
Cannabis & The Quality of Self Awareness

Cannabis & The Quality of Self Awareness | Stonerdays

Natural healing, home remedies, organic eating and all around health awareness can be found all over Earth. In today’s society tiny homes are the new frenzy, bus living and now hobbit homes! Over the years, people have used cannabis to help themselves reach a state of creativity with beautiful sounds of music, art and dance. Has giving them the anxiety relief instead of harmful pills. Marijuana helps with menstrual pains, nausea, headaches and the list goes on. Cannabis users have turned Marijuana into a away of life and self awareness.

hobbit home stonerdays

Spirituality and Cannabis

Many yogis, spiritual believers say that it “ helps them become one with self and the universe”. Everything has its own frequency and if we truly listen and let go of our stubborn ways, we can learn many valuable lessons. In turn giving us all a better direction in life. I myself am a spiritual believer. I believe in karma.

Spirituality and Cannabis stonerdays

From the words of the Bible the 10 commandments “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”. in other words treat others as you would have them treat you, easy enough and yet most people have the hardest time with this simple concept. I am often told how forgiving and kind I am, as though this were a bad quality to have. Smoking cannabis helps me forgive. It takes aggression towards an action, slows it down and allow me to sort through each emotion without acting on impulse. This in itself can help with relationships, work and personal health.

When I practice yoga while high. I forget about what my body should look like, and focus in on what my body feels like it needs. Yoga like dance is very in-tuned with personal alignment. I find that adding cannabis to yoga helps me tune into myself and allows me to move the way I feel I need to move. Connecting to every nerve, sound, color, and thought. After all, each natural bodily function is in its own sense a brain.

Cannabis and The Arts

It’s not shocking to hear that an artist smokes cannabis. It really just seems to be apart of that lifestyle. Smoke weed, drink coffee. smoke cigarettes. drink wine. art. It’s the vision of the painter sitting at their blank canvas. With a cigarette hanging out of their fingers and a bottle of wine on the floor deep in thought. But there is a method behind their madness. Dr. Alice Weaver Flaherty, a neurologist. Found this.

– People with a higher creativity, end up having more activity in their frontal lobe than 55 others with less creativity-

Cannabis and The Arts Stonerdays

Other researcher have led to these findings. When it comes to music you can discover hidden beats that you may not have heard if you were not high.

Cannabis and Work

Now that cannabis is legal in most states and the legalization date of Canada. October 17 2018. There are places of business that do accept smoking at work. Or don’t have a problem with associates being high at work. But just like alcohol or any Dr. prescribed medication. You need to be smart about t. If you plan to start or continue smoking before work or while at work. There are plenty of job opportunities where cannabis is
welcomed and almost encouraged. Other than working in your local retail shop or learning cannabis though cannabis education classes. You can enjoy your favorite plant while working your own job in your own home.

Cannabis and Work Stonerdays

Entrepreneur – maybe something you would want to explore.

Cannabis and Health/Fitness

The munchies – The upside and downside of being stoned. The sudden need to eat everything. I have noticed how much i enjoy preparing and cooking foods. Turning the finished dish into art on the plate. Already being a creative person i enjoy this time. Also practicing health, I enjoy the change in taste when i’m stoned and eating the same meal time and time again.

Cannabis and Health Fitness Stonerdays

I get more experimental with spices, i’m currently playing with the taste of pear. As for fitness – Moderation is key. I wouldn’t suggest taking a massive bong toke or 4 and then hitting a heavy session. For myself, I found that cannabis helped me zone out when i went for a run, but made me look like an idiot in the gym. I would get to into my music and start dancing.

Cannabis Sex & Beauty

Cannabis Sex & Beauty Stonerdays

Yes! yes to it all. Again and again and again. It’s a feeling that is quite indescribable. It puts the spiritual aspect and the arts together. Creating a feeling that is pure euphoria. And every time can be different. Its beautiful. I highly suggest playing with cannabis and the bedroom. For the green thumb. Cannabis is beautiful. The crystals on the leaf, the bushy or the tall. The colors. Green purple, brown, blue. There is a beauty in cannabis. But can it also make you feel beautiful? I smoked a j took a shower and then applied my makeup. I felt really really good. Beautiful yes. I don’t quite know if it was the relaxation in my face the effortless motion of my mascara brush? The fact that i really didn’t care too much to try. But what what ever it was. I found i had an easier time with make up when i was high then when i wasn’t. I struggled with my eyeliner, mascara, face powder. Everything was concentrated and frustrating. Even though i felt pretty. There is something relaxing about cannabis when it comes to beauty.

Writer: Megan Thiessen