How to Choose a CBD Product to Fit Your Lifestyle Better

CBD is the latest trend in the health and wellness space. While access to CBD is at an all-time high, there are some key factors you need to be aware of before purchasing CBD oil.

In this post, we will discuss how to choose safe CBD oil products that fit your lifestyle. CBD is an incredible compound, but the industry is still new and isn’t well regulated, leaving the responsibility of finding quality products to the consumer.

How Safe is CBD Oil?

First, it’s important to understand that CBD itself is safe. The WHO made a statement on the compound in 2017, reporting that CBD is well tolerated in humans. However, CBD products usually contain more components than just pure CBD.

The residual solvents leftover from the extraction process and pesticides left behind from production can be harmful. Finding a safe CBD supplier requires holding the company accountable and demanding transparency in the compounds in the extract and other ingredients added to the product.

How to Buy CBD?

Since the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD access has exploded. You can purchase cannabinoid hemp products at grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and online. Buying CBD in person can be beneficial if you go to a dedicated hemp-derived cannabinoid store; we don’t recommend buying from a gas station or corner store.

Even grocery stores and pharmacies can carry expired or questionable CBD products.

How to Shop for CBD Oil

We recommend shopping for CBD oil online because you get access to the entire market. The selection of CBD products online is far beyond a brick-and-mortar store; however, it is up to you to do due diligence and find a safe, reliable supplier.

Lab testing is the only way to check if companies exercise safe manufacturing practices leaving the final product free of residual solvents and pesticides. Therefore, checking 3rd party lab tests from a registered facility is a must before ordering products from a new company.

You can also check cannabinoid and terpene tests. These verify that your products have the advertised amount of CBD and if the product is full or broad spectrum.

1.   Trustworthy CBD Oil Companies

Whether online or in retail, every CBD store should have lab tests for every product readily available for all customers. A failure to do so is an immediate red flag, and you should be highly cautious when dealing with companies that don’t provide complete transparency.

2.   CBD for Your Lifestyle

CBD is incredibly versatile and can be used in several situations. For example, many people take gummies before bed, and others use the extract throughout the day.

Finding the right product for your lifestyle starts with finding a trustworthy brand. This ensures that the products actually contain CBD. Once you’ve established a reliable source, you can experiment with using CBD in various situations.

3.   How to Spot Trusted CBD Brands

Brands that offer transparency, have reviews, and do business for years are highly likely to sell quality CBD products. Of course, the only way of knowing what is in the products is by checking lab tests, but a look through reviews can also give you valuable insights into a brand.

Companies that sell fake CBD or products containing dangerous chemicals may be successful for a few months, but they all eventually get exposed. Trusting a brand that has been in business for multiple years and has built a reputation is a safe bet.

Our Tips for Buying CBD Products

Finding the right CBD products for your lifestyle starts with finding high-quality CBD. Once you find a brand you can trust, you can experiment with different administration methods, dosages, and times of day to discover how you can benefit most from CBD.