friends doing what stoners do best getting high. Our daily submission will be posted everyday. See you in the morning. Wake N Bake Daily Marijuana Pics. Wake N […]
Daily 420 Stoner Pictures Happy 420. Here are your daily marijuana pictures, smoke tricks, bongs, stoner babes, fat blunts all rolled up here for you. Show these stoners how you smoke your weed. Send your pics to Stoney Submissions for a chance to be featured on StonerDays daily stoner pictures. Stoners want your photos send […]
Stoner Quiz | What Kind of Stoner Are You? Welcome to your Stonerdays Quiz! Do you consider yourself to be a Stoner, Pothead, or maybe just an occasional smoker? Well its time to find out by taking this simple Stoner Quiz. This test will rate your marijuana smoking skills as well as evaluate your reputation […]
Wake N Bake Daily Random Stoner Photos Here they are! Your Wake N Bake Daily Random Stoner Photos are in. Stoner from around the world are showing you how they smoke Mary Jane. Epic outdoor adventures, smoking tricks, sick glass, stoner munchies, marijuana pictures, fat joints and sexy girls smoking weed. Check daily for your […]
Top 10 Stoner Snacks | Do it Yourself Hey there Stoners! Hungry? Got the Munchies? My guess is YES! And You have come to the right place, we have listed The Top 10 Stoner Snacks | Do it Yourself at Home. These items are cheap and easy to find and are most likely in your […]
Girls Just Wanna Get High These girls just wanna get high all day and we’re gonna show you how there doing it. Everyday StonerDays will bring you the sickest marijuana pictures your stoned eyes have seen. Share them with the world and send us your faded pics we want them all. Bongs, pipes, stoned, outdoor, […]
Stoners Wake N Stay Blazed Wake N Bake Daily Photos are up so that means you better be waken and baken. No excuses my stoner friends! Wake N Stay Blazed every morning with StonerDays most epic pics. Do you have what it takes to be a StonerDays girl or guy? Send us your pics to […]
Robin Williams Stand Up | California Weed Stoners laugh your asses off with Robin Williams Stand Up | California Weed. Man, oh man is he funny! Light up a joint but make sure you don’t start a fire because Smokey the Bear will not know what the fuck to do, haha. Enjoy and Stay Blazed. […]
Stoner Submitted Munchies Pictures Thank you for your stoner submits they.. are.. Epic! Can you here what the stoner society is screaming.. FOOD!! And lots of it. We all love to eat bomb food when stoned and putting this together made me hungrier then a stoned hippo. No worries, loved every second of it. […]
Daily Wake N Bake Stoners Pics These Stoners are fucking amazing, creative, and love to stay blazed. Check out our StonerDays fans smoking marijuana, ripping fat bong loads, stoned as fuck eating munchies, and completely sexy. Your stoner pictures are all rolled up here! See yourself along with many other pot heads puffing on that sweet […]
Jack Herer – Marijuana Strain Review Hybrid (sativa dominant) THC content up to 22% The Man, The Legend, The Strain! Named for the late hemp activist, and with over 10 Cannabis Cup awards, Jack Herer is one of, if not the best strains ever. She’s a three way sativa dominant hybrid crossed with Haze, Northern […]
A Compilation of Tips on How To Be A Stoner I’ve collected a couple of tips on how to be a stoner from around the internet because I think that we can always improve how we smoke and make things easier for ourselves when we’re stoned out of our minds. So hopefully some of these […]
OG Kush – Marijuana Strain Review Sativa dominant hybrid THC content 14.43-20.66%, CBD content 0.18-0.3% There are many misconceptions about this popular Southern California strain. Though OG Kush does possess many of the traits of an indica, it is genetically a sativa hybrid, contrary to popular belief. Many collectives will advertise and sell this strain […]
Headband – Marijuana Stain Review Hybrid (indica dominant) THC content up to 24% A superstar is born! Headband is a cross between Sour Diesel and OG Kush. Those parents strains make her a star! The 70/30 indica cross is sure to deliver a heavy high. She’s a fast grower and tends to be short and […]
Lambs Bread – Marijuana Strain Review Sativa THC content 17-19% An Old Soul With Spunk! This classic strain has roots in Jamaica and is said to have been enjoyed by Bob Marley himself and one of his favorites at that. Unlike many sativas lambs bread has a calming effect that includes an uplifted feeling without […]
Blackberry Kush – Marijuana Strain Review Hybrid (Indica Dominant) THC content 10-12% The Ultimate Chill Berry This strain was born from an Afghani mother and the blackberry strain. Blackberry is a very well rounded smoke and very serious medicine. Its strong indica traits make it a prevailing opponent against severe chronic pain and depression. Blackberry […]
Green Crack – Marijuana Review Sativa THC content 15-20% Should I Smoke This? Don’t let the name send you running before you try it. The green crack strain contains no actual crack, it’s just that good! Green crack originated in Athens around 1989 and is said to be created form skunk #1 and a California […]
Cheech and Chongs Animated Movie Every stoner loves a good cartoon and the fact that this happens to be the most widely known stoner duo makes it that much better. This movie had me crying out loud with laughter, I love the fact that this animation relates to movies done in the past by Cheech […]
Granddaddy Purple Indica THC content 16-20% Old Purp Still Has It! The granddaddy purple strain is a result of crossing big bud with urkel, this created a more diverse plant that is capable of producing high yields. This is an award winning strain having won the Green Cup from 2004 to 2006. This is an […]
Why Private Marijuana Clubs Are Likely In Seattle’s Future Category: News | Posted on Wed, July, 17th 2013 by THCFinder Owners of the medical marijuana collective Have a Heart, which has three storefronts in Seattle, recently opened what might become the model for future private marijuana clubs for recreational use in Seattle. Have a […]
Medical Marijuana For Kids – Why I Give Cannabis To My 7-Year-Old Category: Medical Marijuana | Posted on Thu, July, 18th 2013 by THCFinder With news stories and opinion pieces popping up daily about medical marijuana legalization, dad Brandon Krenzler and his 7-year-old daughter, MyKayla Comstock, appeared on HuffPost Live this week to discuss […]
Medical Marijuana May Be An Alternative Option For Controlling Pain HOUGHTON – For patients with chronic conditions, ongoing disease management is an important part of maintaining health and controlling negative side effects of a disease. Disease management can include diet, exercise, medication and, for some patients, medical marijuana. “It has a lot of components that […]
Weed Clothing – Stoner Clothing Here at StonerDays we know you want to get higher than you ever have before and live in a higher state of mind, that’s what Weed Clothing represents. It’s a state of mind that chills above the clouds steering clear from all calamity; it’s time to get dressed. There are […]
Stoner Clothing – StonerDays Here at StonerDays we understand the spirit and passions of the everyday stoner and want to cater to you. We believe that a comfortable stoner is a happy stoner and want you to embrace your love for cannabis as we have. Being a stoner is no longer a derogatory term. It […]
Weed Shirts – For Stoners Weed Shirts are finally here, and the way you like to smoke and get ripped you must own one. You’re sure to get the recognition that you deserve struttin’ around on the beach front in your his or hers Stay Blazed T Shirt. Taking the first hit from a bong […]
420 Tee Shirts – Stoner Shirts When that special time of day rolls around you want to breathe, be, and feel the 420, and there’s no better way to do that than to wrap yourself inside some sweet 420 shirts. It’s more than being high, more than simply smoking weed, but a billboard to everyone […]
Blunts Vs Joints Category: Fun | Posted on Fri, July, 5th 2013 by THCFinder Blunts Vs Joints It’s time to smoke and time has officially run out, you have to make a decision and now! So which will it be blunts or joints? This age old question seems to be the only thing that separates […]
Difference Between Indica Sativa Hybrid Category: Medical Marijuana | Posted on Fri, July, 5th 2013 by THCFinder Mary Jane is a beautiful and indepth lady that comes in three main clasifications, Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid. Depending on which one of these you have the pleasure of feasting on determines what kind of high ride you’ll […]
Hemp flag flying high over the Capitol building Writing By Emily Heil E-mail the writer Posted By washingtonpost.com In a screenshot from the farm bill debate Rep. Jared Polis holds the hemp flag. (Courtesy C-SPAN)The flag flying over the Capitol building on the Fourth of July might look like your typical Old Glory. But you probably won’t […]
American Weed | The Vaporizer Stoners sit back, vap up, and watch this National Geographic clip from American Weed | The Vaporizer. Vaporizers are becoming more and more popular in the stoner community for the reason of efficiency. There is no smoke, no fumes, no hot gas to burn your throat, no carbon monoxide, no ammonia […]
American Stoner Watch this funny Stoner Video of a proud American Stoner tokin’ it up. With the stars and strips in the background and smoke rising up… “God Bless America!” Today is the day to show some good old american stoner pride because it’s 4th of July! Invite over some friends, pass around the joints, […]
American Girl by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers Stoners show your Red, White, and Blue Pride and give it up for this classic rock song: American Girl by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. Today as we celebrate this glorious 4th of July we also remember all the classic rock bands that spark the fire to […]
Stoners Blaze for Independence Day Good Morning Stoners and Happy 4th of July! Bring out the bongs because it’s time to celebrate. Stoners Blaze for Independence Day, fire it up and blast off like vibrant fireworks in the sky. Wanna show your stoner face to the stoner world? Send us your stoner pics […]
Stoner Girls Happy Hump Day Back that ass up girls, it’s 4:20! Let’s get high off that kush and be proud of these sexy stoner girls because… Stoner Girls Got Ass for Days. Do you wanna be a StonerDays Girl or Guy? Show us what you got! Send us your stoner pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or […]
Up Up and Away We Smoke Stoners Good Morning Stoners, what a beautiful day. Got your pipes packed? Ok, here we go… Up Up and Away We Smoke Stoners! Let’s get superman high! Do you love to take stoner pics of you and your friends? Send us your epic stoney pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click […]
Stoners Puff Puff Pass Good Afternoon Stoners, it’s 4:20 and you know what that means… smoke out sesh! Roll up a bleezy and stoners puff puff pass it around, enjoy that delightful higher state of mind. Feel the positive vibes as you pass it to the next stoner! Want the stoner world to see your stoner […]
Marijuana Moms of Beverly Hills Stoners I’m sure you’ve heard of The Real House Wives of Beverly Hills, Orange County, New York, Atlanta, and New Jersey but have you heard of the The Real Marijuana Moms of Beverly Hills? Yes that’s right, wealthy beautiful moms are now turning to the all natural plant marijuana. These […]
Shit Stoner Girls Say Watch this funny stoner video of shit stoner girls say. Speaking for us stoner girls, I think we all say pretty funny things when stoned out of our minds! So sit back and light up the pipe as we listen to the stoner girl talk at it’s most high. Wanna show […]
Stoners Best Part of Waking Up is Baking Up The Best Part of Waking Up is Baking Up! Sure we like Folgers in our cup, but some marijuana in our bongs… now that’s way better! Grab your bong and pack a bowl, its Wake N Bake time. Wanna show the stoner world how you kush […]
Rules For Legal Recreational Marijuana Sales Announced In Colorado Category: News The Colorado Department of Revenue released a 60-plus page report Monday detailing the rules of how recreational marijuana should be licensed, regulated and sold in Colorado. The recreational marijuana dispensaries in Colorado will be regulated by the state revenue department. The state department report […]
Stoner Shades of Green Happy 4:20! It’s time to get faded with Stoner Shades of Green, daily fan submitted pics. Stoners pack a bowl as we dig into the secret lives of sexy stoners and their shades of green. Wanna show us your secret smoke tricks? Send your stoner pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click on […]
Stoners Guide to Rolling a Blunt Welcome to StonerDays Beginners Guide to Rolling a Blunt, today you’ll learn little tips and tricks to get you rolling blunts they way they were meant to be. You’ll have the ground work that you need to get smooth slow burning hits and flavorful mouthfuls of smoke. As with […]
Stoners Roll Your J’s Happy Wake N Bake time! Grab some OJ and Roll a J Stoners! Yum, now that just sounds like a perfect match. Start your day off right each morning with a nice snapper of Mary Jane and StonerDays fan submitted pics. Do you wanna show off your stoner face to the […]
Totally Baked Stoner Faces What time is it Stoners? Time to get your Totally Baked Stoner Faces on, it’s 4:20! Sit back and pack a bowl of that firey marijuana. Let’s get totally baked in style! Wanna show the stoner world your baked side of life? Send us your stoner pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click […]
Stoners Need Their Daily Nug It’s that time of day stoners… Happy 4:20! StonerDays presents you with Stoners Need Their Daily Nug fan submitted pics. “If you don’t smoke your weed, how can you have any pudding!” 4:20pm is the perfect time to smoke your weed folks, it’s before desert! So grab that nug and […]
How To Make A Gravity Bong – Stoners Guide Whether you’ve run out of rolling materials and there’s no bong insight, or you just want to try a new way to get high, a gravity bong is your answer. The way they’re designed you can really get some monster size hits from the gravity leaving […]
Sexy Stoner Hump Day Today’s Wednesday and you know what that means… Sexy Stoner Hump Day! It’s 4:20 on my clock so let’s light it up and blaze out to these sexy stoner girls and their humps. Do you have what it takes to be a StonerDays Guy or Girl? Send us your sexy stoner […]
Stoners Rise with Red Eyes Hello and Good Mornings Stoners! Hope all of you are having a wonderful Wake N Bake this morning. It’s time for Stoners Rise with Red Eyes daily fan pics. Each morning and afternoon StonerDays brings you the best hand picked fan submitted pics. Wanna show the stoner world how you […]
Ten Marijuana Edibles That Look Like The Real Deal Posted by: marijuana.com The guys at marijuana.com put together a delicious list of Marijuana Edibles for use to drool over. As marijuana moves mainstream, the rise in branding will come along with it. Cannabis lends itself very well to pun-filled named, and ganjapreuners use of these […]
Stoners Thrive Forever Happy 4:20 everyone! We want the world to know that Stoners Thrive Forever! Whether you are artistic, poetic, smart with numbers, or have a unique writing style, smoking marijuana can actually expand your mind which in return… helps you thrive. Smoke the herb and start your own creative journey. Travel through the […]
Strain Review: Spartacus OG Posted By The Dude on June 23, 2013 highroulette.com Strain Name: Spartacus OG Grade: A+ Type: Indica Looks: Very tight, dense and frosty deep green marijuana nuggets with each looking like a head of broccoli. Smell: A nice nostril clearing sweet pine and menthol. Taste: Like a big serving of buttered […]
Your Body vs The World Stoners watch this amazing fact filled short video of your body vs the world. Pack up a bowl of that sweet Mary Jane and trip out on the knowledge of the human body. Isn’t fun to get high and learn interesting facts? It’s the best. Enjoy the video! Wanna show […]
Stoners Blaze All Day Everyday 0 Wake N Bake Stoners, it’s another smokey filled day with pipes, bongs, joints, and blunts! Stoners Blaze All Day Everyday… that’s the stoner moto for life. Get high and be lifted to another dimension, explore the world unknown. Wanna show your stoner smile to the stoner world? Send us […]
Positive Stoner Vibes Good Morning Stoners! Today is a fresh new beginning, Wake N Bake each morning with Positive Stoner Vibes. Spread the love and unite together while you share the herb with others. StonerDays wants to thank you all for your positive vibe pics you send in each day. Keep them coming! We love […]
Stoners Eat Your Weedies Good Morning Stoners! It’s Wake N Bake time which means Stoners Eat Your Weedies! Each morning wake up and smoke out with some great kush to get your day started off right. Do you have some great stoney pictures you wanna show off to the stoner world? Send us your amazing stoner […]
The Stoner Side of Life Weather your bored at home, in class, or at work… look at The Stoner Side of Life, it’s 4:20! So grab that favorite pipe of yours and pack a snapper of that marijuana. The stoner side of life is like the bright side of life! There’s always a positive aspect […]
Good Morning StonerDays Girls Good Morning StonerDays Girls! This morning we are wakin’ and bakin’ with sexy stoner girls. We wanna take a minute to appreciate all the sexy women who smoke the lovely marijuana plant known as… Mary Jane. Light up and embrace the sexy creation of Girls and Marijuana! Wanna show your stoner […]
Humping Stoners Um…. Ya its hump day so stoners get your humping in. StonerDays presents our stonerdays girls with nothing but well butts. You can be apart of the cause by simple smoking some weed taking pics and sending them to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or click the button above to upload them. We are always looking for […]
Miley Cyrus Agrees “Alcohol Is Way More Dangerous Than Marijuana’ Posted by marijuana.com While many female celebrities enjoy marijuana’s benefits (both medically and recreationally), few of them are as open about their smoking habits as Miley Cyrus. The A-lister and full-fledged star has made it abundantly clear in the past that she sides with weed. And […]
Stoners Breakfast of Champions Good Morning stoners it’s time to Wake N Bake! Have you had your stoners breakfast of champions yet? If not pack up a bowl of that sweet Mary Jane and get high with us! Check out these kill nugs and send us your stoney pics to stoneysubmissions@gmail.com or upload them by […]
Stoners Bond with Bongs StonerDays presents you with A Stoners Bond with Bongs. We love your special bond between you and your bong so grab your favorite bong and pack a bowl because it’s 4:20! Hope everyone is having an awesome day and staying lifted off that kush. Wanna show the stoner world how you […]
Stoner Mac Miller Mac Miller is a young stoner that knows what he wants in life and goes for it. Meet Mac Miller, born Malcolm James McCormick he’s become a fresh new face of hip hop and most people just call him awesome. It’s no surprise that this rapper/stoner is from Pittsburgh, and it seems […]
Kottonmouth Kings – Reefer Madness Stoners come one come all and raise your voices to legalize the natural God given green plant, Marijuana. Kottonmouth Kings sing with peace and harmony as they unite for the greater cause of humanity, to legalize weed. Lyrics include: “All my friends are stoners, everyone of them gets high… maybe […]
HMJ Giveaway: WIN tickets to HIGH TIMES Bay Area Cannabis Cup We’ve got another contest for you greenies! This time it’s to WIN tickets to the High Times Bay Area Cannabis Cup. All you have to do is Tweet @Hail_Mary_Jane & @High_Times_Mag on twitter & tell us why you want tickets OR Follow @Hail_Mary_Jane & RT […]
HighRoulette Giveaway: 2 Tickets to This Weekend’s High Times Cannabis Cup in San Francisco Posted by highroulette.com We are giving away 2 tickets to this weekend’s High Times Cannabis Cup in San Francisco on Instagram. The event features tons of marijuana-related products, some of the best marijuana flowers and extracts in California, and musical guests […]
Bake Up and Smell The Stoners Wake up and smell the roses? Sure that’s always nice but how about bake up and smell the nug? Now that’s even better! Take out those pipes and pack a wake me up bowl to get your day started. Wanna show the stoner world how you toke up? Send […]