
Fernando TOONZ Juarez

Fernando TOONZ Juarez – Featured Marijuana Artist

Stonerdays is proud to present marijuana inspired artist TOONZ.


1. What is your name, how old are you, and where are you from?

My name is Fernando “TOONZ” Juarez. I am 24 years old and I’m from Northern California.


2. What are your favorite subjects to paint?

My favorite subjects to paint are Aztec/Maya and psychedelic plants; including Marijuana, Peyote and Mushrooms.


3. How did you get into art? How long have you been Painting?

I have been doing art since I was in elementary school, yet its been natural to me for a very long time. I fell in love with the idea of being able to create something from nothing. I have been painting for approximately 2 years, but have been creating art from a young age. I was inspired by my native roots, and felt compelled to continue the ways of my ancestors.


4. How long do you usually spend on one piece and what mediums are you using? Paintbrushes, paint, canvases etc…

The estimated time frame for a certain piece depends on whether I’m painting, sculpting, carving or wood burning. The time spent on a painting generally is a couple of days depending on the size of the canvas and the complexity of the design. I use all different sorts of mediums such as; paint, wood, canvases, jeans, shoes, hats, clay, and wooden pipes.


5. What is your favorite way to smoke bong, pipe, joints, blunts?

I like to spark my creativity with some bowl hits from my custom made pipes and bongs. I also enjoy to roll up and burn fat joints.


6. Who/What inspires you?

 My biggest inspirations are my Son, my family, and my culture.


7. Who is your favorite artist/painter?

One of my favorite artists at the moment is my good friend and upcoming artist, Starve The Wolf. We inspire each other and are a team.

8. What kind of music do you listen to while you paint?

 My music of choice is Hip hop, for it speaks to me and is relevant to my struggle. “Keep It Lit”


Follow TOONZ @toonz89 or find him on Facebook @ [email protected]

Stoners love Marijuana Artist and we do to. If you are an artist and would like to see yourself and art on the site send us your Stoner Art to [email protected] or click on the button below. Please send a complete bio about yourself be as creative possible this is a stoner web site. Stay blazed!


Fernando TOONZ Juarez – Featured Marijuana Artist

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