How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

CBD is great for treating various illness in all pets and especially dogs. How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD? Hot spots on your dog can be painful and easily infected. Identifying infected patches is fundamental to the health of your dog. The infection is mostly in one position, i.e., localized in nature. They develop as a result of bacteria that continuously grow on the surface of your dog’s skin.

Hot spots might be due to low immunity levels including allergies, age, or sometimes the breed. Breeds with extra thick and extra-long fur coats are prone to hot spots. Also, if your dog’s fur and skin are continuously wet due to saliva or moist environment, then your dog may quickly develop hot spots at any given time.

With the moist skin, it becomes irritable and quite itchy. After the itching starts the caring for it should be immediate. Less, you risk your dog suffering from a skin infection.

How hot spots come to be?

The licking and itchiness often result in bacteria growth due to the warm and moist conditions on the dog’s skin. The growth results in bacteria imbalance which irritates. The dog bites and chews on the surface to gain relief. However, it inflicts trauma, causing breakage of the skin.

How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis
How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

Besides, the biting and chewing disrupt the hair follicles, which is painful for the dog. This leaves the infected region bare, and if you touch the area with moist acute dermatitis, the dog flinches in pain. It is essential to keep your dog dry at all times.

However, keeping your dog dry at all times is impossible as they continuously lick themselves. Therefore, it is fundamental to know the different ways in which you can provide relief to your dog suffering from hot spot moist dermatitis.

How do you diagnose hot spots and treat them with CBD?

Diagnosing your dog early is the first step towards treating hot spots. Most importantly, early diagnosis prevents the spread of hot spots. Knowing how to identify the signs of hot spots on your dog is crucial. Hotspots do not manifest in a single location, i.e., the legs; they can appear in their limbs (fore and hind), their chest, head, neck, etc.

Some of the symptoms to look out for include:

  • Moist fur especially matte coats.
  • Any form of swelling or inflamed areas.
  • Highly scaly and dehydrated skin.
  • Sores with crusted surfaces.
  • Flinching or pain whenever you touch him in a specific area.
  • Hair loss and baldness.
  • Excessive chewing and licking; not standard according to your observations.
  • Sadness or extreme aggression due to pain can also be a symptom of hotspots.

Once identified, it is time to give your dog a proper treatment to provide him with the relief he needs.

  • Clean the infected area 

Cleaning the area involves putting into practice your grooming schedule. It is vital to completely shave the infected part and the surrounding area as well. In case the infection has pus, the fur may get stuck in the discharge, which is not only painful for the dog but also uncomfortable. Also, it can cause the infection to spread to other areas making treatment challenging.

Use clean water to wash off the pus. Add antiseptics to prevent further infections and to get rid of bacteria from the sore areas. Thoroughly clean the wound, especially if it’s oozing pus. Cleaning the wound twice a day. Be sure to keep it clean and dry at all times.

  • Soothe and gently massage the wound 

Once it is clean, you can use a soft and dry washing cloth to dry the wound. At the same time, you can gently press on the wound and the affected area. It massages the injury providing relief from inflammation. Moving your soft cloth smoothly also includes assistance from irritation and possible itching feeling the dog might have. After it’s all dry, it is time to treat the dog.

How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

  • Use CBD oil topically and orally for the treatment 

When people hear of CBD for treatment of hot spots, the first question they ask, “Is CBD good for my pet?” Well, studies indicate the functions of CBD oil when it comes to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Applying CBD oil is not advisable as it will increase the moisture; you should give your dog CBD oil orally.

How to Treat Dog Hot Spots With CBD: Moist Dermatitis

Taking CBD oil orally provides the chance for the CBD to bond with the dog’s endocannabinoid system. As a result, it improves the dog’s skin health and immunity levels.

Besides, you can also use CBD topical ointment for your pet. Apply the CBD topical ointment on the affected areas; use it to massage the dry patches on your skin. CBD topical ointment protects the skin from allergenic factors that may lead to the development of hot spots such as tick bites.

Purchasing CBD oil for your pet

CBD soothes the dog’s skin, preventing itching. It promotes healing and ensures better lipid production for healthy dog skin. However, there is an influx of CBD products on the market today. It is essential to ensure that you are buying from a local cannabis store. A legitimate store will test the product and provide all the crucial information you need about the product. Also, you reap the benefits of using the CBD after a short while of treatment implementation.


Ensure that the sore area is clean at all times. Pat it dry and apply the CBD treatment regularly. With the above form of care and maintenance, the wound and hot spot will heal in a short period.