Breast Cancer; Stoner Blog As with every October, we become accustomed to seeing the traditional orange and black that accompanies Halloween. In the last few years, however, a new color has made it’s presence known in the world during the month. You’ve probably seen the explosion of pink at least one year if you live […]
All Frisbee Golfers Smoke Weed? Well according to an Iowa cop who tries to search an innocent man’s car because “everyone who plays frisbee golf smokes weed,” as he explains. If that explanation strikes you as odd we assure you that’s because it is flat out, downright, and absolutely illegal in the United States. In […]
Tommy Chong On Dancing With The Stars For somebody in their 70s, you’re amazing, man. People don’t move that well in their 40s! Man, I know! Do you have a lot of experience dancing? Not a lot of experience, but I had a lot of love for it. I was about 15 or 16 when […]
DC Comics Stink; Stoner Blog DC Comics stinks! Or at least, the publisher will embracing a sense beyond touch and sight when it releases “Harley Quinn Annual #1,” a “scenticular” comic that features four mystery “rub and smell” scents. Or at least, they have been a mystery… Until now! The four scents in the issue […]
The Future Stoner – Stoner Pictures To be a stoner one must stay blazed and you have. With images sent to use daily from around the world we here at StonerDays would like to show you just how high you are. Send us your stoney images and StonerDays will show the world how fucking awesome […]
Stoner Spirit Hey Hey Hey Stoners! Do you have that amazing Stoner Spirit? Roll up a fatty and go out and enjoy mother nature. Go run wild through the fields, climb a mountain, or just lie in the grass at a park. Feel the high and ride it! While you’re out about don’t forget […]
StonerDays Meme’s Each day here at StonerDays we put our minds and hearts into each meme. With only one objective in mind, keeping a smile on your face. Here are some of our favorite meme’s brought to you by all of us at StonerDays. Enjoy! Bill Cosby That moment she offers to roll your blunt […]
Nothing But Nugs Nothing But Nugs all in your face. Each day StonerDays brings the best weed photography your eyes will see. Send your photos to Stoney Submissions for a chance to be featured on Enjoy and see you at 420 for your daily pics. Gotta love your daily Marijuana Pictures. Nothing But […]
Ascent By DaVinci Your going to love it! Here at Stonerdays we recently had the pleasure of using the Ascent. Let me tell you that we absolutely love it! This truly is the ultimate portable vaporizer guys. The Ascent is great for multiple occasions and will leave no mess. Like any vape your never going […]
Stoners Smoke with Pride Happy 4:20! It’s that time of day again, the time Stoners Smoke with Pride! Each day StoneDays brings you the best hand picked, fan submitted pictures daily at 8am and 4:20pm. Do you wanna show the world your stoner pride? Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button […]
A Simple Kinda Stoner Fan Submitted Time to get up and get out the only way a stoner knows how, with a big bowl of kush. Or maybe you like your morning wake n bake with a coffee. Either way StonerDays wants to know what your doing with your stoney time. Send use your morning […]
Another Stoner Day Happy 4:20 Stoners! We made it through another stoner day. Praise the stoner gods and light up those bowls filled with that sweet marijuana. It’s time to celebrate another stoner day come and gone. Do you love taking stoner pictures? We wanna see your epic bong rips, nug pics, grow opps, and […]
Things To Do While Stoned; Stoner Blog “Sitting” around smoking pot is fun. Well let’s be real.. no it’s not. Getting out and enjoying life is what it’s all about. So grab that bong, light a fat bowl and get active! Here are different ways you and your friends can have a blast while stoned. […]
CannaCakes; Pancakes Who doesn’t love Pancakes? This is a great way to start your morning. You’ll need 20 mins for prep time and about 20 mins for cooking time so in all this shouldn’t take you more then an hour to make. Here’s what you’ll need. Ingredients for CannaCakes: 1 egg 1 1/4 cups milk […]
Saving Money With StonerDays In this day and age saving money is music to anyone’s ear’s. Well it’s good to know that Stonerdays is looking out for your best interest, your wallet. With savings on items like hoodies, right now you can buy 2 and get 1 for free! Awesome, with winter knocking on our […]
Indica VS Sativa – What’s the Difference Looking to become a true cannabis connoisseur? Being able to tell the difference between indica and sativa strains is a great place to start. We’ve found that while many people are aware of indica and sativa strains, there seems to be uncertainty as to what exactly sets the […]
Types of Stoners OMG this stoner video of different types of stoners is hilarious! Had me laughing so hard! Dead on and to the point. Attention Stoners, this is a MUST WATCH stoner video! I know each and every one of us stoners has at least a friend or two just like this or maybe […]
Reporter Quits Live On Air Reporter Charlo Greene quit on-air during KTVA-TV’s 10 p.m. newscast Sunday, revealing herself as the owner of the medical marijuana business Alaska Cannabis Club and telling viewers that she would be using all of her energy to fight for legalizing marijuana in Alaska. Greene had reported on the Alaska Cannabis […]
StonerDays Presents: Enjoy! You have always giving us the best and StonerDays wants to pay it back with a video for stoners, by stoners. A big shout out to all our fans in this epic stoner video. Kick back light one up and please enjoy! IG Video Credits: 420jacobb angel_bby13 bongbint chelsoy crackingnugs dabbdoll […]
StonerDays Presents Stay Blazed StonerDays has officially become the highest site in the world. Kick back light a blunt and get ready to have your mind blown. A special thanks to Nate Perry, stay blazed brother. IG: @stonerdays FB: Official Sponsor By Blunts N Bongs IG: bluntsnbongs420 FB: Special Thanks To: IG: […]
Michael Jackson – Thriller Michael Jackson (also known as the “King of Pop”) was a great American singer-songwriter, entertainer, actor, dancer, musician, and music producer. He was born in 1958 and was the eighth child of the Jackson family. In 1964 he and his 4 brothers debuted in the music scene as The Jackson […]
Lean Green Antioxidant Flush; Stoner Cookbook Okay stoner family lets be real, we all know our health pretty much determines our life span. With that in mind here is a healthy way to start any day. This recipe will serve 2 and only takes about 5 minutes to make. Let’s get started. Enjoy! Ingredients 1/2 […]
World Leaders Aim For Global Drug Policy Shift In a report to be released Tuesday, the Global Commission on Drug Policy, a panel of prominent political figures and activists, will call upon governments around the world to decriminalize drug use and legalize marijuana. Members of the commission, including former Secretary General of the United Nations […]
Triple Baked Cannabis Potatoes; Stoner Cookbook Who doesn’t like twice baked potatoes? Well it only gets better Eat Your Cannabis have put together a great way for you to prepare your party treats. These bad boys are great for any occasion and the taste is amazing. Let us know what you think. Enjoy! Ingredients 4 large […]
Alcohol Vs. Marijuana: A Fair Fight? People spend a lot of time comparing cannabis to alcohol. Fair enough. The two substances do have a couple things in common. They both get a lot of hate from people, they both suffered through long years of prohibition, and they both alter the way we see the world. […]
Dank Donuts; Stoner Reviews Stoners love a good wake and bake. Roast some coffee, grab something to munch on, and smoke away. This process is how a lot of stoners start their days. It’s not a real morning without a wake and bake! Unfortunately in this fast paced world, we have very little time between […]
How To Roll A Joint; Stoner Guide The joint is the most versatile ways to ingest marijuana. Ranging for The Cross to The Tulip to even an Airplane they come in all shapes and sizes. Being the easiest way to get a natural tasting smoke majority of people have had the opportunity of enjoying one. Parts […]
Teen Cannabis Use Declines In CO; Stoner News When Colorado first passed the legal cannabis initiative, people were shocked. And not only that, they were mad. There were people everywhere, saying that both Colorado and Washington would basically crumble like the city of Pompeii under the weight of thousands of marijuana buds, as compared to […]
Hemp Helps; Stoner Guide People like to talk about stoners like they don’t know what’s going on in the world. Unfortunately for us, the stupid goofy stoner stereotype has managed to follow us through the years. But unlike the image that most people tend to see when they think “pothead”, stoners are incredibly health conscious, […]
Only Your Firest Will Do; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important […]
Fire Trim Joint; Stoner Guide Not only does this joint have the coolest way to trim off all the extra paper gives you the purest tasting smoke possible with a joint. Simply light one end and let nature run it’s course. Be careful this ones a toughy. Parts List: 1 Large Rolling Paper 1g of […]
CVS An Invisible Illness; By Madison T. Ortiz To understand the entirety of my story, I feel I need to share a prequel to my personal saga My younger brother was diagnosed with Cancer, Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney, Stage IV on May 5 1997. He just turned a year old. My family went […]
The Tulip Joint; Stoner Guide The Tulip Joint is one of Amsterdam’s most famous joints. This iconic joint is one the smoothest and easiest to roll out of the specialty joints Parts List 2″ x 6″ Piece of Cardstock 4 Large Rolling Papers Small Piece of Hemp Wick 3-7 Gs of ground Marijuana Start by […]
Cannabis And Inflammatory Bowel Disorder; Stoner Guide If you’re not familiar with inflammatory bowl disease, it is when the gastrointestinal system becomes inflamed. Basically, your intestines get sick. This kind of condition includes disorders like Crohn’s, lymphocytic colitis, and ulcerative colitis. These disorders can cause extreme pain and discomfort for the person afflicted, sometimes even […]
Mediedibles; Product Reviews Finding a good edible company can be hard these days, with so many of them out there. Not to mention the unfortunate scandalous nature of some people that make their edibles far less potent than advertised. There’s also the issue of finding something that tastes good too or at least good enough […]
Don’t Mess With Nature Marijuana is a part of the natural world around us. It provides a lot of benefits not only to us but to the environment and other creatures around the world as well. In the case of a 500 plant marijuana farm close to Kostroma, Russia, nature took a stand against the […]
Five Reasons Why The Government Wants To Keep Weed Illegal; Stoner Guide Even though there are tons of benefits to cannabis, the government doesn’t seem to want to let up on tossing people in jail for it. There are raids on dispensaries, arrests in illegal states for possession of less than a gram, and totally […]
What’s In Your Weed? Stoner Guide THC: This compound in marijuana is good for the relief from pain, while simultaneously reducing nausea and vomiting. It also stimulates the appetite and can suppress muscle spasms. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana that makes you get stoned. CBD: Get ready to read because the list of […]
Denver Fair Overdose? Stoner News Edibles have gotten a seriously bad reputation in the last couple of months, following a scattering of reports that people were dying or going crazy after ingesting the THC laced confections. One man allegedly shot his family after consuming medicated food and a young man leapt to his death from […]
Best Cartoons To Watch While Stoned; Stoner Blog Cartoons are always a safe bet when you’re smoking with friends or alone. How to choose which ones can be a difficult task though. With the numerous selections on Netflix, how exactly is one supposed to be able to choose something? Not to mention the hundreds of […]
Jalapeño Pot Poppers; Stoner Cookbook An easy snack for you and your friends. With football season starting this is a great way to start any kick off. Ingredients large skillet 10 jalapeno peppers, seeded and halved 1 cup CannaCream Cheese, softened at room temperature 1 cup shredded cheese ¼ cup bacon bits (optional) ¼ teaspoon […]
The Business Of Marijuana; Stoner Guide Many people who are pro marijuana use the argument “There’s so much money to be made!” when combating someone who doesn’t see the plant the same. And while it is a valid point to say that there is money to be made, there are plenty of people that will […]
A Stoned Family; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! […]
CBD or THC; Stoner Guide THC is the active component in cannabis that gets the user high. Most people who smoke weed are solely after the THC. But this substance isn’t what cures cancer or other illnesses. The curing element of cannabis is CBD. This incredible compound is responsible for the reduction of tumors, decreases in […]
Stings Show No Underage Sales; Stoner News We all know that cops like to mess with the people who are following the laws set forth by the states regarding marijuana. Colorado hasn’t crumbled in to the sea, crime is down, and there is more money coming in to help fund school programs. In all honesty, […]
Top 10 stoner icons Bob Marley Bob Marley is 100% a pot smoking legend and was a true stoner through and through. He still represents marijuana culture in a very major way today and can be found on lighters, bongs, rolling papers, t-shirts, you name it. There are countless amounts of pictures of Marley with […]
Best Stoner Vines Best Stoner Vines by StonerDays. Big thanks to our #stonerdays vine fans! Enjoy! Rick James – Mary Jane Now it’s time to get dressed to impressed ladies and gentlemen! This is high fashion stoner clothing at it’s best so hit that bong, roll that joint, and throw on these beyond awesome Higher State […]
Who’s Next To Legalize; Stoner News The two states that have passed laws allowing for the recreational use of cannabis are doing well. Washington is about to open up for recreational use and Colorado has been making large amounts of money from the taxes, while at the same time lowering their crime rate and spending […]
Boba Fett Bong This bong is a perfect representation of Boba Fett at his finest! This piece was created by the awesome glass blowers over at Sin City Glass Pipes. One of the coolest aspects of it is that you can actually wear it. The mouthpiece is inside of the helmet so you’d have to […]
Quality Stoners; Marijuana Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our […]
Top 10 Stoner Activities Music Festivals Music Festivals are one of the most beautiful human gatherings on the planet. A grown-up Disneyland full of art, dancing, costumes, freedom, and of course, live music, music festivals reignite humanity. Many American music festivals such as Coachella, Lightning in a Bottle, Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza or Enchanted Forest establish […]
Under Pressure; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our […]
StonerDays Wristbands; Shop StonerDays bracelets are available only at don’t let these get away! Great for any smoking event or just simply reppin what you love that sweet Mary Jane. We carry seven different colors WHITE, RED, BLUE, GREEN, BLACK, YELLOW, LAVENDER and two different style’s! FREE sticker pack with every order and FREE USPS Priority […]
Top 10 Stoner TV Shows That 70’s Show Gaining the #1 spot on this stoner show list is That 70’s Show. This series managed to put a smoking session in every episode, completely awesome. The teenagers in this show all come from different backgrounds and stories that make for hilariously funny plots and scenarios. […]
Kick your feet up, spark that joint and get ready for the smoke out of a life time. StonerDays presents all your submitted videos from stoners around the world sparking bowls together in Sexy Bong Rips & Dope Smoke Tricks. We love our fans and live to show the world how they blaze. A big […]
Top 10 Stoner Quotes “If the words ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.” – Terence McKenna Not only was the Declaration of Independence drafted and written on paper made […]
A Beautiful Day; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! […]
The Purse Of A Female Stoner; Stoner Guide Girls are pretty prepared for whatever for the most part. We carry around these huge purses that seem to hold every single necessary item that a human could use during the day from floss to makeup to a pad of paper and pencil. A girl’s purse is […]
Reefer Madness; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in mind-you! Our […]
The Dab Dictionary From extraction types to smoking tools, educate yourself on dab dialect with this helpful guide. 7:10: The unofficial time to dab (“OIL” spelled upside down). Absolutes: Extracts that have had any waxes, fats and lipids removed (see also Winterization). Autobuddering: Phenomenon in which, over time, the texture of an extract slowly transforms […]
Ten Health Benefits To Consuming Cannabis; Stoner Guide “It’s bad for your health,” they said. “If you smoke it, you’ll go crazy,” they said. Well these days, we all know that these two things (among the many other nonsense statements about weed) aren’t true. The government has lied about this plant since they realized what […]
A Stoners Process of Rolling Thai Stick Blunts While stumbling across the vast wasteland that we call Instagram, I discovered upon a feed that I had never seen before. This feed featured a kind of blunt rolling that I had never seen before. The @afgoo_head feed is a goldmine for those who want to combine […]
American Weed; Weed Documentary American Weed, where there’s smoke there’s fire! Find out what happens when a small town must decide whether or not to legalize a budding industry.
Dude Where’s My Kush; Stoner Pictures StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in […]
Top Ten Stoner NES Games Well its finally here the top ten stoner NES games. The NES is iconic whether you started playing games before, during or after the era of this legend, Nintendo provided plenty of laughs, jokes, joy and of course frustration. How did we pick the games? We had two conditions: they […]
Stoners A Lifestyle; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset in […]
The Mad Dabber; Stoner Images StonerDays continues to lead the Stoner Community with the highest state of mind. Committed to you, and each member of our stoner team. We have expanded our stoner army and are always looking for more to add to the team! We do this with our most important asset […]
Stonerdays New Clothes Looking fly is something that stoners of this day and age take very seriously. It’s nice to have nice clothes, nice hair, a clean face, etc. Most smokers these days take a lot of time when putting themselves together in the morning. Which is why it’s really important to start with the […]
A Stoned Life; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
Potty Mouth; Marijuana Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, outdoor […]
Are We Stoned Yet; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
Top Ten Stoner Xbox One Games; Stoner Blog The Xbox One is a fantastic console, one packed with all the media functionality any stoner could ever need, and plenty of games to boot. After all, that’s why the console graces our entertainment stands–to play awesome games. Whether your still deciding between buying a PS4 or Xbox One, […]
MANswers How To Pass A Drug Test Need to pass a drug test in a hurry? High Times Associate Publisher Rick Cusick showed up to answer some questions you might have. Enjoy!
Top Ten Stoner PS4 Games; Stoner Blog Here we go ladies and gentlemen time for our stoner game review. We all know the PS4 is a hell of a system, that much is certain. But sometimes picking dope games can be a bit of a challenge. Don’t fret, fellow stoner. We’ve played just about everything for […]
No Country For Stoned Men; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for […]
Is The War On Edibles Fair? Recently there has been a huge outburst against the sale of edibles. After a few incidents that seemed to point to edibles as the cause, people seem to be really against these tasty treats being sold in clinics. This is unfortunate for patients, as some people can’t smoke due […]
A Clockwork Orange; Stoner Photos We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
Hershey Chocolate Company Sues Medible Maker; Stoner News Everyone is familiar with Hershey’s… The company that you turn to when you have a serious case of the munchies! The company you probably haven’t heard of is TinctureBelle, a medical marijuana company that is currently being sued by Hershey because their packaging is too closely related. While […]
Why Stoney Businesses Need Social Media Long gone are the days where a person could simply put a flier out on the street and have people read the message. These are the days of instant information and the magazine has been replaced by the scroll button, as the internet begins to eat away at the […]
Real Facts about the Cannabinoids in Cannabis In this video you will learn facts about sweet Mary Jane. Get your facts straight!
Votes To Cut DEA Funding On Cannabis Raids; Stoner News Last month, stoners everywhere celebrated when the House in Washington passed an amendment that restricts the Drug Enforcement Administration from targeting medical marijuana operations in the states that have passed laws saying that cannabis is medically allowed as well as recreational. Even though the amendment needs […]
Where The Wild Stoners Are; Marijuana Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for […]
I Was Told There’d Be Weed; Marijuana Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking […]
The Freedom Thinkers; Marijuana Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
Macro Wonders; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, outdoor […]
The Process Of Dabbing; Stoner Guide Dabbing is still pretty new to some people and some stoners haven’t even had the pleasure of experiencing concentrated THC. I, myself, just tried concentrates for the first time the other day. There are many reasons why people wait to try concentrates. Some just don’t trust the product in their area, […]
The Stoner’s Guide To Road Trips Recently, my little family and I decided to uproot ourselves and travel across the country from our home on the east coast to California. The trip seemed like a really good idea when we started planning everything out. We were ready to go! But what we didn’t really plan […]
Adventures Of A Stoner; Marijuana Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative […]
Pot Talk; Stoner Images We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, outdoor […]
Marijuana Farmers Market Coming To LA; Stoner News Who knew that in our lifetime, we would be able to see cannabis legalization and acceptance after such a long time of hate and negative thoughts? While it may not be full yet, we’ve still gotten farther in the past few years than many of the activists […]
Life’s Great Adventure; Stoner Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]
Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) One of the most inspiring songs I have had the pleasure of listing to. Enjoy!
Five Ways To Tell A Stoner; Stoner Guide Stoners these days aren’t necessarily wearing tie dye… Or calling everyone “dude” for that matter. New age stoners are harder to spot but not impossible. A seasoned stoner knows when someone else smokes weed… And even if they don’t, there’s a strong chance that they do. Most […]
Life Is Good; Stoner Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative […]
The Progression Of The Stoner; Stoner Blog Some stoners are lucky enough to start their smoking career with a legitimate guide to show them the ropes. Others, however, are not so lucky and begin smoking in some of the worst ways possible. But however you started, most of us are in the same spot now! […]
Memories Of A Stoner; Marijuana Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative […]
Stoners Around The World The landscapes may be different but the concept is all the same. StonerDays has traveled worldwide, meeting awesome people and smoking all kinds of new buds. No matter where our team goes we always meet up with our favorite green bud Mary Jane & Enjoy the moment! Take a quick trip […]
Things Non-Stoners Say To Stoners; Stoner Guide Smoking with a newbie can be really fun. They get super stoned, super fast and usually can be pretty amusing. Unfortunately (and much like alcohol), some people just smoke too much and can’t handle it, turning them in to an awfully annoying nuisance to your normally chill smoke […]
Marijuana Use May Cause Man Boobs; Stoner News In a post for CNN on Thursday, Detroit-based plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn warned that marijuana use could be behind the development of man boobs, known in the medical world as “gynecomastia,” because of the drug’s effects on hormone levels. “Gynecomastia is caused by a hormone imbalance between testosterone […]
Mighty Stoners; Stoner Pictures We are all equals and a family, so lets stick together and embrace one another. StonerDays has been here for you from the beginning and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. So lets show the world how dope stoners really are! Send use your stoney images. We are looking for creative thinking, […]