Marijuana and Sex

Marijuana and Sex | Stoner Blog

The physical three dimensional world comes complete with senses for our bodies to enjoy and experience.

Taste, smell, sound, touch, sight all become incredibly enhanced when smoking some dank kush. Still there are other parts of the body that have been known to benefit from these “enhancements” as well.

Cannabis is known for making bodies more receptive to even the simplest of stimuli.

The ever so vigilant cannabinoids play their role in tickling the fancy of more than just a few hot spots. Indulging yourself in the finer things in life are always ideal, and what could be better than sweet flavorful buds dancing on your tongue and teasing you with it’s seductive scent, while you yourself are lost, lost deep within the throws of passion seducing a story of your own.

Many claim witness to the fact that not only does marijuana make the actual act feel better, but it boosts sexual desire all together, causing smokers to become aroused  during or shortly after smoking. There is also another perspective to consider when talking marijuana and sex.

Chronic smokers know and experience everyday the intense relaxation and intense creative mental effects while high, this can also be expressed through sex in wondrous ways.

With creative sexual juices flowing there’s no limit to where a night of passion could take you. Some stoner couples say they automatically feel “closer” or have a deeper connection to their partner when they’re faded.

In the 70’s there was a study done on sexual intercourse and marijuana that was widely outrageous and inaccurate.

It claimed that cannabis reduces testosterone levels by 50% therefore decreasing libido in both men and women. Then the 80’s rolled around and saved the day with accurate research this time, showing all of MJ’s strong sexual enhancing capabilities. Test patients reported an increased  amount of sexual desire as well as pleasure!

Anyone who has enjoyed a doobie and then enjoyed some really overly satisfying sex knows that Marijuana and Sex go together like white on rice, peanut butter and jelly, blunt wraps and bong rips!

The next time you and that special stoner get together for a private session make sure to throw some romance into that bowl before you light it, stay blazed and stay sexy!

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