Stoner Sneak-A-Tokes
Stoners everywhere are always looking for a way to discreetly get high in public. Let’s face it, dealing with people is always easier when you’re baked. These days, companies get that not everyone can smoke openly and the paraphernalia for subtle smoking devices has exploded. I’ve found five of the coolest stoner sneak a tokes for your enjoyment, including where to get them if you feel like James Bonding your next smoke sesh!
1. ThePuFFiT Vape
This discreet little device is shaped like one of the most commonly used medical devices around; an inhaler! It’s small, compact, and user friendly. Girls can put in it their purse and guys can fit it in their pocket! The PuFFiT vape heats up quickly and is easy to load so don’t worry about having to complete a process to get stoned with this thing while on the go! You can purchase them at
2. Fold-A-Bowl
Talk about awesome! This disposable pipe comes in the form of a thin sheet of metal with a couple of holes. When folded in a certain way, the metal turns in to a small pipe that can be discarded. These are perfect for people who really love to travel because you can fit them in your wallet along with your credit cards and only fold them up when needed. The Fold-A-Bowl is available at
3. Lipstick Pipe
Ladies, this piece is the perfect addition to your purse! The lipstick pipe is an adorable way to smoke on the go and in a discreet way! Pretending to apply lipstick while being able to smoke a bowl is a great idea. I strongly recommend that you pick one of these up. Guys, this makes a great presents for a lady friend! If you order the lipstick pipe from, you’ll even get a free pack of screens, which is something I would definitely recommend getting with a pipe this small!
4. The Traditional Cigarette One Hitter
These things have been around for as long as I can remember! They’re super stealthy and easy to transport, plus they’re cheap so if it comes to you having to ditch it, you can always get a new one soon after. They also make really nice carrying cases for them that allow you to also carry ground up bud in the same container as the one hitter. These pieces are available pretty much everywhere, as they are probably the most popular stealthy one hitter available.
5. Secret Smoker Bracelet
I strongly believe in supporting local artists as they come up with new ideas for dope little stoner trinkets and Alice Moon Design definitely has one! Introducing the secret stoner bracelet, a bracelet that you not only can have custom made in colors of your choice but also doubles as an on the go sneaky smoking device! These bracelets are priced at $35 and can be ordered on Alice Moon’s Etsy at
Stealthy smoking, while not always necessary, is definitely a courtesy to those around you in public who may not want to be around marijuana being openly smoked. Pieces like this just make it easier for us to stay blazed while doing errands, at work, and every other aspect of life that is enhanced by being stoned (aka everything 😉 ).
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