Stoner Fast Food Faves

Stoner Fast Food Faves

Stoners do try very hard to remain healthy these days. Unfortunately, the allure of the Golden Arches seems to get the best of us sometimes. Fast food is delicious. You really can’t lie about that. Some fast food places are better than others and every stoner has their favorite. While some may prefer greasy french fries, others can’t resist a slice of the greasiest pizza out there. What’s you secret fast food favorite?!

The McDouble

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Even just reading the name makes you pretty hungry, am I right? The McDouble from McDonalds is an amazing stoner food and while may choke out a couple arteries, is worth it every once in a great while. Not only that but they’re super cheap and you basically get two burgers from $1.00!



This is probably the best fast food, considering it’s delivered right to your door as if by some kind of magic (or you know, the driver). Not to mention the plethora of toppings to choose from. These days, that can be anything from the normal pepperoni and cheese to fried pickles and buffalo sauce.

BK French Fries


These are, by far, some of the best fries in the world. Salty, hot, and extremely delicious, you’re sure to enjoy these while you’re stoned. Just don’t forget to grab a drink if you decide to snag these as a snack. That salt combined with cotton mouth will kill you (Not really, for anyone who thinks that stoners die from consuming fries while stoned).

In-N-Out Burger


Since these don’t exist on the east coast (at least not anywhere near me), I’ve never had it but the photos I see on Instagram are enough to make anyone want to drive to the next closest state to snag some of those dank looking cheesy fries or massive burgers!

Wendy’s Frosty

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Got cotton mouth? Wendy’s can help with that. Their Frosty drinks are totally a cure for cotton mouth, plus they take the place of a whole meal. Although it’s not exactly the healthiest thing in the world. But at least you’ll get rid of that awful cobweb feeling in your throat!

Do you ave your own special fast food favorite? Let me know so I can make a round two! Email your ideas to [email protected]!

Stoner Fast Food Faves

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