Weed Waffles & Fried Chicken – Mr. Garth-Culti-Vader – Stoner Music Stonerdays recently had the pleasure of interviewing stoner music artist MR.GARTH-CULTI-VADER. Alright let’s get this interview started where were you born? Was life easy growing up or hard? I was born in Salinas and moved around a lot as a child. I never had a […]
How to Trim Manicure and Dry Marijuana | StonerDays How to Trim Manicure and Dry Marijuana a rumor was started with taking plants and hanging them upside down allowing the THC to drain down into the stems and leaves, this is total nonsense, in this video you will be shown how to properly trim and dry […]
Free Falling Remix by T-Swagg Zone Muzik is a group consisting of 4 versatile Mcees trying to change the game. Each artist started in different times and places in there life and fate has brought them together. They’ve grinded there way to many accomplishments such as opening up for Wu Tang and it doesn’t stop […]
Daily Life Of A Pothead This short film is a parody and does not support consumption of drugs. KIDS, DON’T TAKE DRUGS! This video represents the stereotypes and topics in the life of a “pothead“. This is some kind of humor, if you liked and want more, check out CaralloBue‘. A big ‘thanks’ for all […]
Slimmy – Stoner Dreams A big shot out goes out to our fellow stoner Kytae Burns (born December 25, 1995) on his new video Slimmy – Stoner Dreams. Better known as stage name $limmy, is a young stoner artist from Riverdale, NY. Currently an independent artist working on his first project “Stonerdale”, set to release […]
Lollipopping your Marijuana plants Lollipopping Marijuana Plants is a technique one should definitely try when growing! There are so many ways to grow and harvest the sweet cannabis. Promote all the ways you know and tried with us. Let us know which were the most successful and some that you will never attempt again. Lollipopping is […]
How to smoke weed in your house undetected How to smoke weed undetected in your home. You’ll need a bottle, three sheets of fabric softener, 2 pieces of tissue, razor knife, tape, metal bowl, nickel, candle and fabreeze is optional.
Microsoft Enters Cannabuisness | Stoner News Since cannabis started becoming medically and recreationally legal, the industry has encountered many issues. Banks won’t allow dispensaries to use accounts, security issues, and big business seems to shun those involved in the green rush. Even though medical cannabis has gone a long way, dispensaries are still dealing with […]
StonerDays Presents: How To Clean Your Bong Step by step instructions on how to clean your bong. Brought to you by StonerDays!
The Stoned Army | Stoney Submissions StonerDays IG name currently: @stonerdays @stayblazed StonerDays FB Page: StonerDays StonerDays would like to thank you, for all your support and love. As the stoner community grows so will the voice it carries with it. So lets keep pushing forward. We love to share your stoney images with the world […]
Are Dabs Really The “Crack” of Cannabis? | Stoner Blog Some of the old school stoners or some that haven’t really been on the internet (or people that are still stuck in reefer madness) genuinely think that cannabis concentrates are comparable to crack. Confusing to say the least, especially since cannabis concentrates (and “dabs”) have […]
Cannabis May Be Able To Halt Alzheimer’s | Stoner News There are more than five million American’s that are living with Alzheimer’s Disease, according the to Alzheimer’s Association. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the country. As of right now, there is no cure. But recent research has shown that cannabis may […]
Cannabis Breaks In To Bars | Stoner Guide People often compare cannabis and alcohol, putting them head to head. But some people are beginning to mix the two together… Yes that’s right, cannabis infused alcoholic beverages. That you can order at a bar. Take for example West Hollywood’s Gracias Madre, a vegan Mexican place where […]
Does Marijuana Give You Anxiety? You’ll Need This | Stoner Blog Anxiety can be completely debilitating, just ask anyone who suffers from the mind-numbing, pulse-racing mental disorder. As a person suffering with anxiety for over 14 years I can attest that there are a variety of prescription drugs that can help tame the unrest, but […]
Cannabis & Memory | Stoner Blog For years, people have believed that cannabis effects the memory formation in the human brain. Those against the plant have insisted that long term use (or even short term) will kill your brain cells and make you dumb. This fact is highly contested, with supporters arguing that some of the […]
StonerDays Presents: The Future Of Weed Delivery The time has come for a change of delivering you ganja.. Well this was just a fun day at the StonerDays HQ. One of many great ideas put together while we were baked. Unfortunately what you don’t see in the video is the stoner fail that came from […]
Stoned Driving | Stoner Guide One of the most heard arguments against legal cannabis is the fact that drivers that are stoned are at high risk for accidents, potentially injuring themselves and others. But even though this is a strong debate point for anti-cannabis supporters, about 70% of people don’t think that driving while stoned […]
How To – Make Kief the Cheapest Way This is one of the cheapest way to make the best kief! Kief, keef or kif or keif (sometimes kef) refers to the resin glands (or trichomes) of cannabis which may accumulate in containers or be sifted from loose dry cannabis buds with a mesh screen or […]
How Cannabis Effects the Body Hey Stoners ever wonder how cannabis effects the body? Well in this short stoner video by National Geographic you will find out just how it works. This video captures the true essence of marijuana while placing you inside the human body. It truly is amazing! Fire up that kush as […]
How To Dab Ice Wax Sour Diesel Dab with Matt Rize Learn How To Dab Ice Wax Sour Diesel Dab with Matt Rize. Matts dabbing technique looks great. Enjoy! Please submit your dabbing pictures and videos now! Other people searched for: Hash dabs Wax Dabs How to dab marijuana Dabmasters
Banana Bud Bread | Stoner Cookbook For the best tasting banana bread, use bananas that have the “bruised” spots all over them, be sure to freeze the banana’s you don’t use. You can also substitute with Cannashortening instead of adding straight cannabis. Here’s What You’ll Need: 1/2 cup Shortening 2 Eggs 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice 3 […]
High Beam Solar Glass | Stoner Review Ever taken a solar hit? They’re fun and a great way to get stoned creatively. Well, here is an innovative and creative glassblowing company that not only make’s the High Beam Solar Glass but an awesome assortment of products. With colorful and unique glass like Sherlocks, Spoons, Bubblers, Water Pipes, […]
Garlic “Herb” Mashed Potatoes | Stoner Cookbook Here is a great side dish for any meal and a great way to impress your stoned crowd. Try serving this with baked fish or chicken What You’ll Need: 3-4 large Russet Potatoes, Washed, Peeled, and Cubed 4 large Garlic Heads 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 […]
Cannabis Gives Back | Stoner News There are numerous reasons as to why some people don’t want cannabis to be legalized and these people will come up with any reason possible in order to keep others away from this amazing plant. Among these arguments is that the legal cannabis industry will contribute to teen use […]
Cheesy Weed | Stoner Guide Most people know that cannabis is a flower. And if you didn’t before this, you do now. And if you’ve ever smelled a flower, you know that they emit strong aromas (some great, like lilacs, and some strange like that flower that smells like rotten meat when it blooms). Certain […]
How To Make A Watermelon Bong This is a simple way to make and smoke marijuana out of your watermelon, not only does look like a very interesting way to get high, I’m sure it taste delicious to. So get out your supplies and get to smoking. Make sure you don’t let that watermelon go […]
How To – Dab I’m sure anyone in the medical cannabis community is seeing the rise of a new form of concentrate consumption known as “dabbing” or “dabbed.” Some say “its the most efficient way to smoke.” It very well could be as it does not waste the THC as much as burning it would, […]
Cannabis Tea Recipe Stoners explore the world of cooking and doing it yourself, watch this short Stoner Video on how to make your own Cannabis Tea. Follow the step by step procedure and you too can make a yummy cup of “green” tea! Enjoy! Don’t forget to check out StonerDays Daily Fan Submitted Pics on […]
How To Deal Weed How to deal weed with Gavin Tanner. Ever wondered what it takes to be an awesome dealer? In this How To video you’ll learn the many steps to become one of the best dealers in your hood. So sit back light up your joint and get to dealing. All videos are […]
20 Epic Bongs, Rigs and Pipes Oh My | Stoner Blog These are by far the coolest bongs, rigs and pipes we have come across. After hours of research here is what we found. Enjoy! Let’s start hot with this bad ass rig. It reminds me of the sunken ship with it’s treasure like colors and sea coral […]
Funny Ass Stoner Jokes | Stoner Blog Here is a list of stoner jokes so spark that bowl and get ready to laugh your stoned ass off! Enjoy. So one day a boy asked a girl “Can you suck my dick?” and the girl replied “No I am a vegetarian, I only smoke them trees.” […]
How to Tell Good Weed from Bad Weed
Smoke Weed In Your Room And NOT Get Caught
Stoner Dictionary Weedies Weedies: noun 1. consuming cannabis in the morning Example: “Weedies is the breakfast of champions.” Just because you had your weedies this morning and you’re wearing a shirt that says champion, that doesn’t make you a winner. Weed warriors looking to start the day off right Wake and Bake will be reaching for […]
Stoner Dictionary Twomp Twomp: noun 1. twenty dollars worth of marijuana Origins: Northern California Example: “Hey I just picked up a twomp, you wanna smoke?” In Northern California, twomp seems to be a more common term for $20 of weed and in Southern California, “dub” is more frequently used. We’re sure they have all their own […]
Stoner Dictionary | Twisted Twisted: adjective 1. extremely high on marijuana; sometimes referring to someone stoned and drunk at the same time Example: “I got way too twisted last night on weed and whiskey.” Mixing alcohol with huge spliffs of dank can provide a smorgasbord of outcomes. A common side effect reported with this psychoactive cocktail […]
Stoner Dictionary | Twist Twist: noun 1. a slang term for a marijuana cigar or cigarette Example: “Aye bro, you down to blow a twist?” You can’t go your whole life without trying the twist! A twist or twisty is another name for a joint or blunt. This term was coined because some smokers like […]
Stoner Dictionary | Tulip Tulip: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that is hand-rolled into the shape of a tulip Example: “Dave rolled me a tulip for my birthday and it smoked out 8 people.” Ah, tulips. A beautiful, timeless and romantic flower. Combine this beauty with Mary Jane, and what do you have? Something out […]
Stoner Dictionary | Zoned Zoned: adjective 1. to be high on marijuana and focused on one thing Example: “I smoked a bowl and zoned on the window for an hour.” Pay attention, focus, because that’s what it takes to change the world. One man, Jack Herer, changed the world forever with his unwavering passion for cannabis. […]
Stoner Dictionary | Zip Zip: noun 1. refers to an ounce, or 28 grams, of cannabis Example: “A zip and a double cup, I’m gettin’ high as f–k.” – Juicy J In the dispensary game, there is a continuously evolving lexicon of slang. Back in the day, before dispensaries existed and you had to purchase […]
Stoner Dictionary | Yesca Yesca: noun 1. a Mexican slang term for marijuana Origin: immortalized by the 1978 film Cheech & Chong’s Up In Smoke appearing on a license plate Example: “Just got back from TJ with some of that yesca.” La Yesca is a mountainous forest region in Mexico where a tree known as Yesca grows. […]
Stoner Dictionary Weed Weed: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana, chronic, cannabis, pot Example: “I smoke every weed yeah, I plant that big ol’ seed man, I smoked every strain there is around.” – Walker Young Wild weed, stinky weed, dirt weed, skank weed, whatever you call it, it still means the same thing: marijuana. […]
Stoner Dictionary | Wacky Tobacky Wacky Tobacky: noun 1. specifically referring to naturally occurring cannabis sativa Example: “I got some wacky tobacky growin’ out back.” Thomas Jefferson once said, “that as long as America has hemp she will never experience a shortage of cordage.” Well, in 1937 the government completely banned hemp and by 1942, […]
Stoner Dictionary | Zonked Zonked: adjective 1. tired or worn out after a long day and/or night of partying Example: “After that Electric Run, I am zonked.” Zonked is a stoner slang term that has survived the test of time. Prevalent in the 1960s and 1970s, it has managed to remain a part of the counter-cultural […]
Stoner Dictionary | Wrap Wrap: noun 1. cigar paper used to roll up marijuana into a “blunt” Example: “This wrap makes my herb taste like grapes.” Wraps have recently exploded onto the marijuana mainstream. The practice of “gutting” a cigar of its tobacco and replacing it with killer chronic has been made much more practical […]
Stoner Dictionary | Volcano Volcano: noun 1. a modern type of electric vaporizer used for consuming marijuana Origin: created by Storz & Bickel in 2000 Example: “I smoked one volcano bag and all my back pain disappeared.” One of the modern marvels of the marijuana world, the volcano is truly a revolutionary style of smoking. Though […]
Stoner Dictionary | Vegged Vegged: adjective 1. a term that describes being so high on marijuana that it puts you in a vegetative state Example: “All I wanna do this weekend is smoke hella bowls and be vegged in front of the TV.” Some cannabis strains, mainly indicia varieties, have the capacity to immobilize heavy hitters. […]
Stoner Dictionary | Zig Zag Zig Zag: noun 1. a brand of papers used to roll marijuana cigarettes Origin: Zig Zag is a French company founded in 1879 by Maurice and Jacques Braunstein Example: “I always prefer a Zig Zag to a pipe.” In the latter part of the nineteenth century a method of “interleaving” […]
Stoner Dictionary | Utensils Utensils: noun 1. anything used to clean a bowl or bong; also known as a poker Example: “My bowl is clogged, anyone got a utensil I can use?” Every pot smoker that has a bowl or bong has used one of these. Car keys, nails, toothpicks, golf tees, bobby pins, sticks, straws, […]
Stoner Dictionary Wasted Wasted: adjective 1. overly intoxicated on a mix of drugs, usually marijuana and hard liquor Ex: “Did you see how wasted I was last night? I’m feeling it today.” What day allows one to get completely wasted on a very special day of the year, in a very special city, without ruining your […]
Stoner Dictionary | Wacky Weed Wacky Weed: noun 1. frequently refers to wild, low grade cannabis sativa Example: “This wacky weed looks like oregano.” Cannabis is a plant referred to as a “weed” for its rate of growth and mortality. Wild marijuana can be found growing throughout the nation. From the sandy soil of the […]
Stoner Dictionary Vacuum Lungs Vacuum Lungs: noun 1. what stoners are forced to use on their clogged smoking apparatus when they don’t have a utensil available 2. what your best friend brings over every time you get a fresh sack of some kush Example: “Damn vacuum lungs, save some for the rest of us!” Every […]
Stoner Dictionary | Wake ‘n’ Bake Wake ‘n’ Bake: verb 1. to smoke pot upon awakening Example: “I always start my day with a wake ‘n’ bake.” Nothing cures those sobering slumbers better than giant gobs of green goodies. It’s the best way to “start the day off right man,” exclaims the character “Smokey,” […]
Stoner Dictionary | Vaporizer Vaporizer: noun 1. an electric apparatus that uses a heated glass or metal plate to extract the active ingredients in cannabis, as opposed to a flame, providing a purer inhalant of vapor versus smoke Origin: the Vaporbrothers produced the first vaporizers for cannabis consumers Example: “I love using vaporizers because they […]
Wake And Bake Sandwiches | Stoner Cookbook The wake and bake is the most important part of the stoner morning. Without a proper wake and bake, the poor pothead can’t go about their day. So in case you don’t have time to smoke and eat, it’s highly recommended that you eat. But just in case you […]
StonerDays Summer Line 2016 | Shop StonerDays Feeling comfortable and still looking good is something that stonerDays takes very seriously. Most smokers these days take pride when putting themselves together in the morning. So how do you keep yourself stoner-ready but still presentable at the same time? StonerDays, offers the comfort of a high quality shirt at […]
Pizza Box Turned Pipe | Stoner Guide Stoners know how to create something out of nothing… Or better yet, how to create something out of a list of seemingly non-related items. There are hundreds of jokes about how a stoner can grab anything around them and turn it in to a smoking device. Pipes have been […]
Stoner Barbies Smoke like Marley Good Afternoon Stoners it’s time to get your smoke on, it’s 4:20 on the dot! Pack up a bowl and take a look at these sexy Stoner Barbies Smoke Like Marley. Fun stoner fact: Stoner girls are sexy because they look like Barbie but smoke like Bob Marley! Wanna […]
Why Choose a Stoner Chick | Stoner Blog Life is hard enough with the stress caused from bills, work and even kids, so lighting up at the end of a long stressful day can be your way of release. And as for finding a worthy mate thats a challenge in itself as well. Although this […]
Weed Daily | Stoney Submissions Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great stoned day. Wanna get super high? Stoners Smoke Till Ya Choke! This always ensures a nice steady lifted kinda feeling. Showing off your stoner smiles 🙂 Send us your stoner pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload them. We […]
Grilled Peach Cannabis Salad | Stoner Cookbook With summer fast approaching, people are beginning to get prepared for backyard barbecues and trying to look killer in a bathing suit. So while we do understand that candies and confections make great edibles, not everyone wants to mow down on brownies right before beach season. But what […]
Benefits Of Eating Cannabis | Stoner Guide Even though cannabis isn’t federally recognized as a medicine, more and more people are beginning to believe in it’s positive effects. But since smoking has such a negative stigma attached to it, there are some people who would rather eat their cannabis as compared to smoking it. Cannabis […]
Flatbread Pot Pizza | Stoner Cookbook While some of us take pizza for granted, there are some patients that have sensitive stomachs and cannot ingest this delicious meal. Thankfully, there is a gluten free option out there. Seeing as how patients suffering from Celiac disease and cancer shouldn’t ingest gluten or sugar, it is shocking […]
Stoner Love | Stoney Submissions Good Day Stoners! Hope you’re all having a great stoned day. Wanna get super high? Stoners Smoke Till Ya Choke! This always ensures a nice steady lifted kinda feeling. Showing off your stoner smiles 🙂 Send us your pics to [email protected] or click on the button above to upload […]
Children As Young As 11 Can Receive Oxycontin But Not Cannabis | Stoner News In the last few years, the United State has seen a surge in opiate related deaths. More and more people are dying from this type of overdose than they are of traffic accidents in some areas. The problem with opiate drug addiction […]
Stoner Dictionary | Rasta Weed Rasta Weed: noun 1. a mixture of herbs containing no cannabis meant to simulate the effects of marijuana Example: “I can only smoke rasta weed because my work drug tests once a month.” Perhaps one of the most interesting topics to debate among marijuana smokers, rasta weed is a mixture […]
Stoner Dictionary | Quarter Of Weed Quarter: noun 1. a quarter of an ounce, or 7 grams, of marijuana Example: “I scored this Q for only $50!” It is not really a big amount of weed at all. In the illegal street world of M.J. a quarter is known as the largest amount of weed a […]
Stoner Dictionary | Party Bowl Party Bowl: noun 1. an unusually deep bowl in either a pipe or a bong that is filled to the brim with marijuana and shared Example: “Don’t worry, I packed a party bowl, there’s plenty to go around.” One of the best parts of weed culture is how it brings […]
Stoner Dictionary | Smoke Smoke: noun/verb 1. the gaseous carbon byproduct of marijuana combustion 2. the act of consuming marijuana Example: 1. “I milked it until the chamber was white with smoke.” 2. “I can’t wait to smoke a bowl after work.” The magical word given to the mythical gas like structure born from the meeting […]
Stoner Dictionary | Top Shelf Top Shelf: adjective 1. a classification of the highest possible grade of marijuana found at a medical marijuana dispensary Example: “I never get mids or lows, I always get the top shelf strains.” Similar to the set-up of a bar or liquor store, most medical marijuana dispensaries have three tiers […]
Stoner Dictionary | Trichomes Trichomes: plural noun 1. the THC resin glands found on marijuana buds Example: “There are so many trichomes on these buds that they look glittery.” Like beautiful little diamonds winking and sparkling at you, the trichomes found on potent marijuana flowers can be so thick that they can be seen with […]
Stoner Dictionary Mother Mother: noun 1. the name growers coined to explain a female marijuana plant they can put back into bloom or vegetative state whenever they choose to get one plant to continuously produce buds 2. the female marijuana plant that clones are clipped from Example: “I have a mother plant of my favorite strain […]
Stoner Dictionary | Pound Pound: noun 1. 16 ounces or 450 grams of marijuana Example: “I came up on a good deal for a pound.” A Pound of weed is a pretty large amount and can take the average smoker a good while to finish. If one was to smoke a gram a day it […]
Stoner Dictionary Meds Meds: noun 1. a term for medical marijuana Example: “I picked up some strong meds at the dispensary to help with my migraines.” A well known fact that marijuana has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal and healing properties. Well today it is still acknowledged and there are a handful of […]
Stoner Dictionary | Trees Trees: noun 1. a slang term for marijuana Example: “Christmas came early this year when I got these tasty trees from the clinic today.” These nugs are not used for paper, not saw dust and are not home to woodland creatures either.They are also not cut down at the end of the […]
Stoner Dictionary | Torched Torched: adjective 1. a term used to describe being extremely high on marijuana Example: “Oh man, I was so torched at the party last night I could barely keep my eyes open.” Being torched is an extreme case of intoxication. Some may like being so gone that you can barely speak or […]
Stoner Dictionary Toke Up Toke Up: verb 1. the act of smoking marijuana Example: “Hey dude, you wanna toke up after class?” Weed culture is full of code words to get yourself and others high: so light up stoners. Joints is one of these. The definition means to smoke bud, get faded, and enjoy life. Set […]
Stoner Dictionary | Snapper Snapper: noun 1. an individual bowl of marijuana meant to be smoked by one person, then often re-packed and passed Example: “No dude, that bowl is all you, I packed you a snapper.” There are many different customs practiced in the stoner community. In larger smoking circles, usually a party bowl […]
Stoner Dictionary | Mole Bowl Mole Bowl: noun 1. a bowl of marijuana with loose tobacco sprinkled on top Example: “Noah is fiending for a mole bowl.” I’m sure you have heard of a spliff and have most likely smoked one as well, but whatchu know ’bout mole bowls? Also known as smoking moles or in […]
Stoner Dictionary | Little John Little John: noun 1. a marijuana cigarette that uses two rolling papers instead of one Example: “I used my last two Zig Zags to roll this Little John.” Rolling joints is something personal to the smoker and an action that you always want to get correctly for your preferred smoking […]
Stoner Dictionary | THC THC: noun 1. tetrahydrocannabinol, the active psychotropic ingredient in marijuana Example: “Most strains have an average of 15% to 20% THC content.” The star of the show, the talented magician, the reason behind loving the beautiful cannabis plant: THC. It is what gets you high and is the chemical compound C21H30O2. […]
Stoner Dictionary | Thai Sticks Thai Sticks: noun 1. high grade cannabis that is tied to bamboo Origin: Thailand Example: “I took one hit of some Thai stick and felt like I was literally flying to Thailand.” Thai sticks are an exotic luxury that not many get to experience on a regular smoking basis. Thai […]
Stoner Dictionary | Swisher Swisher: noun 1. a nickname for a brand of cigar called Swisher Sweets Example: “I rolled a fatty blunt out of a swisher.” Originally the name comes from the brand which is a cigar company that dates back to 1861. For many smokers, they are a favorite for rolling up marijuana. […]
Stoner Dictionary | Male Male: noun 1. the sex of marijuana plant that is not harvested for consumption Example: “I bought a batch of seeds and was pissed when they were all males.” Useless, good for nothin’, no bud havin’! Hey, hey hey, how about we take it easy on our guys here. Male marijuana […]
Stoner Dictionary | Pot Head Pot Head: noun 1. a person who habitually consumes marijuana on a daily basis Example: “I smoke weed every day and am proud to be a pot head!“ To be or not to be a pothead? That is the question. Nowadays, to bare the name pot head is a badge […]
Stoner Dictionary | Spice Spice: noun 1. a synthetic substitute for marijuana Example: “I’m only smoking spice right now because I have to get drug tested next week.” Spice is a relatively new brand of synthetic marijuana which is legal and available to purchase at various head shops. It contains no cannabis and is […]
Stoner Dictionary | Mary Jane Mary Jane: noun 1. a popular nomenclature for the cannabis plant; English translation of the Mexican-Spanish name Maria Juana or marijuana Example: “I’m in love with Mary Jane, she’s my main thing, she makes me feel alright, she makes my heart sing.” -Rick James What came first, Mary Jane or marijuana? […]
Stoner Dictionary | Resin Bowl Resin Bowl: noun 1. the dark, sticky, THC residue that accumulates in pipes and bowl pieces from multiple uses that is scraped with some sort of pointy tool, collected and smoked Example: “We ran out of herb so Stephanie scraped her bong and packed a fat resin bowl.” For the […]
Stoner Dictionary | Reefer Reefer: noun 1. a slang term for a joint or marijuana Example: “I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes… reefer.” – Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) Green buds of wondrous potential and good vibes, or reefer for short. Reefer is another […]
Stoner Dictionary | Strains Strain: noun 1. a particular type of cannabis that offers different flavors, smells and effects Example: “Lavender Kush is my favorite strain of weed.” A strain of weed is a particular type of weed that will produce a particular type of high every time you smoke it. Strains are classified as […]
Stoner Dictionary | Magic Wand Magic Wand: noun 1. an abnormally long marijuana cigarette Example: “We smoked a Magic Wand that was longer than my arm!” There are very few people that could come up with a better name than the magic wand for a long marijuana joint. The definition of a magic wand is […]
Stoner Dictionary | Poor Man Poor Man: noun 1. a homemade marijuana pipe crafted from an aluminum can Example: “The first time I smoked weed when I was 12 was from a poor man.” You may not have a fancy shmancy bong, and you may not have a distinguished pipe either, but you can still […]
Stoner Dictionary | Strikeout Strikeout: noun 1. the act of inhaling a copious hit from a water pipe, pounding a beer, taking a shot, then exhaling the smoke afterwards Origins: The 2006 Broken Lizard comedy Beerfest Example: “I tried the strikeout for the first time at my party last night and woke up under the banana tree […]
Stoner Dictionary | Stoner Stoner: noun 1. an individual who regularly consumes marijuana Example: “I am proud of my status as a stoner in the world of weed.” A committed smoker of weed is often called a stoner because that is exactly who they are. It can even be used as a term of endearment […]
Stoner Dictionary | Mids Mids: noun 1. medium grade marijuana Example: “The dispensary had a good selection of mids.” So many choices and so much time to try them all! Cannabis comes in a variety of potency and quality, all depending on where you live and what’s available to you. Mids in the marijuana world […]
Stoner Dictionary | Stoned Stoned: adjective 1. a term used to describe being very, very, very intoxicated on marijuana Example: “Sorry I didn’t make it to your party, I was so stoned I could barely move.” “You know I work so hard, all day long, everything I try to do, seem to always turn out […]
Stoner Dictionary | Purps Purps: noun 1. a variety of marijuana strains that turn purple when grown in cooler temperatures Example: “I smoked some bomb purps that hit me light a freight train.” History reveals purple to be a color that represents royalty and most smokers would agree that when talking buds, it means the […]
Stoner Dictionary | Spliff Spliff: noun 1. a cigarette containing both marijuana (flower or concentrate) and tobacco Origin: Europe Example: “All we smoked in Spain were spliffs rolled with tobacco and Moroccan hash.” Rolling a spliff is a little different than your average joint. Spliffs are known to contain tobacco in them as well as Mary Jane and are […]
Stoner Dictionary | Sneak a Toke Sneak-a-Toke: noun 1. an apparatus used for smoking marijuana discreetly Example: “I take ‘cigarette breaks’ at work with my sneak-a-toke.” A bong just wouldn’t work out so well on a road trip and what about at the family reunion, may not be the best place to pull out the […]
Stoner Dictionary | Maui Waui Maui Waui: noun 1. a particular sativa strain of marijuana created in the 1960s; also known as Maui Wowie Origin: Maui, Hawaii Example: “That Maui Waui went straight to my head.” Located in one of the dreamiest vacation getaways lies a cannabis plant unlike any other found anywhere else on the planet. […]