5 Ways To Speed Up Cannabis Growth

Growing cannabis has become a popular hobby for many, especially with its increasing legalization across various regions. However, like with any plant, achieving the desired growth can take time.

Whether you’re new to this green endeavor or a seasoned grower looking for tips to accelerate the growth of your cannabis plants, here are five effective ways to get those buds blooming faster.

1. Optimal Temperature and Humidity

Cannabis plants are just like us, they too thrive in certain conditions. Providing the ideal temperature and humidity is essential to ensure that they grow properly and bear healthy buds. During the vegetative stage, cannabis plants prefer a slightly warmer environment, typically around 70-85°F. This temperature range helps the plant to grow and develop roots properly. As the flowering stage sets in, it’s important to drop the temperature to around 65-80°F. This temperature range helps the plant to produce bigger and denser buds.

Apart from temperature, relative humidity (RH) also plays a vital role in the growth of cannabis plants. In the early stages, a higher RH of about 70% is great as it helps the plant to retain more moisture and grow faster. However, as the plant matures, gradually reducing the humidity to about 40% by the flowering stage can lead to healthier buds. This is because a lower level of humidity during the flowering stage helps to prevent mold and mildew growth and also helps to increase the potency of the buds.

Therefore, it’s important to maintain the ideal temperature and humidity levels throughout the different stages of cannabis growth to ensure maximum yield and quality.

2. Nutrition Matters

Feeding your cannabis plants the right nutrients in the correct amounts is crucial for their growth and development. In addition to ready-made nutrient mixes available in the market, there are several natural ways to provide your plants with the essential nutrients that they need. For instance, compost tea is a great source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth. You may also consider using fish emulsion, which is rich in micronutrients like iron, calcium, and zinc.


Furthermore, it’s important to keep in mind that different stages of plant growth require different nutrient ratios. During the vegetative stage, plants need higher levels of nitrogen to support leafy growth, while during the flowering stage, they require more phosphorus and potassium to support the development of buds. Therefore, it’s crucial to monitor your plants closely and adjust the nutrient intake accordingly.

Regularly checking your plants for any signs of nutrient deficiencies is also crucial. Yellowing or drooping leaves are common signs of nutrient deficiencies. If you notice any such signs, it’s important to take immediate action to address the issue. Adjusting the nutrient intake can help in most cases, but if the issue persists, you may need to consider other factors like pH levels, lighting, and temperature to ensure optimal growth and health of your cannabis plants.

3. Efficient Lighting

The role of light in plant growth cannot be overstated. The importance of using the right type of grow lights cannot be ignored. LED grow lights have become increasingly popular among growers due to their energy efficiency and their ability to emit full-spectrum light. Many reputable brands such as Batagrowlight and Boyagrowlight offer some of the best options available in the market. These lights are designed to replicate sunlight, providing plants with the necessary light intensity and spectrum for healthy growth.


During the vegetative stage, cannabis plants require about 18 hours of light to support their growth. Moreover, during the flowering stage, cannabis plants require 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to encourage the development of buds. It is important to note that plants require different light spectrums throughout different stages of growth. For instance, blue light is ideal during the vegetative stage, while red light is more suitable during the flowering stage.


It is also important to monitor the distance between the grow lights and the plants. If the grow lights are too close to the plants, they may burn and damage them. On the other hand, if the grow lights are too far away, they may not provide enough light intensity for healthy growth. Thus, it is recommended to maintain an appropriate distance between the grow lights and the plants, depending on the type and intensity of the lights used.

4. Pruning and Training

Pruning your cannabis plants is a common practice among growers as it has been shown to speed up the plant’s growth. This technique involves removing unnecessary leaves and branches from the plants, which allows the plant to direct more of its energy to the main cola and buds. While it may seem counterintuitive to remove parts of the plant, it is important to note that doing so can help the plant reach its full potential.


In addition to pruning, training techniques such as ‘Low-Stress Training’ (LST) can also be employed to encourage bushier growth and improve light penetration. The LST technique involves bending and tying down the plant’s stems, which encourages the plant to grow horizontally and develop more bud sites. By doing this, the buds will receive more light, which will result in bigger yields and higher-quality flowers.


For those who are new to growing cannabis, it can be intimidating to try these techniques out on their own. Fortunately, there are resources available to guide you through the process. Websites like Hempful Farms provide helpful guides on pruning and training techniques, which can make the process much easier and less daunting. These resources can help you get the most out of your plants and produce high-quality cannabis that you can be proud of.

5. Monitor and Adjust pH Levels

Cannabis plants are known to thrive in slightly acidic water. The ideal pH range for these plants is between 6.0 to 7.0, which is slightly acidic. Keeping the pH level within this range is essential to ensure that the plant roots can absorb all the vital nutrients efficiently. It is imperative to regularly check the pH levels of both your water and soil to maintain this balance. If there is any deviation from the ideal range, worry not, as there are many products available in the market that can help you adjust the pH levels to suit the needs of your cannabis plants. Remember, maintaining the right pH level is crucial to the health and growth of your plants.



Speeding up cannabis growth requires a balance of various factors. It’s like a dance between nature and nurture. Always keep yourself updated with the latest techniques and products. Websites like Hempful Farms and Farmers Classic are excellent resources for growers of all levels. Happy growing!